100字范文 > 营销策略 marketing strategy英语短句 例句大全

营销策略 marketing strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-23 06:38:33


营销策略 marketing strategy英语短句 例句大全

营销策略,marketing strategy

1)marketing strategy营销策略

1.A study on the internationalmarketing strategy of Chinese construction companies;中国建筑企业国际化市场营销策略研究

2.Customermarketing strategy of power supply company;浅议供电公司的客户化营销策略

3.Simple analysis about the internationalmarketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country;我国中小企业国际市场营销策略浅析


1.designed a marketing strategy for the new product.为新产品制定营销策略.

2.The Sales & Marketing Strategy Study for XAHOTELXAHOTEL的市场营销策略研究

3.A Research on Key Account Marketing Strategy of Industry Product Marketing;工业品营销中的大客户营销策略研究

4.A Probe into the city marketing strategy in the view of experiencing marketing;体验营销视角下的城市营销策略探析

5.The analysis of the real estate marketing strategy;房地产全程营销中市场营销策略分析

6.Application of Viral Marketing Strategy in Internet Marketing;病毒性营销策略在网络营销中的应用

7.E-Marketing and the Reform of Chinese Enterprise s Marketing Strategies;电子营销与中国企业营销策略的变革

8.Exploratory Research on the Tactics of Knowledge Marketing-Taking the marketingtactics of HDTV for example;知识营销的策略初探——以HDTV的营销策略为例

9.A Study on the Online Marketing Strategy and Operation Management of the Call Center呼叫中心在线营销运营管理与营销策略研究

10.The Research of Service Marketing Strategy for XL Co., Ltd;XL汽车销售公司服务营销策略研究

11.Expanding power supply and broadening marketing,a forever marketing strategy for power supply enterprise;增供扩销——供电企业永远的营销策略

12.Chinese enterprise s marketing strategies against anti-dumping;中国企业应对反倾销的营销策略思考

13.On the Development of the Creativity of Postgraduates中国石油湖南销售公司营销策略研究

14.Privately Owned TV Programming Company s Marketing Strategy;民营电视节目制作公司营销策略探讨

15.Analysis on the Marketing Strategies of Chinese Telecom Running Corporations;中国电信运营企业市场营销策略分析

16.The 3G Mobile Phone Marketing Strategy Study for the 3G Operator;基于运营商的3G手机营销策略研究

17.A Research on the Marketing Strategy of Western Private Training Organization;中国西部民营培训机构营销策略研究

18.An Approach to the Tactics of operation and Sale in the Course of Agricultural Commercialization;农业产业化经营中市场营销策略探讨


marketing tactics营销策略

1.On Recessive Marketing Tactics of Grape Wine Industry;略论葡萄酒业的隐性营销策略

2.Open up electric power market by implementing "Customerization"marketing tactics;实施“客户化”营销策略开拓电力市场

3.Analysis on excelling the structure of data communication service and making outmarketing tactics;数据通信业务优化结构分析及营销策略制订

3)marketing strategies营销策略

1.Analysis of the living condition andmarketing strategies of construction enterprises in our country;我国建筑企业的生存现状及营销策略分析

4)marketing tactic营销策略

1.A Study on Marketing Tactic of Luoyang Dingda Clothes & Shoes & Caps Co. Ltd;洛阳鼎大服装鞋帽公司市场营销策略研究

5)marketing policy营销策略

B Dalian Changxing Island Sub-branch s Company Business Marketing Policy Research;建行大连长兴岛支行公司业务营销策略研究

2.The Study about Village Marketing Policy of Kelon Company;科龙公司农村市场营销策略分析

3.The writing give us an analysis of status of costing control in Metro Corporation s operation from working stratagem, science system, strategy of phases,marketing policy.着重从经营战略、阶段重点、营销策略、科学体系、推进策略等角度对成本控制在地铁企业经营中的战略定位进行了分

6)Market Strategy营销策略

1.In this article, we will use theoretical knowledge of the cooperation and the characteristic of the Xinrui technology to analyze the market opportunity、industry competition、target market、products and services and market strategy.本文将根据企业运营的相关理论知识,结合鑫瑞科技的特点对广域网加速市场当中的市场机会、行业竞争、目标市场、产品与服务、营销策略等进行重点分析,从而得出鑫瑞科技作为新的进入者进入广域网加速市场的运营模式,以及如何运用这种运营模式,实现企业营销策略以及最终目标。

2.This article discusses the market strategy,and explores how to carry out marketing of the domestic appliances products in channels of buying in group.本文在结合我参与的一次关于F公司小家电团购业务客户方面的市场调研和所学知识,探讨在小家电市场中,我们经销商怎样从团购渠道开展产品营销工作,探讨小家电团购业务的营销策略。


