100字范文 > 医药零售企业 Pharmaceutical retail business英语短句 例句大全

医药零售企业 Pharmaceutical retail business英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-24 03:26:59


医药零售企业 Pharmaceutical retail business英语短句 例句大全

医药零售企业,Pharmaceutical retail business

1)Pharmaceutical retail business医药零售企业


parative Study on Chinese and Foreign Medicine;我国医药零售企业国际比较与对策研究

2.Discussion on Logistics Management of China s Pharmacy Chains;我国医药零售连锁企业物流管理研究

3.Superficially Research about the Influence of New Medical Reform to the Medicine Retail Market浅谈新医改对药品零售企业发展的影响

4.The new reform of medical and health system on the impact of China"s pharmaceutical retail enterprises and Enterprises"s Strategies新医改对药品零售企业的影响及企业的策略选择

5.Liuzhou Medicine Retail Chain Logistics Development of the Investigation and Research;柳州市医药零售连锁企业物流发展状况的调查研究

6.Development of B to C E-commerce in Pharmaceutical Industry and the Strategy for the Development of E-commerce in China s Pharmaceutical Retail Chains;医药电子商务B to C模式的发展及我国医药连锁零售企业开展电子商务的策略研究

7.The Research on Management Strategy of Pharmacy Retail Chain Enterprise in Our Country;我国药品零售连锁企业发展策略研究

8.On the Brand Construction of Chain Drug Stores in China;论我国药品零售连锁企业的品牌建设

9.On the Management of Circulation of Commodities in Chinese Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises;论我国药品零售连锁企业的物流管理

10.In every area several hospitals will be selected for experiments in substituting pharmacies in outpatient departments for drug stores.各地要选择若干家医院积极进行门诊药房改为药品零售企业的试点。

11.The Necessity of Developing Pharmaceutical Services on the Retailed Pharmacy in China;试论我国药品零售企业开展药学服务的必要性

12.Operating Predicament in Medicine Retail Trade and Its Countermeasures--An example, Medicine Retail Markets in Shenzhen;医药零售行业经营困境和对策分析——以深圳市医药零售市场为研究背景

13.Local Legislation Study on the Supervision and Administration of Pharmaceutical Retailers;药品零售企业监督管理的地方性立法研究

14.Study on Countermeasures of Surveillance and Management of Medicine Retail Enterprises in China;我国药品零售企业监督管理的对策分析

15.Discussion on Exploitation of Private Brand Products in Pharmaceutical Retail Enterprises;关于药品零售企业开发自有品牌产品的思考

16.Discussion on the Development of Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises in China After Access to WTO;加入WTO后我国药品零售连锁企业的发展探索

17.On the Marketing Strategy of Chinese Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises;论我国药品零售连锁企业的市场营销战略

18.The Design and Realization of Remote Monitoring System for Drugs Retail Enterprise药品零售企业远程监管系统的设计与实现


Pharmaceutical retail chains医药连锁零售企业

3)pharmacy chains医药零售连锁企业

1.Since the construction of logistics sustains further expansionism ofpharmacy chains, we must keep them in balance.所谓“重前轻后”是指许多医药零售连锁企业在不断追求规模扩张的时候,只重视前台门店的扩张,而忽视了物流配送体系的建设,从而导致了后台物流系统的构筑及管理出现越来越多的问题,出现了在前台门店数量不断增长的同时,企业总利润却在不断下降的趋势。

4)medicine retail business医药零售业

1.The typical characteristics of the marketing structure of China\"smedicine retail business are mainly embodied in over-competition.我国医药零售业市场结构的典型特征主要表现为过度竞争。

5)Retailed pharmacy药品零售企业

6)medicine retailing医药零售

1.Along with China s entry into the WTO and the trend of the economic globalization,our country will openmedicine retailing area in .以我国医药零售业的代表企业———深圳一致药业股份有限公司、上海华氏大药房有限公司为例同世界巨头———CVS和Walgreen在企业的发展历史、赢利模式、绩效评价指标分析等方面做横向比较 ,找出我国医药零售企业和世界巨头的差距 ,在此基础上才能从产业组织结构优化的角度制定出相应的措

2.By the end of the interim, according to the promises what we gave when we jointed WTO: except the enterprises which chain shops are over 30, other Chinesemedicine retailing enterprises’holdings will be allowed to be charged by foreign investors on 11th December .随着保护过渡的期的结束,按照我国加入世贸组织的承诺:到12月11日,除连锁门店30家以上的医药零售企业不允许外资控股外,其余的药品分销业将对外资全面开放,没有股权的限制。


