100字范文 > 语文教育改革 Reform of Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

语文教育改革 Reform of Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-26 10:18:24


语文教育改革 Reform of Chinese Education英语短句 例句大全

语文教育改革,Reform of Chinese Education

1)Reform of Chinese Education语文教育改革

1.Reflective Teaching andReform of Chinese Education;反思性教学与语文教育改革


1.Deepening the Reform of Language and Literature Education;全面实施素质教育,深化语文教育改革

2.The Significant Effect of the Extensive Discussion of the Chinese language Education on the Chinese language Education Reformation;语文教育大讨论对语文教育改革的重大影响

3.College Chinese Educational Reform under “Humanism” Notion;“人文”观照下的大学语文教育改革

4.On Hierarchical Multi-form Chinese Language Education in the Broad Sense--Conceptions about Chinese Language Teaching Reform inHigher Vocational Colleges;分层次多形式的大语文教育——对高职院校语文教育改革的几点构想

5.The Reform of the Education of Chinese in the New Century Calls for the Ability Standard of Teachers--On the Quality of the Middle School Teachers of Chinese;新世纪语文教育改革呼唤能力本位——中学语文教师素质摭谈

6.College Chinese Innovate Based on Humanity Quality Development and Language Ability Promotion;基于人文素质培养和语文能力提升的大学语文教育改革论

7.A retrospect of the Chinese teaching in the past 30 years;近30年我国语文教育改革的历史回顾与思考


9.Humanity Education and Reform of Literature Courses;人文教育与师范英语文学课程的改革

10.A Probe into Course Evaluation Reform of Chinese Pedagogy;高校《语文教育学》课程评价改革初探

11.Brief Discussions on College Chinese Curriculum Reform in Institutes of Physical Education;体育院校大学语文教学改革个案初探

12.Paying Attention to the Reform of Chinese Course and Establishing New Educadonal Concept;关注语文课程改革 树立新的教育理念

13.Reforming the System of the Language Examination to Meet the Requirements of the Quality Education;改革语文考试制度 适应素质教育需要

14.Chinese Teaching in Normal Schools Should Be Connected with Its Curriculum Reform as Soon as Possible;师范院校语文教育应尽快与语文课程改革接轨

15.Humane Quality Education and the Reform of College Chinese Course in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高专人文素质教育与"大学语文"课程改革

16.On the Reform of Chinese Education Theoretical Courses in Teachers Colleges论师范院校语文教育理论课教学改革和实验

17.Modern Chinese Teaching Reform and College Humanistic Quality Education;现代汉语教学改革与大学人文素质教育

18.Discussion on "Chinese Subject Education" series courseand teaching material whole reform;语文科教育学"系列课程和教材整体改革刍议


reform of culture and education文化教育改革

3)Chinese teaching reform语文教学改革

1.TheChinese teaching reform should be guided by the idea of scientific development.中学语文教学改革必须以科学发展观为指导。

2.The implementation of elastic learning system has set up a platform for practisingChinese teaching reforms in vocational schools.弹性学习制度的施行为职业学校语文教学改革搭建了平台。

3.In order to deepenChinese teaching reform , Chinese teachers and students alike should seek honesty and facts in teaching and studying instead of false or formalism.要克服这些弊端,深化语文教学改革,根本的途径就是语文教师和学生去伪求诚,去虚求实。

4)Chinese Language and Literature reformation语文教材改革

1.This kind of theory of linking has a directive meaning for present and futureChinese Language and Literature reformation.这种“接轨论”对我国现在及今后的语文教材改革具有深远的指导意义。

5)educational reform教育改革

1.To Lead Educational Reform with Educational Technology;用教育技术引领教育改革——论我国教育技术的定位(二)

2.Teachers College Students Information Accomplishment and Teachers′educational reform;师范生信息素养与教师教育改革初探

3.Methods of thinking and theeducational reform in mathematics;思想方法与数学教育改革

6)education reformation教育改革

1.This paper translates and introduces the content and characteristic of collegeeducation reformation in Korea and Japan.本文编译介绍了韩国和日本大学教育改革的内容和特点,阐述其对中国大学的影响,研究和探讨中国大学教育的改革现状,以实现大学教育的国际化,特性化,多样化。

2.According to the new change of library enterprise in the informatization environment,this article analyzes the actuality of library science education,and probes into strategies of library scienceeducation reformation.针对信息化环境下图书馆事业的新变化,分析研究图书馆学教育现状,探讨图书馆学教育改革的对策。

3.This paper, on the basis of analyzing the feasibility and necessity of knowledge management in colleges, discusses the relationship between knowledge management and school effectiveness, and puts forward strategies of impelling knowledge management along with theeducation reformation.本文在分析高校知识管理的可行性和必要性的基础上,通过探讨知识管理与学校效能的关系,结合高校教育改革,提出了推行知识管理的策略。


