100字范文 > 西宁方言语序类型 Xining dialects order type英语短句 例句大全

西宁方言语序类型 Xining dialects order type英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-21 17:12:11


西宁方言语序类型 Xining dialects order type英语短句 例句大全

西宁方言语序类型,Xining dialect"s order type

1)Xining dialect"s order type西宁方言语序类型

2)Xining Dialect西宁方言

1.About the continuant tone sandhi of Xining dialect;西宁方言二字组连读变调研究

2.The word"er"in standard dialect is retroflexedly uttered,but not in Xining dialect.“儿”字在普通话中发音时有卷舌动作,在西宁方言中则没有,因而在作为词语后缀时与普通话相比,有分读与合读的区别,对前一音节韵母、声调的影响上有着不同的规律。


1.The Comparison Between Xi ning Dialect and Wu Dialect西宁方言与吴方言的一些语言现象之比较

2.The Comparative Study on Xining Dialect and the "Er-Eending"of Standard Dialect;西宁方言与普通话“儿”尾的对比研究

3.On pronunciation and grammer of XiNing dialect;西宁方言中“下”的读音及用法分析

4.Xining Dialect "s "Ha" \"Lia" Associated with the Order and its Typological Characteristics西宁方言的“哈”、“俩”及其语序类型学特点

5.The Comparison of Xining Dialect SOV Sentences with the Altai Language Grammar西宁方言SOV句式与境内阿尔泰诸语言语法比较

6.Xining Dialect"s Adposition Associated with the Order and Its Typological Characteristics西宁方言中与语序有关的附置词及其类型学特点

7.On Alternative Questions of Tongxin Dialect in Ningxia and the Origin of the "X + 吗 (ma) + Y" Construction Pattern in the Northwest Dialects;宁夏同心话的选择性问句——兼论西北方言“X吗Y”句式的来历

8.This paper gives a general study on prepositions of Xining dialect and the surrounding areas and on various ways of expression of their related meanings.本文初步考察了西宁及周边地区汉语方言的介词及其相关义的各种表达法。

9.Illustration of Dialect Homophone Misuse in the Chapter of Dialects in Records of History in Hexi District;河西方志方言章误用“方言同音字”类举

10.The Dialect in the Eastern Boundary of Ninxiang and Xiangxiang County in Hunan;湖南宁乡与湘乡边界东段的方言状况

11.Liaoning dialect additional affix adjective form;辽宁方言的两种附加词缀形容词格式

12.The Grammaticalization of "Xianghua" in the FuNing Dialogue;阜宁方言程度副词“象话”的语法化

13.On the Structure "Locative Object + qu" in Ningguo Dialect;宁国方言里的“处所宾语+去”格式

14.A Historical Retrospect on Ningbo s Opening-up to the West and the Formation of the Ningbo Gang;西方开埠宁波的历史回顾和宁波帮的形成

15.A Review of Leninist Theory of Political Parties by "Western Leninology;评“西方列宁学”关于列宁政党学说的观点

16.Vocabulary Differences between Jiangxi s Wucheng Dialect and Nanchang Dialect;江西吴城方言与南昌方言的词汇差别

17.Phonic Differences between Jiangxi s Wucheng Dialect and Nanchang Dialect;江西吴城方言与南昌方言的语音差别

18.Some young people in the West fear marriage and would rather cohabitate.西方社会一些年轻人怕结婚,宁愿同居。


Xining Dialect西宁方言

1.About the continuant tone sandhi of Xining dialect;西宁方言二字组连读变调研究

2.The word"er"in standard dialect is retroflexedly uttered,but not in Xining dialect.“儿”字在普通话中发音时有卷舌动作,在西宁方言中则没有,因而在作为词语后缀时与普通话相比,有分读与合读的区别,对前一音节韵母、声调的影响上有着不同的规律。

3)program language type程序语言类型

4)Language type语言类型

1.However, it is a really discussible question that there is infinitive in Mongolian language that belongs to very different language types and with quite different grammatical structure.然而对于语言类型不同、语法结构迥异的蒙古语提出动词不定式是一个值得讨论的问题。

5)Observations of Verbal Aspect in Xining Dialect西宁方言的体貌

6)western linguistics西方语言学

1.The attitude of critical acception and development toward bothwestern linguistics and traditional Chinese linguistics should be adopted.本文从语言在当代的重要性这一话题入手,分析了语言学研究方法在当代的变化趋势;提出语言学研究方法应该是多样化的;对于西方语言学,既不应该全盘否定,也不应该亦步亦趋地盲目接受;对于中国传统语言学,既要认识到它的弊端,也要继承它的精华。

2.Therefore,our urgency is to find out the essential differences between Chinese and Western linguistics as well as translation theories.西方语言学理论和翻译理论博大精深,但它们的许多基本观点同样可以在中国古代哲学、传统译论、传统语言学和文学理论中找到。

3.Secondly, I expounded certain points in the theory of Western linguistics and their impacts to the contemporary architecture of the West.首先笔者指出,在人类文化领域内,语言在表达中居于首要地位,并阐述了西方语言学理论的某些观点以及它们对西方当代建筑学所产生的影响;同时指出,西方语言学将表意语言排除在其主要研究之外,给自身和受到其影响的建筑学领域都带来了缺失和遗憾;进一步地,笔者通过对西方语言学理论中的这种缺失—表意语言中的典型代表—汉语汉字的分析,总结出其中的方法论,并结合自身的建筑实践,表明了汉语文本的方法论成份在当代建筑创作中的价值。


青海土话—西宁方言词语街-------该 爸爸-------阿大 女孩------丫头[无鄙夷,他们就那么叫.气人不.] 农村人-----壮指头 青海的----茄子 没有-----毛有 青海话里姑舅是表哥、表弟的意思 吸烟______拉虚 打人的东西______家私 小子__________鞭娃 旧式打火机________搓烂手 黄芙蓉________黄求还 女朋友__________婉子 丑女孩儿_________**年宝宝 快速________拉展 小灵通-----歪歪操, 实事求是-----四四求四, 湟源人让你先去洗衣服----你先死刺.你死吊了脑死. 阳光男孩----------日头鞭娃
