100字范文 > 商鞅变法 Reforms of Shang Yang英语短句 例句大全

商鞅变法 Reforms of Shang Yang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-02 02:54:54


商鞅变法 Reforms of Shang Yang英语短句 例句大全

商鞅变法,Reforms of Shang Yang

1)Reforms of Shang Yang商鞅变法

1.The major reason for the success ofReforms of Shang Yang is the mature theory of society control in Shang Yang’s legislative notion.商鞅法律思想中成熟的社会控制理论是商鞅变法取得成功的主要原因。


parison between Reforms of Shang Yang and Reforms of Wang An-shih;商鞅变法与王安石变法的比较与差异

2.On the Reason of Fall of Qin Dynasty--the reinvestigation about political reforms introduced by Shang Yang;秦亡观阐微——对商鞅变法的再探讨

3.《Lao Zi》5000 Words Was a Reaction against Shang Yang Bian Fa;《老子》五千言是对商鞅变法的逆动(下)

4.On How Shang Yang s Reform Conformed to and Integrated Cultural Tradition of Qin State;论商鞅变法对秦文化传统的顺应与整合

5.Looking at the Pre -job Training of Bilingual Teachers in History from an Example of a Lesson," The Political Reforms Introduced by Shang Yang to Start Considerable Undertakings for the Emperors During the Qin Dynasty"从“‘为秦开帝业"——商鞅变法”课例看职前历史专业双语教师培养

6.Shang Yang"s reform, an important event in the history of Qin State is highly regarded by the historians all through the ages because of its great significance to the development of Qin.商鞅变法是秦国历史上重要的事件,对于秦国的发展具有重大的意义,为历来史家所重视。

7."Law" and "Government by Law"--Shang Yang"s Legal Thought“法”与“法治”:商鞅法律思想解读

8.Shangyang vs. Qiuju:A Thought Experiment on the Transform of the Rule of Law in China;商鞅战秋菊——法治转型的一个思想实验

9.On Shang Yang’s innovation from the angle of the legality crisis;商鞅改革成败论:合法性危机的视角

10.Ideas of Management of Society Control in ShangYang"s Legislative Concepts商鞅法律思想中的社会控制理论管见

11.All up to the Fa School: Legal Thoughts of Shangyang and Hanfei;成也法家,败也法家——商鞅、韩非法治思想异同论

12.Shang Yang s Thought on Popularizing Laws and Its Enlightenment to Law Construction of China;商鞅的普法思想及其对我国法治建设的启示

13.Shangyang s Legal Thoughts and the Cultivation of the Citizens Legal Consciousness;商鞅的法律思想对公民法律意识培养的启示

14.From "governance by law" to "governance by morality" is the logical sequence of Shang Yang"s theory about law.从“法治”到“德治”,这是商鞅法学理论的逻辑过程,也是商鞅法学理论的全部内涵。

15.Tree martingale transforms and convergence of Vilenkin system树鞅鞅变换与Vilenkin系统收敛性

16.Boundedness of Martingale Transforms on Weak Hardy Spaces of Martingales鞅变换算子在弱Hardy鞅空间上的有界性

17.To act out the conception, shang worked out his econmic policy.为了使这个构想变为现实,商鞅制订了相应的农业政策。

18.Shang Yang believed that defending and fathering bureaucracy delict was the chief assignment of law building.商鞅认为,预防和治理官吏犯罪是法治建设的首要任务。


Political Reforms Introduced by Shang Yang商鞅变法

1.On the Reason of Fall of Qin Dynasty--the reinvestigation about political reforms introduced by Shang Yang;秦亡观阐微——对商鞅变法的再探讨

3)Shangyang reform商鞅变法

1.The industrial and commercial development of Qin State had going fast beforeShangyang reform,after that ,Qin State made the management about industry and commerce to be lawed.商鞅变法前有着重农重牧传统的秦国私营工商业也处于迅速发展之中,变法后商鞅在秦国建立起不同于六国的法制化工商业管理体系,形成自己独具特色的工商业发展模式,统一后秦始皇将这种管理方式推行全国,对六国的工商业经济进行整合,这种整合对秦朝的经济发展产生了重要影响。

2.This study aimed to review the historical events ofShangyang reform and analyze its strategies related to agriculture and some useful experiences.回顾了商鞅变法这一历史事件,通过分析商鞅有关农业方面的变法及有益经验,结合中国农业面临的新情况和新问题,得出了创新土地流转制度以发展规模经营模式,完善财政支农政策以调动农民生产的积极性和创造性,建立农业保险体系,促进我国农业现代化发展的启示。

4)Shang Yang legalists商鞅法家

1.Shang Yang legalists,aware of the objective reality of profit-driven human nature,abandoned humanity and justice and turned to humanities which is law-centred,and proposed the moralization thought of good morals and cultivation.商鞅法家认识到人性逐利的客观现实,摈弃仁义而转向以法度为中心的人文,提出了"德明教行"的道德教化思想。

5)A New Analysis of Shang-Yang Institutional Reform商鞅变法得失新析

6)A Study of Shang Yang s Law Philosophy商鞅法哲学研究


