100字范文 > 沼气生态农业 biogas eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

沼气生态农业 biogas eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-31 12:05:32


沼气生态农业 biogas eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

沼气生态农业,biogas eco-agriculture

1)biogas eco-agriculture沼气生态农业


1.The Barrier to Technological Popularization of Methane Eco-agriculture and Countermeasure;沼气生态农业技术推广应用障碍与对策

2.Conditions and Countermeasures Developing Biogas-ecological Agriculture in Rural Areas Qingdao City青岛市发展沼气生态农业的条件与对策

3.The Eco-Agriculture Technical Practice and Applicationbased on the Biogas;以沼气为纽带的生态农业技术实践与应用

4.Biogas Project:Key to the Construction of Ecological Homestead and a Bridge to Eco-agriculture沼气工程:构建生态家园的枢纽,迈向生态农业的桥梁

5.Study on the Influence of Biogas Project Based Household on Rural Ecosystem;户用沼气工程对农村生态系统的影响

6.Research on the Biogas Construction Improving Rural Ecological Environment沼气建设对改善农村生态环境的研究

7.Evaluation on Reignal Suitability of Biogas Ecological Agricultural Modle in Northwest China;西北地区以沼气为纽带的生态农业模式区域适宜性评价

8.A Kind of Minitype Recycling Economy: The Pig-Raising,Methane-Generating and Fruit - Growing Eco-agriculture System;微型循环经济:“猪-沼-果”生态农业模式

9.Solar Energy Heating Technology Research on Rural Eco-Campus Biogas System;农村生态校园沼气系统太阳能增温技术研究

10.Study on "pig(toilet)-biogas-vegetable" eco-campus mode in the Loess Plateau黄土高原地区农村沼气生态校园模式研究

11.The discussion on Potential Advantages of Eco-agricultural Model with Biogas as a Link;以沼气为纽带的生态农业模式优势潜力分析——以河南省伊川县路庙村为例

12.Economy on Popularizing "Cattle-Biogas-Grass" Ecological Agricultural Model Efficient Way to Promote the Increase of Farmers Income;推广“牛—沼—草”生态农业是实现农民增收的有效途径

13.Study on Rural Household Biogas Ecological Treatment Model for Livestock Production Pollution Controlling in Nanjing County南靖农村户用沼气生态处理模式防治畜禽养殖污染的研究

14.Study on the Specialty of Rural Energy(Biogas) in Guangxi Higher Vocational Education广西高职教育农村能源(沼气)专业研究

15.Biogas Fermentation Potential of Rural Domestic Waste农村生活废弃物沼气发酵的潜力研究

16.Analysis of Rural Life of The Use of Waste Disposal and Methane浅析农村生活垃圾处理与沼气的利用

17.Benefit Evaluation of Economy on Loess Altiplano Biogas Eco-orchard Model;黄土高原沼气生态果园经济效益评价

18.Analyse About Speeding up the Development of the Ecosystem Construction of Marsh Gas in Guangchang;加快发展广昌县沼气生态建设之浅见


Ecological and agro-meteorology生态与农业气象

3)Rural biogas industry农村沼气产业

4)Fruit-grass-livestock-edible fungi-biogas eco-agricultural model果-草-牧-菌-沼生态农业模式

5)biogas eco-orchard沼气生态果园

6)biogas ecological project沼气生态工程


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
