100字范文 > 民俗体育文化 folk physical culture英语短句 例句大全

民俗体育文化 folk physical culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-16 03:39:52


民俗体育文化 folk physical culture英语短句 例句大全

民俗体育文化,folk physical culture

1)folk physical culture民俗体育文化

1.Beginning from explaining the concepts of sports spirit andfolk physical culture,the paper expounds the content and characteristic of the sports spirit,seeks the fusion way for them.从体育精神和民俗体育文化的概念入手,阐述体育精神的内容及特性,寻求两者融合的途径,旨在有效传承和创新民俗体育文化,为全民健身和社会主义精神文明建设贡献力量。


1.The Effects of Folk Sports Culture on Leisure Sport Concepts of Urban Residents;民俗体育文化对城镇居民体育休闲观念的影响

2.Ancient Sports from the Angle of Archaeological Studies;从体育考古看我国古代民俗体育文化特征

3.Analysis of the Characteristics of the Folk Custom Sports Culture in Luoyang Folk;洛阳市民间民俗体育文化资源的特征分析

4.Analysis of The Character of Folk-custom Physical Cultute and Realistic Affection;试论民间民俗体育文化特征与现实作用

5.Research on Arrangement and Catalogue of Folk Sports Culture of National Minority我国少数民族民俗体育文化的整理与编目研究

6.The Folk Sports Culture of Libo s Shui People in Primitive Religion;原始宗教下荔波水族民俗体育文化探析

7.Formation of Zhejiang island village folk sports culture and measures for its development;浙江海岛渔村民俗体育文化的形成与发展

8.Hakka "Dragon Lantern and Lion" and Folk-custom PE Culture;赣闽粤客家“打龙灯舞狮子”与民俗体育文化

9.On Characteristics of Jiangxi Folk-Custom Sports Culture and its Presentday Development;论江西民俗体育文化的特点及其现代发展

10.Protection of Chinese minority nationality folk sports culture from the perspective of immaterial cultural heritages非物质文化遗产视角下我国少数民族民俗体育文化的保护

11.Development of national minority folk sports resources from perspective of non-material cultural heritage protection非物质文化遗产保护视角下我国少数民族民俗体育文化资源开发

12.A Survey of the Cultural Development of Traditional Chinese Sports Following the Olympic Games奥运后中华民俗体育发展之文化审视

13.Reflections on Development of Folk Sports Under Edge Culture“边缘文化”语境下民俗体育发展的思考

14.China Traditional Sports Culture in the Perspective of Folklore;民俗学视野中的我国民族传统体育文化

15.Development and Employment of the Culture of Folk Sports at the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympics;北京奥运开幕式体育民俗文化的开发与利用

16.A study of Non-intangible Cultural Heritage Protection of Folk Sports in Hangzhou杭州民俗体育非物质文化遗产保护研究

17.Characteristics and Development of Regional Culture of Chinese Folk Sports论我国民俗体育的地域文化特征与发展

18.Construction of the sustainable development and featured culture of folklore sports in Guangxi广西民俗体育的可持续发展与特色文化建设


Discussion on folk sports culture论民俗体育文化

3)folk sports民俗体育

1.Effects offolk sports on harmonious body——Development logic and modern way offolk sports;民俗体育对身体和谐的建构——谈民俗体育的发展逻辑及其现代道路

2.Concepts and mutual relations of sports in folk,traditional sports,folk sports and minority sports;民间体育、传统体育、民俗体育、民族体育的概念及其关系辨析

3.Origin offolk sports and its important role in Fujian and Taiwan in promoting relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China;闽台民俗体育文化的渊源及其在两岸关系中的作用

4)folk sport民俗体育

1.A follow-up discussion about the concept of and relation between civilian sport,national sport,traditional sport andfolk sport——A discussion with Mr.TU Chuan-fei and his associates;也谈民间体育、民族体育、传统体育、民俗体育概念及其关系——兼与涂传飞等同志商榷

2.Dragon boat race in Xiamen District and its influences onfolk sports in western part of Taiwan Strait;析厦门地区龙舟竞渡活动现状及对海峡西岸民俗体育的影响

3.Urbanization and Chinesefolk sport development——Study of Xiao Zhenfolk sport;城镇化与我国民俗体育发展——对江西省“孝镇”民俗体育的个案研究


1.On the religion and culture factors in forming offolk-sports in Jiangxi;江西民俗体育形成的宗教文化因素

2.The authors put forward some suggestions that will makefolk-sports survive and reflect vigor in the social development.民俗体育作为一种特色鲜明、形式多样的民俗活动,无论在各种民俗节日中,还是在民众的日常生活当中,都展现了巨大的魅力。

6)folk culture民俗文化

1.A study of Liaoningfolk culture tourism resources development;辽宁民俗文化旅游资源开发策略研究

2.Islamic Cultural Characteristics and their Structure within Folk Culture of Hui Ethnic Group in Bafang Community of Lin Xia Region;临夏八坊回族民俗文化中的伊斯兰文化特质及建构

3.Research on the Folk Culture Development and the Strategy;云南民俗文化产业发展现状及对策研究


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
