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财税对策 finance and taxation countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 01:47:55


财税对策 finance and taxation countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

财税对策,finance and taxation countermeasure

1)finance and taxation countermeasure财税对策


1.The discussion of Promotes finance and taxation countermeasure of tourism s develop in china;促进我国旅游业发展的财税对策探讨

2.Study on the Financial Measures of Country Logistics Development in China;我国农村物流业发展的财税对策研究

3.Fiscal and Tax Policies to Promote Enterprise s Export after the Accession to WTO;加入WTO后促进企业出口的财税对策

4.Factors restricting the economic development of western China and their finance and tax countermeasures;制约西部经济发展的因素及财税对策

5.Options for Alleviating Farmers Burden and Improving County-Township Fiscal Situation;中国:农民减负、县乡财政解困的财税对策

6.Finance and Taxation Countermeasure Studies on Investment System of the Civilian-run Higher Education;民办高等教育投资体制的财税对策研究

7.Influence of Agricultural Tax Cancellation on Rural Finance and Countermeasures;取消农业税对乡镇财政的影响及对策

8.The Research about Countermeasure That the Transformation of VAT Influencing on Finance & Revenue增值税转型对财政财务影响的对策研究

9.The Tax Distribution Fiscal System:Practice,Problems,and Solutions;分税制财政体制:实践、问题与对策

10.Trouble and Countermeasure of Township Finance after Abolishing Agricultural Tax;取消农业税后的乡镇财政困境及对策

11.Fiscal Policy on Aging Population in Minority Regions;应对民族地区人口老龄化的财税政策

12.Fiscal Policy for Coping with Economic Recession: A New Perspective from the USA财税政策应对经济衰退:美国的得与失

13.The Reform of Revenue Sharing on the Local Government Finance and the Policy Advices;分税制改革对长沙地方财政的影响及对策研究

14.Influences of Canceling Agricultural Taxes on Fiscal Revenue in Xinjiang and Countermeasures;取消农业税对新疆财政的影响及对策研究

15.Effect of Agricultural Tax Reform on Villages and Towns Finance and Countermeasures;贵州农税费改革对乡镇财政的影响与对策研究

16.The impact of rural tax-fee reform on township finance and countermeasures;农村税费改革对乡镇财政的影响及对策研究

17.The system of tax distoibution s effect to the frontier country grade s finance and the countcrmeasure choice;分税制对边疆县级财政的影响及对策选择

18.Problems of and Their Countermeasures for the Taxation Management Carried out by the Local Finance;地方财政对税政管理中存在的问题及对策


finance and taxation policy财税政策

1.A study of thefinance and taxation policy for the technological innovation of enterprises;企业技术创新的财税政策研究

2.Study on Public Finance and Taxation Policy Accelerating the Employment;促进就业的财税政策探讨

3.Thefinance and taxation policy plays an very important role in hi-tech industry.财税政策对高新技术产业的发展起着至关重要的作用。

3)tax policy财税政策

1.Fiscal and Tax Policy in the Construction of International Financial Center——In Light of New York’s Experience国际金融中心建设中的财税政策:纽约的启示

2.The status and function oftax policy in the capital m arket is a basi s problem of the research of capital market.财税政策在资本市场发展中的地位和作用是资本市场研究中一个基本问题。

3.The experience of western industrial developed countries indicates thattax policy is one of the most effective tools that promote the development of finance leasing.西方工业发达国家的经验表明,财税政策是迅速推动金融租赁业发展的最有效工具之一。

4)fiscal policy财税政策

1.Fiscal Situation,Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Reform-a review of some significant fiscal issues to be addressed in the Eleventh Five-Year Program of China;财税形势 财税政策 财税改革(上)——面向“十一五”的若干重大财税问题盘点

2.This paper analyses the causes of China s current inflation,points out that the current inflation is the type of cost-driven,suggests that the government must take some measures to prevent the structural inflation from evolving into overall inflation,and gives some ways of dealing with the current inflation from the monetary policy andfiscal policy.文中对中国目前通货膨胀的形成原因进行了分析,认为本轮通货膨胀的类型是成本推动型,提出了要谨防由结构性通货膨胀演变为全面通货膨胀,并从货币政策和财税政策两个方面分析如何应对本轮通货膨胀。

3.By analyzing the present aging population in China s minority regions,this paper states the aging population may have negative effect on the sustainable economic development and presents some ways to deal with the aging population from the view offiscal policy.从我国民族地区人口老龄化的现状出发,分析民族地区人口老龄化对可持续发展的消极影响,探索应对民族地区老龄化的财税政策。

5)fiscal and taxation policy财税政策

1.In terms of thefiscal and taxation policy,the paper puts forward 10 suggestions on how to develop Chinese modern services centralization function park,which include selecting function park experimental unit,increasing the fiscal devotion of modern service industry centralization function park,increasing the input of market infrastructure construction;def.从财税政策的角度看,选取功能园区试点,加大对服务业集聚功能园区财政投入;加大市场基础设施建设投入,明确支持重点,调整财政投入结构;用服务业引导资金弥补服务业领域的"市场失灵",建立多元化投资的风险投资机制;完善税收优惠政策,选准税收优惠政策支持的切入点;推动服务业增值税转型改革,促进我国服务业风险投资的发展;完善促进产、学、研联合和科研机构转制企业专项税收优惠政策,改进企业所得税相关的折旧政策和费用列支政策,并实行投资抵免制度等扶持现代服务业集聚功能园区的发展。

2.At present,the corporation annuity develops scale rapidly,development potentiality is enormous,but lag behind seriously in supervising in institutional improvement,fiscal and taxation policy,operation etc.目前,企业年金发展规模迅速,发展潜力巨大,但在制度建设、财税政策、运营监管等方面严重滞后,阻碍企业年金的发展。

6)financial policy财税政策

1.The paper makes a study on howfinancial policy promotes development of regional economy in balance on the base of Guangdong province.财税政策作为一个行之有效的宏观经济杠杆,对促进区域经济协调发展和构建和谐社会发挥了巨大的作用。

2.As one of the important tools of adjusting the income distribution,financial policy is the effective choice to narrow the income gap existing in China s current rural and urban areas.财税政策是政府调节收入分配的最重要的工具之一,是现阶段缩小我国城乡收入分配差距的有效选择。

3.Talking on the countermeasures to thefinancial policy of the agricultural industrialization;本文根据我国农业工业化进程中财税政策的现状,以降低沉淀成本为突破口,从加大财税政策支持力度的角度,提出了促进农业工业化发展的对策。


Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto gamesB一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物
