100字范文 > 士人风尚 scholar ethos英语短句 例句大全

士人风尚 scholar ethos英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 01:30:48


士人风尚 scholar ethos英语短句 例句大全

士人风尚,scholar ethos

1)scholar ethos士人风尚

1.Through reviewing the immanent development of the feudal ethics,the article discussed the turning of thescholar ethos of Wei and Jin dynasties.文章通过对中国礼文化内在发展理路的考察,讨论了魏晋时代士人风尚的转变,说明这种转变是中国礼文化辩证发展在一定历史阶段的产物,这一考察不仅对魏晋士风的转变作出了动态的把握与认识,而且一定程度上触及了情礼递变的规律。

2)lady fashion士女风尚


1.Lady Fashion and Cultivation Reflected in Epitaphs of Tang Dynasty;从唐人墓碑文看士女风尚及社会教化

2.set the new fashion in women"s clothing.创立妇女时装新风尚。

3.a man of lofty [gentlemanly] bearing态度高尚的 [绅士风度的] 人

4.Who said that the age of chivalry was dead?谁说骑士风尚的时代已一去不复返了?

5.Discussion on Shih-shuo Hsin-yu and Prevailing Aesthetic Custom of Intellectuals in Wei-Jin Dynasties;论《世说新语》与魏晋士人的审美风尚

6.Fashion, Environment, and Scholars-Accounting for the Flourishing Tourism in South of the Changjiang River in Ming and Qing Dynasties;风尚·环境·文士——明清江南游风炽盛原因初探

7.Ascendancy of Merchants in Shanxi peoples and the Appearance of Chaste Widow and Worthy Daughters- In - law in the Qing Dynasty;清代山西重商风尚与节孝妇女的出现

8.Research on the Relation between the Social Conduct"Women with Maliness"and the Heroine Characters in Literary Tanci;清代"女中丈夫"风尚与弹词小说女豪杰形象

9.On the Custom Remnants of the Hakkas and the Zhuang Women and the Women Trendy in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom客家、壮族妇女遗风与太平天国妇女习尚析论

10.Three Examples of the Aesthetic Perception among the Celebrities of Western and Eastern Jin Dynasties in《New Anecdotes of the Time》《世说新语》中所见两晋名士审美风尚三题

11.On the Vogue of the Literary World under the Aesthetic Appreciation of the Nobleman in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties;论魏晋南北朝士人审美主导下的文坛风尚

12.Formation of Calligraphy Style--Advocating of Pleasing Charm in Jin Dynasty from the Perspective of Metaphysics Thoughts of Wei and Jin Scholars;从魏晋士人玄学思潮看“晋代尚韵”书风的形成

13.The Educated People"s Demeanor of the Females in New Anecdotes of Social Talk“林下风气”:《世说新语》中女性的名士风神

14.Modern fashions, fortunately, do not demand that women should be laced in.幸运的是现在的风尚并不要求妇女束腰。

15.Lax court morals and the absurd chivalry business were in full feather.淫靡的宫庭风气和荒诞的骑士风尚都已达到鼎盛的时期。

16.I am informed that Mr Johnson"s daughters set the fashion of ladies" driving.我听说约翰逊先生的女儿们开创了女子开车的新风尚。

17.The Inverted High Priestess is active in events where she should be more passive.反置的高尚女教士在需要被动的时候反而过于积极。

18.The High Priestess is inactive, passive, allowing things to take their own path.高尚的女教士是不活跃的,被动的,允许事物掌控他们自己的道路。


lady fashion士女风尚


4)the vogue of literati文人风尚

5)literati"s morality士人风气

6)the prevailing custom among the intellectuals士人风貌


风尚风尚prevailing custom风尚(prevailing eustom)一种具有道德价值的社会心理现象。它是一定历史时期的社会成员普遍追求和崇尚某种事物的风气,人们在这种追求和崇尚中获得心理上的满足。风尚对群体及个人都有一定的心理影响。这种影响,一般与人的年龄和性别有关。如青年对风尚的追求远比儿童和老年人更为热情,男女之间所追求的风尚往往也有很大差别。(孙俊山撰张觉审)
