100字范文 > 词形象似 configurational iconicity英语短句 例句大全

词形象似 configurational iconicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-09 16:03:55


词形象似 configurational iconicity英语短句 例句大全

词形象似,configurational iconicity

1)configurational iconicity词形象似

1.Relevance Theory is combined with phonetic iconicity andconfigurational iconicity of imagic iconicity re-spectively,to analyze the motivation of imagic iconicity.将关联理论分别与映象象似的语音象似和词形象似结合起来分析语言符号中映象象似的理据性至今很少有学者研究过。

2)the wods of Similar Appearance形似词

3)paradigm similarity词形相似

1.We propose a new algorithm that usesparadigm similarity and semantic distance to retrieval a best translation template for the input template.如何快速准确的从模板库中找到最适合输入句子的翻译模板是决定翻译成败与翻译质量的关键,本文提出一种基于词形相似和语义距离的最佳翻译模板检索算法,既保留了基于词形相似的检索算法的优点,同时又利用了翻译模板中的结构信息,实验结果表明该检索算法是一种快速效且有效的检索算法。

4)lexical iconicity词汇象似性

1.This paper divideslexical iconicity into five types named phonetic iconicity,morphological i.文章将词汇象似性划分为语音象似性、词形象似性、结构相似性和家族象似性以及隐喻象似性,并从这五个方面探讨象似性应用于词汇教学的方法。


1.The Lexical Iconicity and Its Enlightenment on Vocabulary Teaching;论英语词汇象似性及其对英语词汇教学的启示

2.The Theory of Iconicity and Its Application to College English Vocabulary Teaching;象似性理论及其在大学英语词汇教学中的应用

3.Implications of Constructivism and Iconicity on English Vocabulary Learning;建构主义理论、象似性理论与英语词汇学习

4.On the Relationship Between Cognitive Linguistic Theories and College English Vocabulary Teaching--to Use Iconicity Theory Reflected in English Morpheme Words as an Example;认知语言学理论与大学英语词汇教学——以英语词素构词法反映出的象似性为例

5.Colligation Similarity between Synonyms and Its Effect on Vocabulary Acquisition of a Second Language;词汇类联接的近义相似性及其对二语词汇习得的影响

puting Chinese Semantic Orientation Via Distributional Similarity利用词汇分布相似度的中文词汇语义倾向性计算

7.Simultaneous Processing and Successive Processing of Analogical Vocabulary;相似性词汇同时性加工与相继性加工的比较

8.On the Phenomenon of Sex Discrimination on the Word Lay;语言中词汇层面的性别歧视现象刍议

9.Fossilization in L2 Productive Vocabulary and Teaching Strategy;二语产出性词汇石化现象与教学策略

10.Dynamic Characteristic of Lexical Units: An Analysis of the Separation of Reunion in Chinese Lexical Units词汇单位的动态性——汉语词汇单位的离合现象分析

11.Word spurt in early lexical development:A survey儿童早期词汇发展中的词汇飞跃现象

12.Cause Analysis of Covert Nonnative-Like Phenomenon (CNLP): Within the Domain of Vocabulary Use;词汇运用层面的隐性不地道现象成因分析

13.On Fossilization in Second Language Productive Vocabulary Acquisition;二语产出性词汇习得中的石化现象分析

14.On the Lexical Fossilization in the Process of L2 Acquisition and Its Feasible Preventing Strategies;二语习得中的词汇僵化现象及可行性防止策略

15.Studies on Non-equivalence of Words between English and Chinese under L1 Transfer;语言迁移现象中的英汉词汇信息不对称性研究

16.Word Motivation of Iconicity based on Theory of the Cognitive Linguistics;在认知语言学框架下看词语象似性的理据

17.Iconicity on Lin Yutang′s Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry;从象似性角度评林语堂英译中国古典诗词

18.Translation of Technique Terms by Semiotic Analysis of Iconicity;基于语言符号象似性特征的科技新词翻译


the wods of Similar Appearance形似词

3)paradigm similarity词形相似

1.We propose a new algorithm that usesparadigm similarity and semantic distance to retrieval a best translation template for the input template.如何快速准确的从模板库中找到最适合输入句子的翻译模板是决定翻译成败与翻译质量的关键,本文提出一种基于词形相似和语义距离的最佳翻译模板检索算法,既保留了基于词形相似的检索算法的优点,同时又利用了翻译模板中的结构信息,实验结果表明该检索算法是一种快速效且有效的检索算法。

4)lexical iconicity词汇象似性

1.This paper divideslexical iconicity into five types named phonetic iconicity,morphological i.文章将词汇象似性划分为语音象似性、词形象似性、结构相似性和家族象似性以及隐喻象似性,并从这五个方面探讨象似性应用于词汇教学的方法。

5)word order iconicity词序象似性

1.Cognitive Linguistics and with theword order iconicity principles as the focus, this paper investigatesword order iconicity in Chinese and English at phrasal level, syntactic level and textual level, and makes a comparison between Chinese and Englishword order iconicity.本文从一种新兴的语言学理论——认知语言学的角度,以词序为研究对象,探讨词序象似性。

6)similar imaging形象相似

1.The thesis had an investigation from the four different angles of insight: distinguishing model, making-up model,similar imaging, changing from phenomenon to essence.直感可分为4个维度即形象识别、模式补形、形象相似、象质转换。


无似1.谦词。犹言不肖。 2.犹无比。
