100字范文 > 茶绿色素 tea green pigment英语短句 例句大全

茶绿色素 tea green pigment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-02 19:31:00


茶绿色素 tea green pigment英语短句 例句大全

茶绿色素,tea green pigment

1)tea green pigment茶绿色素

1.Study on manufacture technique of fat-solubletea green pigment;脂溶性茶绿色素制取工艺研究

2.The manufacture processing oftea green pigment — sodium-zinc chlorophyllin(TGP-2) was studied by using expectant function approach for simultaneous optimization of several variable levels.采用四因素二次旋转正交回归组合设计方法对茶绿色素叶绿素锌钠盐的锌代工艺进行研究。

3.The stability of threetea green pigments was investigated in this paper.经热、酸、碱、光、金属离子及常用添加剂处理,对3种茶绿色素的稳定性进行了比较研究。


1.Extraction of Tea Green Pigment and Effects of It on Low Temperature Extraction Tea Juice;茶绿色素提取及其对低温浸提茶汤增色作用的研究

2.Study on Composition of Pigments of Fresh Green Tea Juice and the Color-keeping Technology;绿茶鲜汁饮料色素物质组成及其护绿措施研究

3.Study on the Relationship of Six Mental Elements and the Color of Green Tea;六种金属元素与绿茶色泽相关性的研究

4.Green tea is pale, greenish yellow, and the black tea is a deep amber color.绿茶的颜色是带淡绿的黄色,红茶是深琥珀色。

5.Studies on Analysis the Lipid-pigments in Green Tea and Formation Mechanism of New GaoQiaoYinFeng s Appearance Color;绿茶脂溶性色素分析与新型高桥银峰外形色泽形成机理研究

6.The bright orange theaflavins give sparkle to tea and the rusty brown thearubigins depth to the color.鲜橙色的茶黄素使茶色艳丽,而锈棕色的茶红素使茶色加深。

7.Study on the Extraction Technology of Tea Saponin from Hainan Green Tea Seed and the Components of Tea Seed Oil海南绿茶籽茶皂素提取工艺及茶籽油成分研究

8.Dark green, spooned/ red back. Semiminiature.深绿色茶匙型叶,红色叶背。半迷你型。

9.Study on Chemical Composition of Catechu ( I )--Distinction Between Catechin and Epicatechin by TLC薄层色谱法鉴别儿茶中儿茶素和表儿茶素

10.Studies on the Color Variation Law and Its Regulation of Green Tea Infusion绿茶茶汤色泽的变化规律及其调控研究

11.Studies on the Change of Catechins of Instant Green Tea During the Process and Its Mechanism;速溶绿茶加工中儿茶素变化趋势及其作用机理

12.Variegated dark green, pink and tan. Standard.深绿色,粉红色和茶色组合成的斑叶。标准型。

13.Green, health, novel, safety of tea merchandise.绿色、健康、新颖、安全的茶类商品。

14.Research on Chinese Tea Trade and Green Barrier;中国茶产品贸易与绿色壁垒问题研究

15.Green Barrier--the Signal Lamp of Our Tea Exportation;绿色壁垒——我国茶叶出口的信号灯

16.Establishment of High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Analysis of Green Fluorescence Substances in Tea Leaves茶叶绿色荧光物质的HPLC分析方法建立

17."And unfermented, or green, tea, results in a mild, slightly Bitter, pale greenish-yellow Beverage."非发酵茶,或称绿茶,产生温和的、略苦的、浅绿-黄色的饮料。

18.Study on the Determination of Flavonols and Its Glycosides and Their Effects on the Color of Green Tea Infusion绿茶茶汤中黄酮醇及其苷类的测定方法以及对茶汤色度的影响


green tea pigment绿茶色素

1.The objective was to extractgreen tea pigment from low baddish fannings of hangzhou green tea.目的:以杭州低档绿茶碎末为原料,提取绿茶色素。

3)tea green pigment (tea chlorophyll)茶绿色素(茶叶绿素)

4)Green tea catechin(GTC)绿茶儿茶素

1.Green tea catechin(GTC) is the most active component of green tea.绿茶儿茶素是绿茶中主要的一类活性物质 ,现有资料表明其具有一定的肿瘤预防及治疗作用。

5)tea green cloth茶绿色布

6)tea green茶绿色


