100字范文 > DC/DC转换器 DC/DC converter英语短句 例句大全

DC/DC转换器 DC/DC converter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-14 09:56:09


DC/DC转换器 DC/DC converter英语短句 例句大全

DC/DC转换器,DC/DC converter

1)DC/DC converterDC/DC转换器

1.DC/DC converter LT3496 and its applications in driving multichannels LED;DC/DC转换器LT3496及其在多通道LED驱动器上的应用

2.Design of high frequency PWMDC/DC converter;高频PWMDC/DC转换器设计

3.Research and Design of Core Blocks in DC/DC Converter;DC/DC转换器中核心模块的研究与设计


1.Research and Design of Core Blocks in DC/DC Converter;DC/DC转换器中核心模块的研究与设计

2.Design of a Low Voltage Start-up PWM DC/DC Converter;低压启动PWMDC/DC转换器的设计

3.Design of A High-Efficiency Boost DC/DC Converter;高效率升压式DC/DC转换器的设计

4.The Low Frequency Noise Measurement Method of Resistance and DC/DC Converter;电阻及DC/DC转换器低频噪声检测技术

5.Research and Design of a Step-down DC/DC Converter一种降压型DC/DC转换器的研究与设计

6.Research and Design of Buck DC/DC ConverterBuckDC/DC转换器研究与设计

7.Design of the Current Sampling Circuit for DC/DC ConvertersDC/DC转换器中电流采样电路的设计

8.Design of High Frequency PWM DC/DC Converter高频PWMDC/DC转换器的设计

9.Design of the Radiation Damage Prognostic Cell for DC/DC Converters Based On VDMOS Transistors Radiation DamageVDMOS器件损伤的DC/DC转换器辐射预兆单元设计

10.Design and Implementation of Multi-Mode High-Efficiency Synchronous BUCK DC/DC Converter;多模式高效同步BUCK型DC/DC转换器的设计与实现

11.Research on Radiation Damage and Noise Character Parameter of PWM in DC/DC Convertor;DC/DC转换器中PWM辐照损伤及噪声表征参量研究

12.Design of Multiple Outputs Buck DC/DC Converter IC;多路输出DC/DC转换器专用集成电路设计

13.A Novel Error-Amplifier for DC-DC Converter一种用于DC-DC转换器的误差放大器

14.A Current-control-mode Step-Down DC-DC Converter;电流模式降压型DC-DC转换器的设计

15.Analysis and Design of a Boost DC-DC Converter;升压型DC-DC转换器芯片的分析与设计

16.Design of on Chip 3.3V-2.5V DC-DC Regulator;片上3.3V-2.5V DC-DC转换器的设计

17.The Research and Design of Buck DC-DC Converter降压型DC-DC转换器的研究与设计

18.Research of Selecting the Best Inductor for DC-DC ConverterDC-DC转换器中电感的选择研究


DC/DC converterDC-DC转换器

3)DC-DC converterDC-DC转换器

1.Design of high-efficiencyDC-DC converter with full load;全负载下实现高效率的DC-DC转换器芯片设计

2.A compact and well performance soft star circuit is designed for monolithicDC-DC converter to eliminate strike-voltage and depress surge-current.设计了一款用于单片集成DC-DC转换器的简洁而高效的软启动电路,该电路消除了芯片启动时的过压冲击并有效地降低了浪涌电流。

3.A micropower boostingDC-DC converter was designed.设计了一种低功耗升压型PFMDC-DC转换器。

4)DC/DC converterDC/DC转换

1.In the new UPS, we can transform AC 220V to DC 300V by rectificating and filtering, or transform battery’s voltage to DC 300V byDC/DC converter, and then ,we can convert DC 300V to all kinds of voltage for PC, don’t change to AC 220V again.液晶显示器已取代传统CRT显示器,个人电脑的主机和显示器都由直流供电;在新型UPS中可将交流220V整流滤波成300V直流电,或将电池电压经DC/DC升压至300V,后将300V直流电经DC/DC转换成计算机所需的各组直流电,无需再逆变回交流220V;这种利用高效率的DC/DC转换器设计无逆变电路的UPS电源,可节省UPS电源的能量损耗和成本,并进一步提高电路的可靠性。

2.In order to realize a function of multipleDC/DC converter,a solution of system design for a switch regulated power supply combined with linear regulated power supply is proposed.分析了CCD相机外部单路供电,并为实现多路DC/DC转换功能,提出了一种开关型稳压电源与线性稳压电源相结合的系统设计方案。

5)DC-DC converterDC-DC转换

1.throughDC-DC converter.此系统中,直流低电压通过DC-DC转换模块转换为直流高电压。

2.This paper,based on the technology of PWM and AD MCU,introduced a design of switch power supply,consisting 3 parts: the control system with MCU,theDC-DC converter and the module of display and keyboard.电源主要单片机控制模块、DC-DC转换模块和显示键盘模块组成。

6)multi-phases transformer of DC-DC多相 DC-DC 转换器

1.micro-processor were drived withmulti-phases transformer of DC-DC were introduced in the pape本文主要介绍驱动高性能 ASIC 和微处理器的多相 DC-DC 转换器设计方案及应用。


