100字范文 > 离心式冷水机组 centrifugal chiller英语短句 例句大全

离心式冷水机组 centrifugal chiller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-12 14:50:10


离心式冷水机组 centrifugal chiller英语短句 例句大全

离心式冷水机组,centrifugal chiller

1)centrifugal chiller离心式冷水机组

1.Theory and preventing method of surge forcentrifugal chillers;离心式冷水机组的喘振机理及防止方法

2.Characteristics comparison ofcentrifugal chillers using HCFC123 or HFC134a;HCFC123与HFC134a离心式冷水机组特性比较

3.Based on the theoretical study,and by practical analysis in detail,the effective ways of ensuring unit running were provided,which has good energy saving effects oncentrifugal chiller.介绍了离心式压缩机工作原理以及发生喘振的机理,描述了喘振的运行状态对制冷机组的危害,在理论研究的基础上通过详细的实际分析,提出了保证机组运行可靠的有效途径,对于离心式冷水机组具有较好的节能效果。



2.Discussion of reducing annual energy consumption of centrifugal chillers with variable speed drivers对变频离心式冷水机组全年节电的探讨

3.Failure Analyse and Technique Amelioration in a State of Low Load/Low Energy of the Centrifugal Chiller in QS Ⅱ NPP;秦山核电二期离心式冷水机组低负荷/低能头工况故障分析与技术改进研究

4.marine centrifugal type refrigerating compressor unit船用离心式制冷压缩机组

5.Parameters Restricting the Coefficient of Performance of Centrifugal Refrigerating Units制约离心式制冷机组COP值的参数分析

6.water cooled diesel generator set水冷式柴油发电机组

7.marine piston type chiller船用活塞式冷水机组

8.Analyses the effects of variable condenser water flow on COP of centrifugal chillers.分析了冷却水变流量对离心式制冷机性能系数的影响;

9.extractor ,centrifugal, for dry-cleaning machines干洗机脱水机,离心式

10.centrifugal oil purfier离心式润滑油分水机

11.vibrating screen type dewatering machine with centrifuge振动筛式离心脱水机

12.Refrigeration Performance of a Silica Gel-Water Adsorption Chiller Driven by Variable Heat Source硅胶水吸附式制冷机组变热源下制冷性能

13.Discussion on Reduction Causes of Refrigerating Capacity of Lithium Bromide Absorption-type Cold and Hot Water Unit溴化锂吸收式冷热水机组制冷量衰减原因探析

14.The methods of performance test for reciprocating and screw water-chilling unitsGB/T10870-1989容积式冷水机组性能试验方法

15.lithiumbromide absorption water heater chiller溴化锂吸收式冷温水机组

16.Optimization of Inner Cooling Water Treatment Method for 300 MW Unit300MW机组内冷水处理方式的优化

17.Performance test analysis of water chillers in the energy centre of Pudong International Airport浦东国际机场能源中心冷水机组性能测试分析

18.automatic high speed refrigerated centrifuge自动高速冷却离心机


centrifugal water chiller离心式冷水机组

1.Affection of pressure difference of cooling water on refrigerating output ofcentrifugal water chillers;冷却水压差对离心式冷水机组制冷量的影响

2.Selection of refrigerant substitute in R12centrifugal water chillers in service;在用R12离心式冷水机组替代物的选择

3.Analyses the performance parameters including refrigerating effect, COP value, noise level, size and weight ofcentrifugal water chillers, presents author s opinion for configuration design of these units.分析了几种离心式冷水机组制冷量、COP值、噪声、外形尺寸及质量等性能参数 ,并就机组结构设计提出了自己的看法。

3)centrifugal chillers离心式冷水机组

1.The two substitutive refrigerants HFC134a and HCFC123 incentrifugal chillers were described and the safety performance,efficiency and some other factors of the two refrigerants were synthetically compared.阐述了离心式冷水机组的两种替代制冷剂HFC134a和HCFC123的性能,综合比较了这两种制冷剂的安全性、效率和其它一些因素。

2.Through analyzing the constitution of condenser ofcentrifugal chillers,calculated the velocity of flow of cooling water by the pressure difference of cooling water in tube in accordance with Kern equation of shell and tube heat exchanger, then acquired the heat transfer coefficient of the condenser, finally, got out the condenser heat load and refrigeration capacity ofcentrifugal chillers.通过对离心式冷水机组冷凝器构造的分析,按管壳式热交换器Kern方程,由管程压降计算出冷却水流速,而后得出冷凝器的传热系数,进而算出冷凝器的热负荷和冷水机组的制冷量;建立冷却水压差和离心式冷水机组制冷量的关系,对冷水机组的设计和运行提供了一些参考。

3.The principle ofcentrifugal chillers is introduced to verify that chillers with multiple stages can avoid surge effectively and can be used in ice storage system.本文介绍离心式压缩机原理,说明多级压缩离心式冷水机组能有效避免"喘振",可应用于冰蓄冷系统。

4)centrifugal water chillers离心式冷水机组

1.Selection of high-efficiencycentrifugal water chillers with systems approach;采用系统法选择高效离心式冷水机组

2.According to the special requirement of refrigerant alternative incentrifugal water chillers, a new alternative, LXR1, was developed as the same thermal performance with R12.在本文中,对LXR1进行了泄漏模拟分析、泄漏-再充灌模拟分析、以及它们引起的混合物摩尔质量变化的分析,另外还对LXR1进行了材料相容性试验、可燃性试验的试验研究,证明其可以直接充灌于R12离心式冷水机组,是一种R12离心式冷水机组的潜在替代物。

5)micro centrifugal chiller微型离心式冷水机组

1.Performance analysis onmicro centrifugal chillers微型离心式冷水机组性能分析

6)centrifugal chiller with variable speed driver变频离心式冷水机组

1.Analyses the annual energy saving of acentrifugal chiller with variable speed driver in the projects with one chiller or several chillers, according to their annual energy consumption that is sum of the product of the chiller efficiencies, loads and operation time in different operation periods.介绍了变频离心式冷水机组节能的原理及适用条件。


