100字范文 > 代表项目 on behalf of the project英语短句 例句大全

代表项目 on behalf of the project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-28 12:59:03


代表项目 on behalf of the project英语短句 例句大全

代表项目,on behalf of the project

1)on behalf of the project代表项目


1.The Competitive Capacity Characteristics of Typical Events Which Attribute to Expressive Group-event表现性项群代表项目竞技能力特征研究

parison and Researching about Tournament Abilities Characteristic of Antagonism Items;对抗性项群代表项目竞技能力特征的比较研究

parison and Researching about Competitive Abilities" Characteristic of Physical-led Group of Categories on Behalf of the Project体能主导类项群代表项目竞技能力特征的比较研究

4.Taekwondo is one of the sports that represent the oriental cultures.跆拳是代表东方文化的体育项目之一。

5.The Goodwill Mission also inspected 7 important items.代表团还落实考察了7个重点项目。

6.project data sheet, detailed(详细)项目数据表

7.Bullet (Unnumbered) List项目 (无编号) 列表

8.Supplier - The lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appointee.供应商--供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或是该项目经理指定的代表。

9.Select an existing entry from the Address Book to represent your profile:从通讯簿中选择已有的项目代表您的配置文件:

10.The current system code page cannot represent the project or the file name:当前系统代码页不能表示项目或文件名:

11.Create a new entry in the Address Book to represent your profile.在通讯簿中创建可代表您档案的新项目。

12.Talking about Project Management of Owner Representative at Stage of Engineering Construction谈谈业主代表在工程实施阶段的项目管理

13.Item analysis and screening of second-generation sub-health questionnaire第2代亚健康调查表的项目分析与筛选

14.You can change the type of an existing article only if it is a table article.仅当项目为表项目时,才可更改现有项目的类型。

15.To give other users permission to send items on your behalf, switch to the Delegates page and add their names to the delegate list.要赋予其他用户代表您发送项目的权限,请切换到“代理”页并将他们的名字添加到代理列表中。

16.Item Removed : Signifies that the specified item was removed from the project.已移除项:表示指定项已从项目中移除。

17.Edit item form (used to edit existing list items)编辑项目表单(用于编辑现有的列表项)

18.Inserts an icon into your item that represents the file. The icon will be linked to将代表此文件的图标插入到项目中。该图标将链接到


unrepresentative item非代表性项目

3)Project Principal Resident Representative项目特等驻地代表

4)Principal Project Resident Representative特等项目驻地代表

5)price list item价表项目

1.A method for coordinating the relation between clinical diagnosis ant treatment item andprice list item in hospital information system;医院信息系统临床诊疗项目与价表项目对照整理方法

6)project report项目报表


代表1.谓显耀于一代。 2.受委托代替个人﹑集体﹑组织办事或表达意见的人。亦指由选举产生,替选举人办事或表达意见的人。 3.指同类人物的典型。 4.代替个人或集体办事或表达意见。 5.体现,反映。 6.代为表示。
