100字范文 > 五行音乐 Five-Element Music英语短句 例句大全

五行音乐 Five-Element Music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-05 06:56:53


五行音乐 Five-Element Music英语短句 例句大全

五行音乐,Five-Element Music

1)Five-Element Music五行音乐


1.Initial Exploration on Application of Chinese Medicine Five Element Music in Emergency Area五行音乐疗法在急症病区的应用初探

2.Researching on Five Elements Music to Influence the Behavior of Anxiety Disercler Rats五行音乐对焦虑模型大鼠行为学影响的研究

3.A randomized controlled clinical study of the five elements music therapy affect the quality of life of chemotherapycancer patients五行音乐对肿瘤化疗患者生活质量影响的随机双盲对照临床研究

4.Investigation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Music Therapy in Treating 60 Cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Emotional Disorder五行音乐疗法对60例慢性疲劳综合征情绪障碍的疗效观察

5.Acoustic Structure of the Orchestral Suite "The Five Elements";陈其钢管弦乐组曲《五行》的音响结构

6.a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it.置于五线谱一行之首表示高低音的音乐符号。

7.a gapped scale with five notes.有五个乐音的非全音阶。

8.the musical interval between one note and another five notes away from it.一个乐音和距其五个乐音远的乐音之间的音程。

9.(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written.(音乐)乐音写在五条水平线上的音乐体系。

10.Formation of Music Criticism;音乐批评的形态“音乐批评学”——探索之五

11.A group of five performing musicians.五位音乐家的表演小组

12.I have a music lesson at 5 o"clock.我五点钟要学音乐。

13.Because I have music on Friday.因为周五我们上音乐课。

14.(music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale.(音乐中)全音阶中的第五个音符。

15.a clef that puts middle C on the fourth line of the staff; used for writing music for bassoons or cellos or tenor horns.把中央C音放在五线谱第四行线上的谱号;在为低音管、大提琴或男高音喇叭写作音乐时使用。

16.Which do you often listen to, classical music, pop music, folk music, or rock music?你经常听哪种音乐--古典音乐、流行音乐、民间音乐还是摇滚音乐?

17.The band plays all kinds of music ? pop music, rock music, and the latest hits.乐队表演各种风格的音乐?流行音乐,摇滚音乐和火爆流行音乐。

18.Concerts and sightseeing in the Parliament.每月的其中一个星期五古典音乐会将会在漂亮的国会大厦举行。


TCM Five-element Music中医五行音乐

3)Popular music流行音乐

1.On the Elegance and Vulgarness in Musical Art——From the perspective of Tang and Song poems and contemporary popular music;音乐艺术中的“雅”与“俗”——谈唐诗宋词与流行音乐

2.In pursuit of profundity or pleasure——The enlightenment of Adorno s aesthetic theory to modern Chinese popular music;追求深度还是体验快感——阿多诺的美学思想对当代中国流行音乐的启示

3.Thoughts on the Definition of Popular Music;关于流行音乐的概念界定

4)pop music流行音乐

1.It s the function and duty ofpop music to provide entertainment and emotional comfort.提供娱乐休闲以及情感慰藉是作为大众文化形式的流行音乐的一种功能和职责。

2.Rap is an importantpop music branch in America.Rap作为美国流行音乐的重要一支,与其它流行歌曲相比,它的歌词具有更重要的作用和意义。

3.To developpop music towards the direction,which is in favor of ideological and ethical education of youth,we should put forward countermeasures for school music education,music creation and social spreading by rational analysis of popularity actuality ofpop music in colleges.通过对校园中流行音乐流行现状的理性分析,提出学校音乐教育、音乐创作以及社会传播的应对策略,使流行音乐向着有利于青少年思想道德教育的方向发展。

5)music popularity音乐流行

6)Musical act音乐行为


