100字范文 > 香烟烟雾 cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

香烟烟雾 cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-27 05:08:42


香烟烟雾 cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

香烟烟雾,cigarette smoke

1)cigarette smoke香烟烟雾

1.Correlation Between the Expression of iNOS and Oxidative Stress on Testis After Cigarette Smoke Exposure;香烟烟雾致睾丸氧化应激损伤与iNOS表达的关系

2.The Acute Toxicity of Water-soluble Contents of Cigarette Smoke and the Effect on Micronucleus Rates of PCE in Mice Borrow;香烟烟雾水溶物对小鼠的急性毒性和骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率的影响

3.Toxic effects ofcigarette smoke on macrophage;香烟烟雾对巨噬细胞毒性作用的研究


1.Adverse Effects of Cigarette Smoke and Radon on BEAS-2B Cells香烟烟雾与氡对BEAS-2B细胞的损伤效应

2.Oxidative damage effects of A549 and A549-R cells induced by mainstream smoke香烟烟雾对A549与A549-R细胞的氧化损伤

3.The office had collected a blue layer of cigarette smoke near the ceiling.办公室天花板下聚集了一层蓝色的香烟烟雾。

4.Influence of the Cigarette Smoke on the Colon Mucous Membrane in Mouse香烟烟雾对小白鼠结肠粘膜表面结构的影响

5.Reproductive and Genetic Toxicity of Water-soluble Concents of Cigarette Smoke in Male;香烟烟雾水溶物对雄性的生殖和遗传毒性

6.The Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Water-soluble Contents of Cigarette Smoke in Mice;香烟烟雾水溶物对小鼠急慢性毒性实验的研究

7.The Effect of Cigarette Smoke on the Learning and Memory Capabilities of Rats;香烟烟雾对大白鼠学习记忆能力的影响

parative Study of Early Toxic Effect in Rats Inhaled from Cigarette Smoke and Radon香烟烟雾和氡吸入对大鼠的毒效应比较研究

9.Cigarette Smoke-induced Oxidative Damage to Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells香烟烟雾对人支气管上皮细胞的氧化损伤研究

10.The Effcet of Water Extract of Tea on Wheat Shoot against Water-Solubility Tobacco Smoke茶水对萌发麦芽抗水溶性香烟烟雾的影响

11.The Expression Change of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products in Lung Tissue of Rats Exposed to Cigarette Smoke香烟烟雾暴露大鼠肺组织中RAGE蛋白表达的改变

12.Chronic Toxicity of Cigarette Smoke on Rats长期香烟烟雾吸入对大鼠的慢性毒作用

13.The air is filled with a mix of cigarette smoke and fumes from a fog machine.空气中弥漫着香烟和干冰的烟雾。

14.He lit one cigarette, and blew a cloud of smoke into the air.他点燃一支香烟,然后喷出一团烟雾。

15.Tobacco fumes filled the air in the room.室内的空气中充满了香烟的烟雾。

16.He inhaled smoke from his cigarette他把香烟的烟雾吸进肺里。

17.The cigarette smoke irritates my eyes.香烟的烟雾刺得我眼睛难受。

18.He draw on his cigarette and blow out a stream of smoke.他吸了一口香烟,吐出来一股烟雾。


cigarette smoking香烟烟雾

1.Objective To explore the effect of low dose γ-radiation orcigarette smoking and their combined on the synthesis of protein and heat stress protein(HSP70) in embryonic brains of mice.0Gy)和香烟烟雾 (0~ 2支 /只 )处理的孕鼠的胎脑蛋白质和HSP70进行定量研究。

2.Objective:To evaluate the mechanism ofcigarette smoking on respiratory tract and lung tissue.目的 :探讨香烟烟雾对气道及肺组织损伤的机理。

3.Objective To study the affection of the hyperthmia andcigarette smoking on the neonate rat s neurobehavioral.方法孕d10的大鼠暴露于高温 (4 1℃和 42℃ ) ,同时在孕d2起 ,隔日皮下注射低剂量的香烟烟雾水溶物 (1。

3)tobacco smoke香烟烟雾

1.Objective To investigate the eye teratogenic effects oftobacco smoke on embryonic golden hamsters and its relationship with the apoptosis of the embryonic optic cup and optic vesicle epithelium.目的]观察孕鼠香烟烟雾染毒致胎鼠眼畸形的作用及对视杯、视泡上皮细胞和间充质细胞凋亡的影响。

4)mosquito coil smoke蚊香烟雾

5)environmental tobacco smoking环境香烟烟雾

1.Effects ofenvironmental tobacco smoking on lipid peroxidation rat;环境香烟烟雾对大鼠脂质过氧化作用的影响

6)water-soluble fraction of cigarette smoke(CSW)香烟烟雾水溶液


