100字范文 > 半干旱地区 semi-arid area英语短句 例句大全

半干旱地区 semi-arid area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-01 08:24:16


半干旱地区 semi-arid area英语短句 例句大全

半干旱地区,semi-arid area

1)semi-arid area半干旱地区

1.Along with the development of the society and the economy in the western part of Northeast China,the conflicts between water resources supply and demand is increasingly obvious in thesemi-arid area.作者应用BIOME-BGC模型模拟了国际协调强化观测计划(CEOP)亚洲季风比较研究(CAMP)的一个地面观测基准站半干旱地区吉林通榆2002年10月~9月草地和农田生态系统的潜热通量,并将模拟结果与通榆“干旱化和有序人类活动”长期观测站涡度相关法测定的观测值进行了比较,结果表明两者基本一致。

2.The guiding line and general objectives of constructing a technical innovation system for the agricultural sustainable development in Jilin Province s westernsemi-arid areas was proposed and the structure of the technical innovation system was redesigned.针对吉林省西部半干旱地区,提出了构建该区域农业可持续发展技术创新体系的指导思想和总体目标,并对技术创新体系的结构进行了再设计,将体系结构按照主导结构和支撑结构进行了划分。


1.Semi-arid land ecosystems半干旱地区生态系统

2.of arid and semiarid open country.产于干旱和半干旱地区的空旷乡间。

3.Agricultural and Livestock Production in the Arid and Semi-arid Areas in the United States of America美国干旱、半干旱地区的农牧业生产

4.The Research of Dust Emission in Arid and Semi-arid Soil干旱半干旱地区土壤的粉尘释放研究

5.dryland(s) management: The management of arid and semi-arid areas.旱地管理:指对干旱和半干旱地区的管理。

6.Groundwater has very important eco-value in arid and semi-arid regions.干旱半干旱地区地下水具有重要的生态价值。

7.Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.水资源紧缺限制了干旱半干旱地区农业生产。

8.Study of Preventing Leakage and Saving-Water Technique in Sandy Soil in Semiarid and Arid Region干旱、半干旱地区沙质土壤的防渗节水技术研究

9.Ecological Responses Along the Road Corridor in the Arid & Semi-Arid Regions of Northwest China;西北干旱半干旱地区公路廊道生态响应研究

10.Soil Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes from the Arid-semiarid Zones of Northwest China;中国西北干旱—半干旱地区土壤中的暗色丝孢菌

11.The population distribution and economic development in Arid& Semi-Arid area of northwest of China;我国西部干旱半干旱地区人口分布与经济发展

12.On the Strategies of Sustainable Agricultural Development in The Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of China;我国干旱半干旱地区农业持续发展战略探讨

13.Climatic change and influence in arid and semi-arid area of China我国干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响

14.Determination of thermal parameter of aerated zone in the arid and semi-arid region干旱半干旱地区包气带热参数模型研究

15.Application of Prunus humilis Bunge in the Green Highway in Arid or Semi-arid Region欧李在干旱、半干旱地区高速公路绿化中的应用

16.SWAT application in arid and semi-arid region:A case study in the Kuye River BasinSWAT在干旱半干旱地区的应用——以窟野河流域为例

17.Model for Town Development in Arid and Semiarid Areas of Western China西部干旱、半干旱地区小城镇发展模式的探讨

18.Study on Rational Construction of Alfalfa Groups at Dryland in Half-drought Area半干旱地区旱地苜蓿合理群体结构研究


semiarid area半干旱地区

1.Technique of spring wheat cultivation of farmland water microcollection insemiarid areas of Southern Ningxia;宁南半干旱地区春小麦农田微集水种植技术研究

2.Results Rainwater-harvesting technological artificial grassland planting and grass-grain crop rotation were presented as two important technological supports,and the rainwater-harvesting eco-agriculture had the ecological and economical feasibilities in thesemiarid area.目的提出以集水技术作为基础的农牧混合型农业的概念,探讨其在中国半干旱地区的可行性。

3.The dynamic relationship between the biomass of switchgrass and the soil water content in arid andsemiarid area was investigated in this paper.通过在黄土高原半干旱地区种植柳枝稷,构建生物量与土壤水分的动力学关系模型。

3)semi-arid region半干旱地区

1.Application and comparison of three hydrological models insemi-arid region;不同水文模型在半干旱地区的应用比较研究

2.Seed germination characteristics of annual species in temperatesemi-arid region;温带半干旱地区一年生植物种子的萌发特性

3.Problems on flood forecasting in thesemi-arid region;半干旱地区洪水预报的若干问题

4)Semiarid region半干旱地区

1.Study on moisture characteristics of marine salinesoil irrigated with seawater in semiarid region;半干旱地区海水灌溉下滨海盐土水分特征的研究

2.The field trial of plastic film mulching on dryland spring wheat was conducted in the semiarid region of Loess Plateau.在黄土高原半干旱地区 ,对旱地春小麦进行短期地膜覆盖试验。

3.To realize agriculture sustainable development in semiarid region, we must protect reasonably and use fully the soil resource for this we must study the interaction between water and fertilizer.半干旱地区农业要实现持续发展 ,必须对土地资源进行合理保护和充分利用 ,为达到目的必须研究水肥耦合效应。

5)semi arid area半干旱地区

1.A field experiment was carried out on cultivated loessial soil insemi arid areas with 415 mm annual mean precipitation and spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.在年均降水量为 4 1 5 m m的半干旱地区黄绵土旱地上 ,以春小麦为供试作物进行大田实验 ,研究不同底墒 包括低底墒、中底墒和高底墒 下 ,地膜覆盖 包括不覆膜、播种后覆膜 30 d、覆膜 6 0 d和覆膜 1 2 0 d即全程覆膜 进程对作物生产的影响 。

2.The land degradation was basis on the frangibility of eco environment in the westernsemi arid area of Northeast Plain.东北平原西部半干旱地区土地退化的形成是由其生态环境的脆弱性决定的。

3.Besides, were discribed social influence and ecological functions of establishment of sallow thorn seed orchards of superior varieties insemi arid area of this province.在甘南县兴七村和富拉尔基区省林研所建立两处良种沙棘园 ,并对其间种效益和经济效益进行评价 ,阐明在我省半干旱地区建立良种沙棘园的社会影响和生态作用。

6)arid and semi-arid regions干旱半干旱地区

1.Application of amorpha fruticose to vegetation protection for sideslopes of highway at thearid and semi-arid regions;紫穗槐在干旱半干旱地区公路边坡植物防护中的应用

2.Groundwater has very important eco-value inarid and semi-arid regions.干旱半干旱地区地下水具有重要的生态价值。


