100字范文 > 廊坊市区 the City of Langfang英语短句 例句大全

廊坊市区 the City of Langfang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-15 05:40:19


廊坊市区 the City of Langfang英语短句 例句大全

廊坊市区,the City of Langfang

1)the City of Langfang廊坊市区


1.Countermeasures of Building a Regional Innovation System in Lang Fang;构建廊坊市区域创新系统的对策研究

2.An Analysis of Characteristics of Precipitation Contamination in Langfang during the Period of the Tenth Five-year Plan;“十五”期间廊坊市区降水污染特征分析

3.The Current Situation, Development Tendency and Analysis of Strategies on the Sports Body-building and Recreation Market in the City of Langfang廊坊市区体育健身娱乐市场现状、发展趋势及对策分析

4.Land Agrogeochemistry Characteristic and Regionalization of Langfang Hebei Province河北省廊坊市国土农业地球化学特征及区划

5.Vulnerability Analysis,Evaluation and Vulnerability Division of Lightning Disaster in Langfang of Hebei Province廊坊市雷电灾害易损性分析、评估及易损度区划

6.Study on the Change and Driving Forces of Cultivated land in Urbanization Process--A Case of the Plan District of Langfang;城市化进程中的耕地变化和驱动力研究——以廊坊市规划区为例

7.The Demonstration Village of Firedamp and the Appraisal of circulating agriculture--Giving Anci in Langfang City as an Example;沼气示范村建设与区域循环农业利用评价——以廊坊市安次区为例

8.Discussion on the Planning and Developing of Tourism Functions of Sight Riverway of Longhe River, Langfang City浅谈廊坊市龙河景观河道旅游功能区规划与开发

9.Analysis on Farmland Quantity Based on Farmland Grading;基于农用地分等的农地质量分析——以河北省廊坊市广阳区为例

10.Study on Development of Zoology Gardens City Construction in Langfang City;廊坊市生态园林城市建设的发展研究

11.Exploring the management of Langfang Urban Intangible Assets;廊坊市城市无形资产经营的问题研究

12.On Lanfan city s urban development in "big Peking" layout;论廊坊市在“大北京”规划中的城市发展

13.The Study of Analysis and Evaluation of the Structure of LangFang Sports Industry;廊坊市体育产业结构分析与评价研究

14.Study on the Readjustment Measures of Rural Residential land in Langfang;廊坊市农村居民点用地整治措施研究

15.Study on the Developing Strategy and Developing Mode of the Private Enterprises in Langfang City;廊坊市民营企业发展策略与模式研究

16.To Study on the Consume Need and Economy Growth Relation of Langfang City;廊坊市消费需求与经济增长关系研究

17.An Analysis of the Current Situation of College Campus Afforestation in the City of Langfang;廊坊市大学校园绿化环境的调查分析

18.Investigation and Analysis on the Current Situation of the Student s Life at Colleges in Langfang;廊坊市大学生生活现状调查及其浅析


Anci section of Langfang City廊坊市安次区

3)planning area of Langfang City廊坊市规划区

4)Langfang city廊坊市

1.Analysis and Research on the Construction of Cultural and Information Resources Sharing Project in Langfang City;廊坊市“文化信息资源共享工程”建设分析与研究

2.Study on the Developing Strategy and Developing Mode of the Private Enterprises in Langfang City;廊坊市民营企业发展策略与模式研究

3.Probe into Speeding up the Publication Logistics in Langfang City加快廊坊市出版物物流之探讨


1.Study on the Readjustment Measures of Rural Residential land inLangfang;廊坊市农村居民点用地整治措施研究

2.Study on Countermeasure and Evaluation of the Fertilizer Application inLangfang City;廊坊市施肥状况的评价与对策研究

3.Study on Industrial Structure Adjustment and Optimization of the Space Layout ofLangfang Basing on the Economic Development of Beijing-Tianjin Corridor基于京津走廊经济发展的廊坊市产业结构调整和空间布局优化研究

6)Langfang region廊坊地区

1.The characteristics of subsurface fluid anomalies inLangfang region before Zhangbei M6.2 earthquake;张北6.2级地震前廊坊地区地下流体异常特征


