100字范文 > 人性之真 the true of human nature英语短句 例句大全

人性之真 the true of human nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 19:21:22


人性之真 the true of human nature英语短句 例句大全

人性之真,the true of human nature

1)the true of human nature人性之真


1.Natural Beauty and the True of Human Nature -- partial view of JIA Ping-wa s works artistic characteristics;自然之美与人性之真——贾平凹作品艺术特色管窥

2.Theory of concentrating on human nature--The core of Jin Shengtan s theory of personality;至情至性之论——真:金圣叹人物性格论的核心

3."the existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature, and his capacity and authority to draw the bill;"发票人之存在、其签署之真实性、及其发出汇票之能力与权力;

4.Not love so much as eroticism was the enemy, inside marriage as well as outside it.婚姻之内也罢,婚姻之外也罢,真正的敌人不是爱情,倒是性欲。

5.Study on Li Zhi s Literary Theory;真心 真性 真文——论李贽之“真”的心学渊源及文论

6."in the case of a bill payable to drawer"s order, the then capacity of the drawer to indorse, but not the genuineness or validity of his indorsement;"如属按照发票人指示付款之汇票,发票人背书之能力,但不包括其背书之真实性或效力;

7.There is a sense of dignity and independence in writers of this school which prevents them from going out of their way to say things to shock people.惟在真正性灵派文人,因不肯以议论之偏颇怪妄惊人。

8.What a bundle of contradictions is a man!人真是集矛盾之大成!

9.Let s Actively Tap New Sources of Supply-On the Urgency and Importance of Perfecting Individual Investment Market;让源头之水真正活起来——论健全个人投资市场的紧迫性和重要性

10.the theological doctrine that human reason rather than divine revelation establishes religious truth.神学信仰认为宗教的真实性是建立在人的理智而不是神示之上。

11.DEMON PACING UP AND DOWN BETWEEN ILLUSION AND REALITY--On Post-Modern Culture Logic and Personality Alienation of Modern Human Nature徘徊在幻想与真实之间的魅影——后现代文化逻辑与现代性人格异化

12.Philosophical Speculate:the Pursuit of Human Nature Seeking Truth and Promoting Goodness--The Charm of Yu Qiuyu"s Prose哲学思辨:寻真向善的人性追求——余秋雨散文魅力之一

13.Original Reality and False Existence: Philosophical Thoughts on the Duality of the Theory and Practice of Building Perfect Personality本真与伪存——完美人格塑造之理论与实践二元性的哲学思考

14.Feng Zikai s Tastes for Pure Sincerity and His Artistic Life;丰子恺的真率之趣和艺术化之真率人生

15.it is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the genuineness and regularity in all respects of the drawer"s signature and all previous indorsements;不得向适时执票人否认一切有关发票人签名及所有先前背书之真实性及正确性;

16.Originals of the above documents have to be provided for authentication of the photocopies.申请人需准备好以上所有证件之原件,以供本学院证明其复印件之真实性

17.This is where persistence and patience will really pay off.这是持续性和耐性真正见效之处。

18.validating the authenticity of something or someone.确认某事、某人的真实性。


nature of truth真理之性质

3)dimension of human nature人性之维

4)human beauty人性之美

1.The early poems by Ai Qing are imbued withhuman beauty nurtured by the sufferings of life.艾青早期的诗歌,富有一种蕴涵在苦难人生中的人性之美。

5)real sentiments至性之人

6)of personal natu尽人之性




本书是为纪念伏尔泰逝世100周年而写,同时也出自作者对早年崇拜的音乐家瓦格纳的失望情绪。全书用格言体写成,分两卷。第一卷共九章,从各方面探讨了世界与人生的基本问题。第二卷的两个部分《见解与箴言杂录》和《漫游者和他的影子》,继续作者在第一卷中开始的对西方形而上学传统及其影响下的西方文化的全面批判。作者一方面肯定人性中值得肯定的方面,希望挖掘人的潜力,使人类变得更优秀;另一方面又对人性的弱点和缺点,尤其对西方文化传统下形成的这种弱点和缺点,进行了尖刻的讽刺和挖苦。 作者寄希望于"自由精灵",也就是能超越传统思维方式、传统道德观念而自由思想的人。本书作者弗里德里希•尼采(nietzsche, friedrich, 1844-1900)是19世纪德国哲学家,唯意志论和生命哲学主要代表之一,被认为是世界最伟大的思想家之一。早年在波恩大学和莱比锡大学学习,获博士学位。不到25岁就被聘为瑞士巴塞尔大学的古典语文学副教授,并在一年以后成为正教授。一生著述颇丰,如《悲剧的诞生》、《查拉图斯特拉如是说》、《善恶的彼岸》、《强力意志》等,对20世纪的思想界产生重大影响。1889年初,在意大利的都灵街头摔倒,就此精神错乱,于后在德国的魏玛去世。
