100字范文 > 法治秩序 rule of law order英语短句 例句大全

法治秩序 rule of law order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 13:50:28


法治秩序 rule of law order英语短句 例句大全

法治秩序,rule of law order

1)rule of law order法治秩序


1.Rule of Law and Rule of Law in China’s Countryside;论法治秩序与中国乡村社会法治秩序

2.WPublic opinion:An Important force which promote formation of the rule of the law;公共舆论:推进法治秩序形成的力量

3.ADR Multi-dispute-solved System and Law-ruled Order;ADR的多元纠纷解决机制与法治秩序

4.Construction of the Order of Rule by Law in Modern Countryside in Ethnic Areas;论民族地区现代乡村法治秩序的构建

5.The Citizens Participation in Law:The Main Strength to the Order Of Rule of Law;公民的法律参与:法治秩序运行的主体性支撑

6.Study on Grassroots Legal Order Structure during Yuan-Ming-Qing Dynasty according to Ethnic Village Conventions;元明清基层法治秩序的结构——以民族乡约为视角

7.The Transform of Social Structure of Contemporary China and the Order of Responsiveness Law;当代中国社会结构转型与回应型法治秩序

8.On the Covert Order and Overt Order of Society;论社会隐秩序与显秩序——兼论德治与法治的关系

9.The Rule by Law and the Rule of Virtue--the Pillar of the Civilized Order in Modern Society;法治与德治——现代社会文明秩序的支柱

10.Liberty Order --Expounding Von Hayek s Viewpoint on Common Law;自由秩序——解读哈耶克的普通法法治观

11.Justice and Order :the Key Values of to Administer the Country by Law正义和秩序:依法治国的核心价值

12.Promotion of Orderly Internal Politics Bill促进国内政治秩序化法案

13.There is a weary breakdown of law and order.法律和秩序或治安严重崩溃。

14.Examination Legislation:A Fundamental Measure to Standardize the Examination Order;考试立法:规范考试秩序的治本之策

15.Discussion on Law of Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration to the Maintenance of Social Order;论《治安管理处罚法》对社会秩序的维护

16.Essence of the Rule of Law: the Dynamic Balance between Freedom and Order;法治的实质:自由与秩序的动态平衡

17.Justice and Order: Core of Value Target on Running a State by Law;正义和秩序:依法治国的核心价值目标

18.Order without Law;无需法律的秩序——法治理想国与真实的法治世界


legal order法治秩序

1.It couples and sustains the statelegal order, meanwhile conspires and conflicts with the statelegal order, interacting and forming an intensive tension with the latter.NGO的民间治理对转型中国具有重大意义,它不仅与国家法秩序形成了耦合支撑、多元均衡、共谋与冲突等互动和张力状态,而且,还赋有反思性的对话协调机制、公民性社会资本的生成机制、公共领域的运行机制、自生自发秩序的衍生机制等秩序生发机制,从而为法治秩序提供了重要基础和支撑。

3)rule of law法治秩序

1.The very important aspect of establishingrule of law in China lies in the establishment ofrule of law in the rural society.文章将视角放在转型时期的乡村社会 ,提出在依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家的大背景下 ,建构乡村社会法治秩序。

4)the order ruled by law法治秩序

1.It is demanded by the principle of running the country by law to buildthe order ruled by law in the countryside.法治秩序在乡村的建立是依法治国的必然要求,但是社区情理的普遍存在是转型期乡村社会的客观现实,无法撇开社区情理来谈论乡村的法制建设。

5)social order theory on rule of law法治社会秩序论

1.From the point of the history of idea, there are three inner structural paradigms concerned with the relationship between polity and rule of law:instrumentalism on rule of law, teleology on rule of rule andsocial order theory on rule of law.从思想史的角度,主要有三种法治与政体之间内在理论结构的范式:法治工具主义论、法治目的主义论和法治社会秩序论。

6)rule of law order construction法治秩序建构


