100字范文 > 毒理效应 toxicological effect英语短句 例句大全

毒理效应 toxicological effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-19 19:12:31


毒理效应 toxicological effect英语短句 例句大全

毒理效应,toxicological effect

1)toxicological effect毒理效应

1.Research progress in environmental pollution,ecological behavior andtoxicological effects of synthetic musks;人工合成麝香的环境污染、生态行为与毒理效应研究进展

2.Research advances in ecological behavior andtoxicological effects of chlorohydrocarbon pollutants;氯烃类污染物的生态行为与毒理效应研究进展

3.Toxicological Effects and Micromechanism of Heavy Metals Pollution on Wheat重金属复合污染对小麦的毒理效应及其微观机制


1.Molecular Toxicology of Cypermethrin to Fish;氯氰菊酯对鱼类的分子毒理效应研究

2.Molecular Toxicology of Deltamethrin to Carassius Auratus;溴氰菊酯对鲫鱼的分子毒理效应研究

3.Studies on Toxicological Effects of Copper and Cadmium in Bellamya Purificata;铜、镉对梨形环棱螺毒理效应的研究

4.Studies on toxicological effects of cadmium in Bellamya purificata二价镉对梨形环棱螺毒理效应的研究

5.Ecotoxicological Effects of Terbium on Horseradish Peroxidase;稀土铽对辣根过氧化物酶生态毒理效应

6.Toxicological Effects of Naphthalene and Copper on Eisenia Fetida in Soil;土壤中萘和铜对赤子爱胜蚓的毒理效应研究

7.Study on in Vivo Biological Toxicology of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles纳米二氧化钛的体内生物毒理效应研究

8.Study of Melittin on the Inhibiting Effect to the Pathogenic Microbe and Physiological Effect of Crops;蜂毒肽毒杀作物病原菌机理和植生效应

9.Alleviating Effect of Sulfur Treatment on Aluminum Toxicity of Barley Seedlings无机硫处理对大麦铝毒害的缓解效应

10.Study on the Aquatic Toxicology Effects of Two Typic Perfluoro Chemical to Zebrafish Embryos;典型全氟化合物水生毒理学效应与致毒机理初探

11.On Separation and Combination of Detoxicating Microbes, Detoxicated Theory and Applied Effect in Biology Detoxicating Method of RSM;菜籽饼生物脱毒的微生物筛选复配、脱毒机理与应用效果研究

12.Studies on Reproductive Toxicosis Caused by Subchronic Cadmium Toxication and Selenium Antagonism in Cock;亚慢性镉中毒对公鸡生殖毒理及硒拮抗效应的研究

13.Advance in Study on the Ecotoxicological Effect of Microcystins against Microorganisms微囊藻毒素对微生物的生态毒理学效应研究进展

14.Study on Toxicological Effects of Fine Particles (PM_(2.5)) in Sand Dust Storm and Human Health Effects;沙尘暴PM_(2.5)的毒理学效应及对人群的健康效应研究

15.Effects of Heavy Metal Ions on Toxicity of Charybdis Japonica重金属离子对日本(虫寻)毒理学效应的研究

16.Effects of DPC on the Drought Resistance of Cotton Seedlings缩节安对无毒棉和抗虫棉抗旱性生理效应研究

17.Studies on the Ecophysiological Effects of Microcystins Against Microbes;微囊藻毒素对微生物的生理生态学效应

18.Studies on the Ecophysiological Effects of Microcystin-RR Against Higher Plants;微囊藻毒素对高等植物的生态生理学效应研究


toxic effect毒理效应

1.Theirtoxic effects and toxic thresholds were given consciously.针对腹泻性贝毒(DSP)、麻痹性贝毒(PSP)、神经性贝毒(NSP)和记忆缺损性贝毒(ASP)等4种主要贝类毒素,描述了其主要特征、毒性大小及毒理效应,对已有的生物分析检测方法和仪器分析技术作介绍。

2.Their chemical structures,toxic effects and toxic thresholds were given consciously.针对腹泻性贝毒(DSP)、麻痹性贝毒(PSP)、神经性贝毒(NSP)、记忆缺损性贝毒(ASP)和西加鱼毒素(CTX)等5种主要贝类毒素,描述了其主要特征,给出部分毒物成分的化学结构式、毒性大小及毒理效应,对已有的生物分析检测方法和仪器分析技术作以介绍。

3.Thetoxic effects of nonylphenol ethoxylates(NP_ 10 EO) and its degradation product 4-nonylphenol(4-NP) on the aquatic organisms were studied.研究了壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚及其降解产物 4 壬基酚对水生生物的毒理效应。

3)toxicological effects毒理效应

1.Progress in the study oftoxicological effects of endosulfan on aquatic organisms;硫丹对水生生物毒理效应的研究进展

2.Research progress on atrazine residue in water environment and itstoxicological effects阿特拉津在水环境中的残留及其毒理效应研究进展


5)toxic effects毒理效应

1.The main medical andtoxic effects of soybean isoflavone were reviewed,the mechanism was analyzed,the future study direction was prospected.综述了大豆异黄酮主要的药理和毒理效应,分析了作用机理,对未来的研究方向进行了展望。

6)toxicological effects毒理学效应

1.To study thetoxicological effects of the different dosages of As2O3 on Monopterus albus.以黄鳝为实验动物,研究了不同剂量的三氧化二砷对黄鳝的毒理学效应。


湊理湊理 湊理 同“腠理”。指皮肤、肌肉的纹理。《素问·生气通天论》:“气血以流,湊理以密。”《素问·五常政大论》:“此湊理开闭之常,太少之异耳。”
