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浸渍 impregnation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-05 09:52:40


浸渍 impregnation英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on Dehydrogenation of 2-Butanol over Supported Copper Catalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel and Impregnation Methods;溶胶-凝胶和浸渍法制备的铜催化剂在仲丁醇脱氢反应中的研究

2.Impregnation and Molding Process of Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites;长纤维增强热塑性复合材料的浸渍技术与成型工艺


1.dip composition浸渍合剂,浸渍组分

2.foamed adhesive for impregnating carpet地毯泡沫浸渍粘合剂

3.dip-printing system浸渍印花法(纱线印花)

4.plastic impregnated element浸渍塑料的过滤元件

5.Bleached impregnating insulating paperGB1913.2-1990漂白浸渍绝缘纸

6.Unbleached impregnating insulating paperGB1913.1-1990未漂浸渍绝缘纸

7.epoxy solventless immersion baking varnish环氧无溶剂浸渍烘漆

8.impregnating-bonded non-woven浸渍粘合法非织造布

9.dip-hydro technique水溶液浸渍整理工艺

10.impregnating machine for unspun textile fibres未纺纺织纤维浸渍机

11.impregnated single jacket hose经浸渍的无衬里水带

12.accompanied by or characterized by maceration.伴随或有浸渍特征的。

13.lead-covered oil impregnated paper tape insulated cable铅包油浸渍纸绝缘电缆

14.hot-and-cold steeping(木材防腐) 热冷槽浸渍

15.The dips of the cross-strata are irregular.交错层的浸渍不一致。

16.Dried vegetable steeps slowly.晾干的菜浸渍得慢。

17.Acids used in pickling can include sulfuric.酸浸渍中用的酸有硫酸。

18.impregnation process浸渍工艺;浸渍粘合法(非织造织物成布工艺)



1.Fabrication of porous ceramics using polymeric spongedipping method;有机泡沫浸渍法制备多孔陶瓷

2.Study ondipping modification technology of fast-growing China fir of Hunan Province;湖南速生材杉木浸渍改性工艺研究

3.On Dipping Composite Material of Nanometer SiO_2 and PF Polycondensate;浸渍用纳米SiO_2与PF预聚物复合材料合成实验


1.Effect of anti-oxidation on C/C composites by sol-soaking and solution-soaking;溶液浸渍和溶胶浸渍法对C/C复合材料抗氧化性能的影响

2.Preliminary Study on Effect of Soaking Ramie in "Qianglujing" on Fibre Quality;强氯精浸渍苎麻对纤维品质影响的初步研究

3.Study of removal of gaseous mercury with activated carbon aftersoaking in hydrochloric acid;氯化氢浸渍活性炭净化汞蒸气的研究


1.The present work is on the preparation of the impregnate coating on C/C composite by different impregnating pr.采用不同浸渍工艺浸涂C/C复合材料 ,研究了不同浸渍剂浸渍后试样的抗氧化效果 ,以及常压浸渍和抽真空 加压浸渍对C/C复合材料抗氧化性能的影响 。

2.The relation between impregnated quantities and time and the impacts of process on the composites anti oxidation properties were studied.采用不同浸渍工艺制取陶/炭复合材料,研究浸渍量与浸渍时间的关系,常压浸渍、真空浸渍、加压浸渍及真空加压浸渍工艺对陶/炭复合材料抗氧化性能的影响,并对影响抗氧化性能的因素进行分析·研究结果表明:采用真空加压浸渍工艺为最佳工艺,形成的陶瓷量大,陶瓷层厚,可大幅度提高复合材料的抗氧化性能


1.Effect of feeding Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis with photosyntheticbacteria liquorsoaked with Laminaria japonica and Gracilaria sp.;海带、江蓠浸渍光合细菌菌液后喂养九孔鲍的效果

2.The membranes were modified by two techniques:one (I) was that the boron dopedγ-Al_(2)O_(3)membranes were synthesized by doping H_(3)BO_(3)into Al(OH)_(3)sol, the other (II) was thatγ-Al_(2)O_(3)porous membranes weresoaked in K_(2)CO_(3)solution to obtain the modified membranes.采用溶胶-凝胶法并用两种不同的工艺制备γ-氧化铝改性膜:其一为通过掺杂硼来制改性膜;其二为通过溶液浸渍钾盐溶液制得改性膜。

3.Thesoak test and site - application results showed that high drop point fiber core grease had the samesoak performance comparing with the ordinary fiber core grease, and had good high & low temperature performance as well as protection performance.麻芯浸清试验及现场使用试验表明:高滴点钢丝绳麻芯脂具有与普通麻芯脂相当的浸渍性能,良好的高、低温性能和防护性能。


1.The effects of major process of grape harvesting time,maceration, alcohol fermentation, malo-lactic fermentation on wine quality were studied to evaluate conventional dry red wine technology, these results will provide a theoretic base for the improvement and application of technol.以目前国内生产高档干红葡萄酒的主要品种赤霞珠、蛇龙珠(烟台地区的主栽、特色品种)葡萄为试材,通过研究葡萄采收期、浸渍作用、酒精发酵及苹果酸-乳酸发酵等关键工艺对葡萄酒质量的影响,以期对传统的干红葡萄酒工艺进行评价,为干红葡萄酒生产工艺的改进与应用提供理论依据。

2.The effect of conventionalmaceration and hotmaceration on the concentration changes of resveratrol was investigated.研究了传统法和热浸渍法在不同条件下对白藜芦醇和总酚含量的影响,结果表明SO2、果胶酶有利于白藜芦醇和总酚的积累,热浸渍法对白藜芦醇的含量无显著影响,但有利于总酚的增加。

3.It was found that the precursor of metal amine complex andmaceration with low metal concentration and multiplemaceration are favored to improve the dispersity of platinum on catalyst.实验表明,以与NH3配位的阳离子形式制备的催化剂,Pt的分散效果最好;用低浓度浸渍液、多次浸渍的方式制备的催化剂,Pt的分散度高;M n2+、Sm3+、Zn2+等作助剂和Pd-Pt复合浸渍可提高Pt的分散度。


