100字范文 > 资源丰度 resource abundance英语短句 例句大全

资源丰度 resource abundance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-20 18:18:08


资源丰度 resource abundance英语短句 例句大全

资源丰度,resource abundance

1)resource abundance资源丰度

1.The relationship between ENSO and tuna purse-seineresource abundance and fishing grounds distribution in the Western and Centra1 Pacific Ocean;ENSO与中西太平洋金枪鱼围网资源丰度及其渔场变动的关系

2.Based on the comparasion of different provinces,this article chose water,tilth,forest,energy and mineral resources as example to inspect the relationship betweenresource abundance and economy development in different regions in China.以省域面板数据为基础,选取水、耕地、森林、能源、矿产等五种资源,验证了1978-中国不同种类资源丰度与区域经济发展之间的相关关系,研究表明:①资源诅咒原理在中国内部区域之间仍然成立,除水资源外,耕地、能源、矿产和森林等四种资源的丰度与区域经济发展水平都呈现负相关关系,其程度由高到低依次是:耕地资源、矿产资源、能源资源、森林资源;②遭遇"资源诅咒"的省处于"资源丰度—经济发展"坐标系第IV象限,并绝大多数都位于西部地区和东北地区;③各省人均GDP与综合资源丰度的对数成反比,我国资源丰裕度与经济发展水平成相反的变化趋势;④自然资源对于经济增长的影响作用往往是通过多种机制共同作用的结果,中国资源诅咒的传导机制主要包括"荷兰病"效应、制度效应、"挤出"效应以及区位和交通因素等方面。

3.The Concept of petroleumresource abundance was introduced to estimate the exploration potential of the Xihu Depression, espec.同时还引进油了气远景资源丰度的概念,并将西湖凹陷各构造区带的油气远景资源丰度与中国东部凹陷的油气远景资源丰度相比,分析了油气勘探潜力,着重论述了保俶斜坡和中央背斜构造带的油气勘探潜力。


1.Agricultural Resources Assessment --Assessment of Resources Richness Rate Index;农业资源评价——资源丰度指数评价法

2.Evaluation on Xinjiang Agricultural Resources based on Resources Richness Rate Index;基于资源丰度指数对新疆农业资源的初步评价

3.Grey relational evaluation on richness-degree of knowledge resources of papermaking enterprises;造纸企业知识资源丰度的灰关联评价

4.Research on Relationship between Resource Abundance and Regional Economy Development in China:Based on Resource Curse Theory;中国区域经济与资源丰度相关性研究

5.Shijiazhuang Agricultural Resources by the Model of Resources Enrichment Index;基于资源丰度指数模型的石家庄市农业资源研究

6.Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Model for Supervision of Abundance of River Basin Water Resources流域水资源丰富度监督模糊模式识别

7.Enriching Campus Culture with "Red Resources"深度开发红色资源 丰赡校园红色文化

8.Analysis on Relationship between Enery Abundance and Chnia"s Regional Economic Development能源资源丰裕度与我国地区经济发展关系分析

9.Length of Precipitation Data Series and Abundance Water Resources in Wusu City乌苏市降水资料序列长度与水资源丰枯分析

10.The Analysis of Genetic Diversity and SSR Abundance in Cotton Germplasms;棉花种质资源遗传多样性及其SSR丰度分析

11.Application of Composite Anomaly Abundance Method in Mineral Resource Potential Predication;组合异常丰度法在矿产资源潜力预测中的应用

12.Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth Relations Review;自然资源丰裕度与经济增长关系研究述评

13.Models of Self-Organizing Neural Network for the Evaluation of WatershedWater Resources Abundance;流域水资源丰富度评价的自组织神经网络模型

14.An Empirical Study of the Linkage Among Natural Resource Abundance,Institutional Quality and Economic Growth自然资源丰裕、制度质量与经济发展关系的研究

15.Information Resource Affluent Coefficient Measurement and Informationization in Ningxia宁夏地区信息资源丰裕度评价与信息化建设

16.Grey-Mode Theoretical Identification Model for Watershed Resource Evaluation流域水资源丰富度评价的灰色模式识别模型

17.The Study on the Sustainable Utilization of Resources in Northern Shaanxi Area Based on the Remeasurement of Resource Abundance Index;基于资源丰裕度重判的陕北地区资源可持续利用研究

18.Analysis and optimization of information resource affluent coefficient of information resource measure;对信息资源测度“信息资源丰裕系数”的解析与优化探讨


enrichment of resources资源丰度

1.Each target of reflectingenrichment of resources is not compatible.反映资源丰度的各个指标是不相容的 ,因而利用物元分析来对其进行研究是一条比较有效的途径 ,并且计算方法也简单易行。

2.The enrichment of area resources was expressed by means of a standardized index,and the degree was taken as quantitative unit of theenrichment of resources.提出了一种通用的定量计算方法 ,即用规范化指数表示各地区的资源丰度 ,用“度”作为资源丰度的计量单位。

3.Calculating ofenrichment of resources not only involves a lot of targets of different characters, but also boundary line of enrichment is not clear.资源丰度的估算涉及许多互不相容的指标,而丰度的界线又是不分明的,因而利用模糊综合评判来对其进行研究是一条有效的途径,并且计算方法也简单易行。

3)resources abundance资源丰度

1.Actually, a lot of evaluations on resources are based on natureresources abundance, so it’s very important to evaluate natureresources abundance objectively.对自然资源的很多评价是建立在自然资源丰度的基础上,所以对自然资源丰度的客观评价非常重要。

2.According to statistical data of oilresources abundance and related geological parameters in the twenty one standard blocks in East China rift basins,through to the correlation analysis of various geological factor which affect oilresources abundance,its main control factors have been defined.根据中国东部断陷盆地21个标准区的石油资源丰度及其相关地质参数的统计数据,通过对石油资源丰度诸地质因素的相关性分析,确定了其主控地质因素。

4)Resource Abundance Index (RAI)资源丰裕度

5)resources area abundance method资源面积丰度法

6)oil resource abundance石油资源丰度


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
