100字范文 > 体育产业集群 sports industry cluster英语短句 例句大全

体育产业集群 sports industry cluster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-24 07:45:15


体育产业集群 sports industry cluster英语短句 例句大全

体育产业集群,sports industry cluster

1)sports industry cluster体育产业集群

1.In other industrial field, especially manufacturing, cluster at home and abroad has had a lot of theoretical and empirical studies, but thesports industry cluster system has been almost a blank.体育产业集群在国内国外的发展实例表明,对于我国尚处在探索阶段的体育产业来说,它无疑是一条值得深入研究的发展路径。


1.Clustered Development of Sports Industry in Visual Angle of Specialized Division of Labor专业化分工视角下的体育产业集群发展

2.Discussion on China"s Niche Sports Leisure Clusters and Their Further Developing Road我国休闲体育产业集群的壁龛性及其市场拓展的衍生路径探究

3.A Comparison on Sporting Goods Industry Cluster between Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province浙江、广东体育用品产业集群比较研究

4.Consideration about industrial cluster development of sports tourism in Henan province河南体育旅游产业集群化发展的思考

5.Enlightenment of the Cause for Industrial Cluster on Development of Chinese Sports Industry产业集群的成因对我国体育产业发展的启示

6.The Research on the Industry Cluster and Convergency of the Small and Medium-sized Sports Good Companies in China--Empirical study on the industry cluster of Jinjiang sports shoes companies in Fujian;我国中小体育用品生产企业产业集群集聚研究——以福建晋江运动鞋产业集群为实证

7.Discussion on Sporting Goods Industry Collection in Jinjiang Area of Fujian Province;浅议福建省晋江地区体育用品产业集群化

8.Research on Development and Governmental Policies of Sports Product Industrial Clustering in China;我国体育用品产业集群发展及政府政策研究

9.Research on Current Condition and Development of Sports Product Industrial Clustering in China;我国体育用品产业集群的现状与发展研究

10.Study on Regional Brand Construction for Sporting Goods Industrial Cluster in China我国体育用品产业集群区域品牌建设探讨

11.Research on the cluster development of sports goods industry of the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲体育用品产业集群发展研究

12.The Regional Brand of Sports Goods in Manufacture Industrial Clustering in China我国体育用品产业集群的区域品牌建设研究

13.The Model of Industrial Cluster in the Strategic Choice of Development China s Sports Goods Industry Taking the Sample of Sports Shoes Enterprises in Jinjiang, Fujian;产业集群:发展我国体育用品产业的战略选择——以福建晋江运动鞋产业集群为例

14.Study on Fostering Industry s Cluster and Promoting Industry s Competitiveness;产业集群培育与提升产业竞争力研究

15.Research on Efficiency Loss of the Industrial Clustering of Sports Wear Enterprises of Small or Medium Size in Fujian Province;福建省中小体育用品企业产业集群效率缺失分析

16.Empirical Research on Sports Goods Manufacture Industrial Clustering in Zhejiang;区域体育用品制造业产业集群实证研究——以浙江为例

17.A Research on Development of Zhejiang Province Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Sporting Goods Industry Cluster我国民营中小型体育用品制造业产业集群发展研究——以浙江省为例

18.Benign Adaptation of Higher Vocational Education and Industry Cluster;高等职业教育与产业集群的良性适配


sports product industrial clustering体育用品产业集群

3)Study on Sports Industry Cluster体育产业集群研究

4)leisure sports industrial clusters休闲体育产业集群

1.This paper firstly using the niche marketing theory,and classifies theleisure sports industrial clusters into two groups: embedded in other industries and in some major sports events.首次以壁龛特性为视角,将我国休闲体育产业集群分为以依托于其他产业类型为主和以依托于大型体育赛事而集聚起来的休闲体育产业集群两大类,研究发现这两类休闲体育产业集群具有明显的共性——嵌入并依附于其他市场的小壁龛市场特征。

5)cluster cultivation产业集群培育

6)cluster of education industries教育产业集群

1.The Espoo case bases on the theory,and also gives us a new path for constructing the learning city as follow:starting from university town (working as the education industry unit) to a cluster of higher education industries,then engendering acluster of education industries,and promoting the construction of the learning city.埃斯波市的学习型城市建设规划给我们提供了一条新的学习型城市建设路径,即大学城(教育产业单元)—高等教育产业集群—教育产业集群—(推动)学习型城市。


