100字范文 > 中西艺术融合 Chinese and western art merge英语短句 例句大全

中西艺术融合 Chinese and western art merge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 01:37:18


中西艺术融合 Chinese and western art merge英语短句 例句大全

中西艺术融合,Chinese and western art merge

1)Chinese and western art merge中西艺术融合

2)unity of oriental and occidental art东西方艺术融合

3)artistic combination艺术融合

4)Chinese and Western art中西艺术


1.Transmigration and Easy Quality--Comment on the difference between Chinese and Western Arts;化境与逸品——兼及中西艺术之不同

2.Art in the Symbol Culture-On the Art Notion of Cassirer s An Essay on Man;符号文化中的艺术——论卡西尔《人论》中的艺术观

3.On Comparison between Chinese and Western TragicArts and the Development of Chinese Tragic Art;中西悲剧艺术之比较与中国悲剧艺术的发展

4.On the Future of Chinese Art from the Difference Between Chinese and Western Artistic Spirit从中西方艺术精神差异看中国绘画艺术的走向

5.Info Title: China Tibetan arts Exhibition Exhibition: Tibetan arts信息标题: 中国西藏综合艺术展 展会内容: 艺术品

6.China Tibetan arts Exhibition includes over a hundred exhibits,中国西藏综合艺术展包括近百件艺术品,

7.2. The main expressing of the color characters in the western oil painting art.二、西方油画艺术中色彩艺术特点的主要体现

8.Tibetan Buddhist art is an important part of China Tibetan arts.藏传佛教艺术是西藏艺术中的重要部分。

9.The Contrast and Investigation between the Calligraphy Art of China and Modern Painting Art of Occident;中国书法艺术与西方现代绘画艺术的比照研究

10.The Voice of the Scattered New Arts--the Western Modern Arts in China;零落的新艺术之声——西方现代艺术在中国

11.Similarity of Intrinsic Structure of the Western Modernist Art and the Life Spirit of Chinese Art;西方现代派艺术与中国艺术生命精神的同构性

12.The Academy and Contemporary Art--In the Perspective of Chinese and Western Art Development学院与当代艺术——从中西方艺术发展的视角

13.Influence of Chinese Culture Art to Western Art since Ming and Qing Dynasties明清以来中国文化艺术对西方艺术的影响

14.The Construction and Integration of Art Theory: Theory of and Approaches to Western Art and Studies of Chinese Art History;艺术学的建构与整合——西方艺术学理论和方法与中国艺术史研究

15.A Comparison of Space Consciousness between Chinese and Western Classical Architecture;中西古典建筑艺术中空间意识的比较

16.Look at the difference of culture and arts between West and East from the movies of China and America;从中美影片看中西文化及艺术的差异

17.An Analysis on Wu Guanzhong’s Sense of Painting Art in Combining the East and West浅论吴冠中“中西融合”的绘画艺术观



unity of oriental and occidental art东西方艺术融合

3)artistic combination艺术融合

4)Chinese and Western art中西艺术

5)merge the Chinese and the western融合中西

1.In the face of three kinds of the compatible phenomenon of Chinese traditional ethics culture,western modern ethics culture and Marxist ethics culture,we can t absolutely affirm or deny any kind of culture,but proceed from the reality and adopt the policy of "take Marxism as the core,merge the Chinese and the western,well versed in at all times,plural an organic whole,combine and innovate.面对中国传统伦理文化、西方现代伦理文化和马克思主义伦理文化的三元并行现象,我们不能绝对地肯定或否定任何一种文化,而应当从实际出发,采取“以‘马’为主,融合中西,贯通古今,多元一体,整合创新”的方针,让马克思主义的伦理文化在政治和意识形态领域继续起主导作用;让西方现代文化中的自由平等精神在经济领域发挥激励作用;让中国传统伦理文化在个人生活、家庭生活、职业生活和社会公共生活领域发挥更多的积极作用。

2.In the face of three kinds of the compatible phenomenon of Chinese traditional ethics culture,western modern ethics culture and Marxist ethics culture,we can t absolutely affirm or deny any kind of culture,but proceed from the reality and adopt the policy of"take Marxism as the core,merge the Chinese and the western,well versed in at all times,plural an organic whole,combine and innovate.面对中国传统伦理文化、西方现代伦理文化和马克思主义伦理文化的三元并行现象,我们不能绝对地肯定或否定任何一种文化,而应当从实际出发,采取"以马为主,融合中西,贯通古今,多元一体,整合创新"的方针。

6)combination of Chinese and Western Cultures中西融合

1.The most striking features of Kaiping s folk culture of beliefs are piety,cohabitation of gods with humans,and combination of Chinese and western cultures.开平民间信仰文化最显著的特色是信仰虔诚,人神共居,中西融合。


