100字范文 > 补救途径 salvage pathway英语短句 例句大全

补救途径 salvage pathway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 08:54:58


补救途径 salvage pathway英语短句 例句大全

补救途径,salvage pathway

1)salvage pathway补救途径


1.The reasons of advanced wear for these machineries are analyzed and remedial ways are sought out.就隧道施工机械的超前磨损原因进行了分析,并寻找了补救途径。

2.The Defects and Rectifying Methods of Protecting Private Property in Current Chinese Constitution;我国现行宪法在私有财产保护方面的缺陷及其补救途径——修宪之后的思考

3.Dual Inhibition of Purine Salvage Pathways Using RNA Interference Technology in Toxoplasma Gondii;利用RNA干扰技术双通道抑制弓形虫嘌呤补救合成途径

4.Researches of Activating the Reperfusion Injury Salvage Kinases by Sevoflurane Postconditioning in Rats;七氟烷后处理激活大鼠缺血再灌注心肌补救酶途径的研究

5.siRNAs specific to key enzymes in the purine salvage pathway retard growth of Toxoplasma gondiisiRNA干扰嘌呤补救合成途径的关键酶对弓形虫增殖的抑制作用

6.From Relieve to Compensation由救助走向补偿──论刑事被害人救济路径的选择

7.Code of Practice for Means of Access for Firefighting and Rescue《消防和救援进出途径守则》

8.Measureless Substance Tort and Its Civil Remedy;不可量物侵权及其民事救济途径研究

9.A Study on the Autonomous Dispute: the Type and the Relief Way;村民自治纠纷研究:类型与救济途径

10.The Salvation Complex in Laozi s Thoughts and Its Approaches;老子思想中的救世情结及其实现途径

11.A Complementation of Ethics and Technology:on the Means to Control Technology;论控制技术的途径——伦理与政治的互补

12.An Effective Method of Solving Physical Problems:Compensation;求解物理问题的一种有效途径——补偿法

13.Fire Line Compensation Method of Wheeled Self-Propelled AA Gun System轮式自行高炮射击线补偿的一种途径

14.Analysis on Sino-U.S. Anti-subsidy Disputes and Ways of Settlement论中美反补贴争端及其解决途径选择

15.On the Establishment of Mine Ecological Compensation Mechanism and Its Realization试析矿山生态补偿机制及其实现途径

16.Government Image When Facing Challenge Due to Public Crisis and Approach to Relief;论公共危机中政府形象面临的挑战及救济途径

17.Analysis for the Chinese Enterprises Actually Dealing with WTO Trade Relief Measures;中国企业应对WTO贸易救济措施的有效途径

18.Significance and approaches of salvation of cultural relics through tourism development in TGP reservoir area;旅游业救赎三峡库区文化遗存的意义及途径


nucleotide salvage核苷酸补救途径

1.Applying the theory of “nucleotide salvage”,we added the hypoxanthine to culture process of inosine producing mutants of Bacillus subtilis as supplement of de novo formation of inosine which made inosine synthesis improved greatly.运用核苷酸补救途径理论 ,采用枯草杆菌肌苷产生菌 ,在培养过程中添加次黄嘌呤 ,作为从头合成途径 (denovo)的补充 。

3)Purine salvage pathway嘌呤补救合成途径

4)salvage pathway补救(重新利用)途径

5)remedy approach救济途径

6)the way for rescuing抢救途径


