100字范文 > 方言保护 protection of dialects英语短句 例句大全

方言保护 protection of dialects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-25 20:18:31


方言保护 protection of dialects英语短句 例句大全

方言保护,protection of dialects

1)protection of dialects方言保护

2)dialect conservationists方言保护论

1.With the point that protecting dialects is protecting culture diversity,dialect conservationists state the importance of protecting dialects,which arouses many scholar’s refutation,By using professor Mao Han’s theory as starting point,this article not only points out the deviation of Mao Han’s theory,but also expounds the weakness of dialect conservationist’stheory.方言保护论者一直以"保护方言就是保护文化多样性"为盾,历陈保护方言的重要性,引起众多学者驳斥。

3)language protection语言保护

1.With this,thelanguage protection work has also received more public attention.随之而来的是语言保护工作的逐渐升温。


1.On the Protection of the Minority Languages--A Case Study of the Jinuo Language and the Nusu Language;论小语种的语言保护问题——以基诺语、怒苏语为例

2.On the Language Protection in the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritages非物质文化遗产保护中的语言保护:现状与对策

3.Language Life,Language Planning and Language Protection in the Course of Modernization in China;中国现代化进程中的语言生活、语言规划与语言保护

4.A Study of the Protection of Suzhou Dialect--A Survey on the Status Quo of the Dialects in the Region of Suzhou;苏州地方特色语言保护研究——对苏州地区语言生态状况的调查

5.English Hegemonism and Preservation of Linguistic Diversity;英语霸权时代民族语言多样性的保护

6.Inspiration of French Protection Policy to Chinese Language Policy法语保护政策对我国语言政策的启示

7.Review on studies of language extinction and protection of language diversity;语言消亡与保护语言多样性问题的研究评述

8.International Association for the Defence of Menaced Languages and Cultures国际保护受到威胁的语言和文化协会

9.Legal Protection of the Rights of Minority Languages Study;少数民族语言文字权的法律保护研究

10.The Protection and Utilization of Minority Language Resource of Guizhou Province;贵州少数民族语言资源的保护与利用

11.On Significance and Strategies of Protecting the Cultural Heritage of Chinese Dialects;汉语方言文化遗产保护的意义与对策

12.The Characteristics,Values and Safeguarding Tactics of Linguistic Cultural Heritage;语言文化遗产的特性、价值与保护策略

13.Legislative Protection for the Minority Nationality s Spoken and Written Language Right in China;我国少数民族语言文字权的立法保护

14.XML-based Language Network Copyright Protection Technology Periodicals;基于XML语言的网络期刊版权保护技术

15.Statement on the Protection and Development of Orogen Language in China;中国鄂伦春族语言的保护与发展述略

16.The Loss and Protection of Languages of the Weak Nations under the Worldwide Spread of English英语全球化背景下弱势民族语言的丧失与保护

17.Enhancing the Investigation of Languages Used by Underpopulated Minorities and the Protection of Endangered Languages;加强人口较少民族语言的调查及弱势和濒危语言的保护

18.A Survey to the Language Used by She People in Boluo and Zengcheng of Guangdong;广东博罗、增城畲族语言使用情况调查——保护濒危语言的重要途径


dialect conservationists方言保护论

1.With the point that protecting dialects is protecting culture diversity,dialect conservationists state the importance of protecting dialects,which arouses many scholar’s refutation,By using professor Mao Han’s theory as starting point,this article not only points out the deviation of Mao Han’s theory,but also expounds the weakness of dialect conservationist’stheory.方言保护论者一直以"保护方言就是保护文化多样性"为盾,历陈保护方言的重要性,引起众多学者驳斥。

3)language protection语言保护

1.With this,thelanguage protection work has also received more public attention.随之而来的是语言保护工作的逐渐升温。

4)Baoding dialect保定方言

1.The phenomenon of the sound-changing of the pronoun inBaoding dialect is probably caused by " the inverse assimilation" in the way of the pronunciation influencing the word before it and making its vowel " nasalized";or the retaining of the additional elements inBaoding dialect which shows the trace of its tendency from the growth to downfall in the pronunciation.保定方言中的人称代词鼻音化的音变现象可能是在发音方法上因产生"逆同化"而影响到其前字的韵使其元音"鼻化";也可能是保定方言词语间附加成分由滋长到趋向失落的痕迹在语音上的保留。

2.It is to discuss the historical developing process of"Er"by its form in theBaoding dialect and its influence to the Chinese construction.从保定方言中词尾"儿"的表现形式来讨论其历史演变过程,以及它对汉语语言结构的影响。

5)B aode dialect保德方言

6)Kangbao dialect康保方言

1.TakeKangbao dialect for example,the contact among Jin-dialect,between Jin-dialect and Mandarin,between Jin-dialect and others is the social condition.以康保方言点为例,方言内部、方言与共同语、方言与方言之间的接触,为入声舒化提供了社会条件,而在经济文化不发达的社会环境下,人们求标准、求文雅的心理则推动了入声舒化的进程。


