100字范文 > 大迎角 high angle of attack英语短句 例句大全

大迎角 high angle of attack英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-25 14:54:52


大迎角 high angle of attack英语短句 例句大全

大迎角,high angle of attack

1)high angle of attack大迎角

1.Investigation on the interference of rear sting supports athigh angle of attack in low speed wind-tunnel;低速大迎角尾撑支架干扰试验研究

2.Study onhigh angle of attack test technique of rear sting supports;尾撑大迎角试验技术研究

3.Investigation of improving the lateral static stability for the aircraft applied to high-subsonic flow andhigh angle of attack;某型飞机高亚声速大迎角横向静稳定性改善研究



2.The development of high angle of attack test equipment in the 8m×6m low speed wind tunnel8m×6m风洞特大迎角试验设备研制

3.Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Characterisics of Pitching Delta Wings三角翼大迎角俯仰运动气动特性数值研究

4.Frequency characteristics of breakdown vortices over delta wings with small amplitude oscillation at the high angle of attack大迎角下小振幅振荡三角翼破裂涡的频率特性

5.Experimental investigation on pressure distribution characteristics of wings of ×× missile at supersonic speeds and high angles of attack××导弹翼面超声速大迎角压力分布特性试验研究

6.Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Control of Aircraft at High-Angle-of-Attack;飞机大迎角非线性动力学特性分析与控制

putation of Vehicle Pitching Static and Dynamic Derivatives at High Angles of Attack飞行器大迎角下俯仰静、动导数的数值计算

8.A High Angle of Attack Dynamical System Identification Algorithm Based on LS-SVM基于LS-SVM飞机大迎角动态辨识方法研究

9.Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics for Double-bend Inlet in the Situation of High Incidence and Low Speed低速大迎角下机腹双弯涵道空气动力性质研究

10.DELAYED RANS/LES Method For High Attack Angle Flow over Multi-element Airfoil多段翼型大迎角分离流动的DELAYED RANS/LES混合算法

11.Research on the Aeroelastic Characteristics of an Airfoil in Moderate and High Incidences中等及大迎角下的翼型气动弹性性质研究

12.Capturing Details of Secondary Separation and Successfully Simulating Strongly Unsteady Turbulence Flow in Vortex Breakdown Region基于层流假设的三角翼大迎角绕流特性数值模拟研究

13.On an Unsteady Aerodynamics Model for Pitching-Oscillating Body at High Angle of Attack飞行器快速俯仰产生大迎角非定常气动力数学模型研究

14.Research on Flight and Control of the TV Fighter s Post-Stall Maneuvers;推力矢量飞机过失速机动仿真研究及大迎角非线性控制律设计

15.Lateral-Direction Aerodynamic Characteristics and Forebody Strake Control of an Aircraft Undergoing Pitching Oscillation on High Attack Angle飞机大迎角俯仰运动下的横侧向气动特性及被动控制

16.An Ecological Analysis of Death Comes for the Archbishop;《死神来迎接大主教》的生态视角解读

17.so does the ratio of lift anddrag, it gains only with the increase of the angle of release and goes to the maximum when the release angle is 25°.升阻比和出手初速关系不大,它随迎角的加大而增大,迎角25°时达最大值。

18.Effects of Vortex Generators on Maximum Lift and Stall Angle of Attack over Wings旋涡发生器对机翼最大升力和失速迎角的影响


high angles of attack大迎角

1.Primal research of the effect of flow turbulence on aerodynamic characteristics of a aircraft model athigh angles of attack;湍流度对飞行器模型大迎角气动特性影响的初步研究

2.Effects of grit strip on flow asymmetry over a slender revolution body athigh angles of attack;粗糙带对细长体大迎角流动非对称性的影响

3.An investigation on the effect of the acoustic excitation on flow asymmetry over a slender revolution body athigh angles of attack in compressible flows;可压缩流中声激励对细长体大迎角流动非对称性的影响研究

3)high AOA大迎角

1.J7Lhigh AOA/stall/spin flight test;J7L飞机大迎角/失速/尾旋试飞

2.In this paper, the importance or necessity for the installation and employment of an anti spin parachute system for the flight test research on modern aircrafthigh AOA characteristic, especially for the stall/spin and post stall flight test, is described briefly.简要介绍了研制与安装应急反尾旋伞系统对现代高机动飞机的大迎角特性试验研究的重要作用 ,特别是对失速 /过失速 /尾旋特性试验鉴定的必要性和重要性。

4)maximum angle of attack最大迎角

5)landing at large attack angle大迎角着陆

1.The influence oflanding at large attack angle on the load distribution of a four-wheel landing gear is studied in detail,and a method for calculating the load distribution .本文依据飞机着陆过程中起落架的缓冲器与轴向载荷的关系曲线,在建立了机轮轮胎压缩量与飞机地面垂直载荷关系曲线的基础上,探讨了飞机大迎角着陆过程中对四轮小车式起落架前、后机轮载荷分配的影响,提出了四轮小车式起落架机轮载荷分配的计算分析方法,并以波音707飞机为例进行了计算,验证了文中所提出方法的有效性和可行性。

6)high-incidence vortical flow大迎角涡流


