100字范文 > 市场经济因素 socialist market economic factors英语短句 例句大全

市场经济因素 socialist market economic factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-02 02:59:21


市场经济因素 socialist market economic factors英语短句 例句大全

市场经济因素,socialist market economic factors

1)socialist market economic factors市场经济因素


1.Analysis of Market Economic Factors in Traditional Business Proverbs中国传统商谚中的市场经济因素探析

2.The Mercantilism Policy of Elizabeth Ⅰ and the Development of Market Economy伊丽莎白一世的重商主义政策与市场经济因素的孕育

3.Chief element of economic development: market economy system;市场经济制度:经济发展的首要因素

4.market-disciplined free-enterprise economy由市场因素决定的自由企业经济体系

5.Ana1ysis of dynamic factors of construction cost in market economy市场经济中工程造价的动态因素分析

6.The Necessary Social Factors to Advance Market Economy;论促进市场经济发展必需的社会因素

7.A shallow analysis on restrictive factors in developingnational economy under the conditions of market economy;浅析市场经济条件下民族经济发展的制约因素

8.Empirical Research on Economic Influence Factors of Market for Corporate Control--Taking the American Market for Example from 1970-1999;控制权市场经济影响因素的经验分析——以美国1970-1999年的市场为例

9.There are still many unfixed factors in the international financial market and economic trend.国际金融市场和经济走向还有许多不确定因素。

10.The Influence and Countermeasure of Macro Economic Factors on Chinses Stock Market;宏观经济因素对中国股票市场的影响及对策

11.The Mechanism of Market Readjustment Composed of the Productive Factor in the Economic System;经济系统中生产因素构成的市场调节机制

12.Accelerating Process of Marketization: Determinant Factors of Characteristic Economy Development of the Western Regions in China;加快市场化进程:西部特色经济发展的决定因素

13.A Study of Antecedents to Market-orientation in Transitional Economy;转型经济下市场导向型战略影响因素分析

14.Influencing Factors of Ore Cut-off Grade under Condition of Market Economy;市场经济体制下影响矿石边界品位的主要因素

15.On the main factors influencing the development of China s market economy;试论影响中国市场经济发展的主要因素

16.Analysis of the Market Factors Which Influencethe Development of Export - OrientedEconomy in Huangshi City;试析影响黄石外向型经济发展的市场因素

17.Analysis About the Economic Factors of Cycle Fluctuation of the Real Estate Market of China;我国房地产市场周期波动的经济因素分析

18.The Analysis to Marketability Factors of Industry-Commerce Clubhouse and the Enlightenment of Modern Market Economy;近代工商会馆市场化因素及其对现代市场经济的启示


urban economical factors城市经济因素

1.Based on the principle of urban economics and its role in the construction of urban landscape environment, the orientation and control role ofurban economical factors were discussed.探讨当今城市经济因素对于景观园林环境建设的引导控制作用。

3)market-disciplined free-enterprise economy由市场因素决定的自由企业经济体系

4)market economy市场经济

1.Production management of the brewery inmarket economy;市场经济条件下啤酒厂生产管理工作的探讨

2.^Relationship between of natural conservation andmarket economy;市场经济与自然保护的关系

3.The practice and effectiveness of humanized nursing in the condition ofmarket economy;市场经济条件下人性化护理服务的实践与成效

5)the Market Economy市场经济

1.Analysis on the System Management of the Construction Enterprises inthe Market Economy;市场经济条件下施工企业安全系统管理浅析

2.Understandingthe Market Economy Right and Comprehensively;以科学发展观为指导,正确全面地认识市场经济

3.On the government organs reform in our country under the market economy condition;论市场经济对我国政府机构改革的必然选择

6)market-oriented economy市场经济

1.On the influence ofmarket-oriented economy on the university student s values;浅谈市场经济对大学生价值观的影响

2.Seek the Essence of Market-Oriented Economy From the View of Economic Philosophy;从经济哲学的角度重新认识市场经济的本质

3.The point of intersection between the commercial law of the Islam andmarket-oriented economy rules;论伊斯兰民商法与市场经济规则的交点


