100字范文 > 中式人物关系 Chinese style relationships英语短句 例句大全

中式人物关系 Chinese style relationships英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-15 12:08:42


中式人物关系 Chinese style relationships英语短句 例句大全

中式人物关系,Chinese style relationships

1)Chinese style relationships中式人物关系

2)character relationship人物关系

1.It exists a specialcharacter relationship structure in D.劳伦斯小说《儿子与情人》中的人物关系存在着一种双环结构形式,即以格特鲁德和保罗为圆心,以"情人关系"或"情敌关系"为半径,组成了一个两圆相切的双环结构。

2.This thesis is intended to explore what has been largely ignored by critics—Woolf’s modernistic view of character as embodied in her innovative restructuring ofcharacter relationship.本文旨在探讨伍尔夫在其主要意识流小说中对人物关系的创造性颠覆与重构,以求对伍尔夫现代主义人物观的现有研究做一点有益补充。

3.It\"s one of the most distinguishing art qualities of Fate of Half Life to construct a complexcharacter relationship in perfect order.有条不紊、从容淡定地架构复杂人物关系是《半生缘》最突出的艺术特质之一。


1.Synchronism between Two Characters in Mrs Dalloway;论《达洛维夫人》人物关系的共时性

2.On the Dual-ring Human Relationship Structure in Sons and Lovers;试论《儿子与情人》人物关系的双环结构

3.A Probe of Author s Human Nature Reflection into the Characters Relationship Arrangement in His Opera “Thunderstorm”;从《雷雨》的人物关系看作者的人性思考

4.Turn-taking System in Drama and its Shaping of the Character and Character Relationships;从戏剧中的话轮转换看人物性格和人物关系

5.Q: What"s their relationship?四、职业、身份与人物关系题型

6.Post-Structuralist Analysis of the Characters in The Scarlet Letter;《红字》人物关系的后结构主义解读

7.The Character Relationships in Thunderstorm: from Speech Acts Perspective;言语行为理论视角中《雷雨》的人物关系

8.The Language Logic and Characters Reality in the Modern Novels Narration;现代小说叙事的语言逻辑与人物关系

9.On the Narrative Mode of the Relationship Between the Characters in "Flower Temple;试论《花之寺》人物关系的叙事模式

10.She has connections with the great.她和大人物有关系。

11.Persona relationships人物角色之间的关系

12.associate sb(with sb/sth);relate sb(to sb/sth)使某人(与某人[某事物])有联系;使有关系

13.one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something.让步、放弃某物或与某物断绝关系的人。

14.On The Figures and Relationship Between Subject and Object in Literature;文学中的人物形象与人类主客体关系

15.Making an analysis of main character relations in Son and Lovers;试析《儿子和情人》中主要人物的关系

16.The rise of prices concerns all of us.物价上涨关系到我们每一个人。

17.a relation between living organisms; esp between people.有机生物(特别是人)之间的关系。

18.To have a relation to two differing persons or things.斡旋与两个冲突的人或事物发生关系


character relationship人物关系

1.It exists a specialcharacter relationship structure in D.劳伦斯小说《儿子与情人》中的人物关系存在着一种双环结构形式,即以格特鲁德和保罗为圆心,以"情人关系"或"情敌关系"为半径,组成了一个两圆相切的双环结构。

2.This thesis is intended to explore what has been largely ignored by critics—Woolf’s modernistic view of character as embodied in her innovative restructuring ofcharacter relationship.本文旨在探讨伍尔夫在其主要意识流小说中对人物关系的创造性颠覆与重构,以求对伍尔夫现代主义人物观的现有研究做一点有益补充。

3.It\"s one of the most distinguishing art qualities of Fate of Half Life to construct a complexcharacter relationship in perfect order.有条不紊、从容淡定地架构复杂人物关系是《半生缘》最突出的艺术特质之一。

3)Character Relation人物关系

1.WT5”BZ]The character relations in Son and Lovers are very complicated.《儿子和情人》中的人物关系是错综复杂的 ,每对人物的关系都不是孤立存在的 ,而是互为因果、环环相扣的。


1.His theory is originated from man-centered thoughts surrou nding man-god,man-thing and man-man.他从人类中心论出发,围绕人──神关系、人──物关系、人──人关系展开了丰富的人学思想,为日本近代人道主义的形成和发展奠定了理论基础,为近代日本民众争取自由民权而进行的革命运动提供了思想武器。

5)relations among characters人物关系链

6)net of figure relationship人物关系网


