100字范文 > 唐代文献 the documents of Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

唐代文献 the documents of Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-13 06:51:03


唐代文献 the documents of Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

唐代文献,the documents of Tang Dynasty

1)the documents of Tang Dynasty唐代文献


1.The Examples for Literature in Tang Dynasty--Guesswork at LI Ba(李白) and LI Shao-fu(李少府) in the GAO Shi(高适) s Poems of Advice and Answers;唐代文献举偶——高适赠答诗中之李八李少府推测

2.Wen Yiduo s collating thought and Characteristics on the Tang Dynasty s Documentation;闻一多整理唐代文献的一般思路及特色

pile and Research of three kind of Literature in Tang and Wudai Dynasty;三种唐、五代音乐文献佚文辑录与研究

4.On the Document Value of The Cream of Literary World for Selecting the Works of TANG Dynasty;论《文苑英华》选录唐代作品的文献价值

5.Ancient Literature Research about Bi from Xian Qin to Tang Dynasty;先秦至唐代针灸治疗痹病的古代文献研究

6.Chinese and Japanese Literatures about the Poetry and Prose of Bohai Country Research in the Tang Dynasty;唐代中日文献中有关渤海诗文的整理与研究

7.Status of Xiao Ying-shi in Prose Innovation of Tang Dynasty and His Contribution;论萧颖士在唐代古文运动中的地位和贡献

8.Success or Failure: Enlightenment From Interpretation and Contemplation of Nestorian Scriptures in Tang Dynasty;成在此,败在此:解读唐代景教文献的启示

9.On the Contribution of Academic of Tangtao in the History of Chinese Modern Literature论唐弢在中国现代文学学术史上的贡献

10.The Contribution of Nan Bu Xin Shu (Southern New Work) to the Collating of Novels of Tang Dynasty论《南部新书》对于整理唐代小说文献的价值

11.The Important Influence over to The Family Structure on The Policy of Women Were Accepted to Return to Theirs Own Parents Home of The Tang Dynasty:On A Study of The Household Registration in Dunhuang Manuscript;从敦煌户籍文献考察妇女归宗对唐代家庭的影响

12.A Valuable Local History Literature of Hefei--Review of Records of Luzhou Tongshi Venue by Chen Hong in the Tang dynasty;一篇有价值的合肥地方史文献——唐代陈鸿《庐州同食馆记》笺说

13.From "the Whole Tang Poetry" to See the Scholars of Tang sNon-traditional Document Carrier;从《全唐诗》看唐文人写作的非传统文献载体

14.The Research on the Compilation and Literature Value of Tang Hui Yao;《唐会要》的编撰体例及其文献价值

15.The Historial Formation of"Zi X"in the Tang and Song s Buddhist Documents;唐宋禅宗文献“自X”类词的历史形成

16.The Record of New Temple in BiZhou and the Worth of its Literature;唐郑畋《壁州新建山寺记》及其文献价值

17.Expound the formation of Shen Quanqi well-known literary familyand his contribution to poems;论沈佺期文学世家对盛唐诗歌的贡献

18.On the Contribution of FANG Hui"s Insight about Late-Tang Style to Literary History简论方回“晚唐体”观的文学史贡献


Chinese geography records in Tang Dynasty唐代地理文献

3)Tang portry doucuments唐诗文献

1.The sorting works ofTang portry doucuments of North-Song Dynasty mainly expressed in following three aspects: the compiling and collating to the poet s volumes of Tang Dynasty;the compling to the large-scale poetry and prose volumes and the relevant literary historic materials;the mixed history,unofficial history and the notes novels conserved the materials of the Tang portry.北宋唐诗文献的整理主要体现在三个方面:一是唐人别集的辑佚与校刊;二是大型诗文总集的编录及有关文学史料的汇纂;三是杂史、野史、笔记小说对唐诗文献资料的保存。

4)Reference of Tang rhymed prose唐赋文献

5)Research on Divinatory Documents of the Tang Dynasty唐代数术文献研究

6)On the Research of Filial Piety Literature in Tang Dynasty唐代孝道文献研究


《故宫博物院清代文献档案总目》台北故宫博物院编辑出版的登录该院所藏清代汉文档案的名称、 类别、 数量以供查阅调档使用的工具书。1982年 6月出版,公开发行。1949年国民党政府将当时北平故宫博物院所藏文物、图书和历史档案的一部分运往台湾,其中有清代档案204箱,约 40万件。这些档案在台中市封存十几年后,于1962年开箱登记,1968年台北故宫博物院图书文献处成立后,开始分类制卡,编制了约40万张专题卡片索引,供查阅和管理使用。1968年将卡片目录汇编成书,登录的范围只限于该院所藏的汉文档案,满文、 蒙文和藏文档案未收编在内。《总目》按官书、史馆档、军机档、杂档、奏折 5大类编排,以件、册为编目单位,少数是按包登录,未注明件数。虽然该目录中的大部分档案文献没有标明具体时间,全部目录未标明档案的编号,但对该院所藏清代档案的利用仍具有积极作用。
