100字范文 > 风能行业 wind energy Industry英语短句 例句大全

风能行业 wind energy Industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-27 12:32:33


风能行业 wind energy Industry英语短句 例句大全

风能行业,wind energy Industry

1)wind energy Industry风能行业

2)industrial quality行业作风

1.To seize the opportunity of building up hospital with sincerity and honesty and promoteindustrial quality construction by culture construction;以创诚信医院为契机,以文化建设促行业作风建设

3)Industry risk行业风险


1.Risk Analysis and Management for Venture Capital of Chinese Software Industry;我国软件行业风险投资的风险分析及管理

2.A Study of the Integration of the Credit Risk and the Market Risk Facing Banks;银行业信用风险与市场风险整合研究

3.On Agricultural Risk Evasion and Agricultural Insurance in the New Period农业风险的规避与农业保险运行机制

4.Research on Risk Problems in Insurance Company and Commercial Bank;保险公司和商业银行的风险问题研究

5.On the Risk and Mutual Profit of the Bank Assurance in China;我国银行保险业务的风险与共赢分析

6.A Study on the Feasibility of Securitization of Insurance Risks in China;我国保险业风险证券化的可行性研究

7.The banking industry is a sector of high liability and high risks.银行业是一个高负债高风险的行业。

8.Guarding against Risks of Commercial Banks and Reforming of Bank Industry in Our Country商业银行风险防范与我国银行业改革

9.Initial-issue underwriting risk includes policy risk, issuer risk, bought-deal risk.证券公司的新股承销业务面对的风险主要有政策风险、发行人风险、包销风险和信用风险等;

10.The Transmission of Commercial Banks Risk and Construction of Overall Risk Management Framework;商业银行风险传递与全面风险管理体系构建

11.Credit Risk of Commercial Bank from the Perspective of Risk Transfer;基于风险转移视角的商业银行信用风险研究

12.Discussion on the Risk Control Culture and Risk Control Ability of the Banking Business;试论银行业的风险管理文化与风险管理能力

13.Study on Commercial Bank Credit Risk Assessing Model Based on Credit Risk Degree;基于信用风险度的商业银行风险评估模型研究

14.ERM-The Newest Development of Risk-Management for Commercial Bank;全面风险管理 商业银行风险管理的新发展

15.New Development of Credit Risk Models and Risk Management of Commercial Bank;信用风险模型的新发展与商业银行风险管理

16.The Risks Faced by Chinese Banking Business and the Transformation of the Risk Management;中国银行业面临的风险及风险管理的转变

17.The Empirical Analysis of Commercial Banks Operational Risk and the Calculation of Venture Capital;商业银行操作风险的实证分析与风险资本计量

18.Coordinating the Risk Management within the Commercial Bank and the Risk Supervision outside it.;商业银行内部风险管理与外部风险监管的协调


industrial quality行业作风

1.To seize the opportunity of building up hospital with sincerity and honesty and promoteindustrial quality construction by culture construction;以创诚信医院为契机,以文化建设促行业作风建设

3)Industry risk行业风险

4)energy industry能源行业

1.With entering into the 21st century, the financial situation, advantages and deficiencies of those listed companies of Chinaenergy industry have been analyzed based on financial data accumulated within three years in this paper, and comparison made between related industries in China and other countries.进入21世纪,我国能源行业上市公司财务状况如何,有哪些优势和不足,本文用连续三年累计财务数据作了具体分析,并同中外有关行业进行了比较。

2.Theenergy industry is the key sector of national economy of China, which contributes greatly towards the stability, health and the sustainable development of the economy.能源行业是国民经济的支柱行业,对国家的经济稳定、健康、持续的发展起到了重要的作用,并且能源行业自身体现出一定的行业特性,研究能源行业的收益质量测量体系具有更深远的现实意义。

5)industry skill行业技能

1.The curriculum can divide into basic theory,industry skill and subject forefront information according to educational objective of higher vocational educa.根据高职培养目标和行业发展需求,可将课程分成基础理论、行业技能和学科前沿信息三类模块。

6)Scenery Sites Trade风景区行业


