100字范文 > 涉外旅游人才 tourist talents concerning foreign affairs英语短句 例句大全

涉外旅游人才 tourist talents concerning foreign affairs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-11 10:46:40


涉外旅游人才 tourist talents concerning foreign affairs英语短句 例句大全

涉外旅游人才,tourist talents concerning foreign affairs

1)tourist talents concerning foreign affairs涉外旅游人才

1.To promote overall development of tourism industry in Garze Tibetan area,the trainers and trainees of developing process can not be away from the training oftourist talents concerning foreign affairs.甘孜藏区旅游业的全面推动与发展需要涉外旅游人才的培养。


1.Tourist Talents Concerning Foreign Affairs and Tourism English Teaching in Garze Tibetan Area甘孜藏区涉外旅游人才与旅游英语教学

2.Development of tourism and training of foreign language persons of tour speciality;旅游业发展与旅游专业外语人才的培养

3.A strategic study of the training of interpreters in Hebei;河北省涉外导游及翻译人才培养策略研究

4.The Status Quo and Training of the International Talented Person in Tourism;旅游人才现状及国际型旅游人才培养

5.Foreign language persons of tour speciality are greatly in need with the development of tourism.旅游业的迅猛发展需求大量的旅游专业外语人才。

6.A Comparative Research on the Personnel Training Mode of Higher Tourism Vocational Education in China and Foreign Countries中外对比视角的高职旅游人才培养模式研究

7.On the Human Resource in Tourism;实施旅游人才战略 发展旅游教育

8.Hainan province countryside tourism innovation and tourism talent bottle neck problem海南省旅游创新与旅游人才瓶颈研究

9.Star-rating standard for tourist hotelsGB/T14308-1997旅游涉外饭店星级的划分及评定

10.Present-day competition situation and a preliminary researchfor the sustainable development of tourism and foreign-oriented hotels in Anhui;安徽省旅游涉外饭店市场竞争初步研究

11.Overseas travels are on the increase .海外旅游人数正在增长。

12.Some Thonghts about the Tourism Development in Western Region and the Building of a large Contingent of Tourism Professionals西部旅游开发与旅游人才队伍建设的几点思考

13.Development on Innovation Teaching of Tourism Science Cultivation on Creative Personnel of Tourism Science;开展旅游创新教学 培养创新型旅游人才

14.Research into the Development of Tourism Economy and the Cultivation of Tourism Talents in Chongqing;重庆市旅游经济发展与旅游人才培养研究

15.On the Cultivation of Tourism Talents and Vocational Development of Tourism Education;旅游人才培养与高等旅游教育的职业化发展

16.An Analysis of Tourism Talents Supply and the State of Tourism Higher Education in Shanghai;上海旅游人才供给与旅游高等教育现状分析

17.Tour Higher Education and the Training of Cross - century Tour Talents;旅游高等教育与跨世纪旅游人才的培养

18.Higher education on tourism and cultivating high quality personnel of tourism management;旅游高等教育与培养高素质旅游管理人才


Foreign Tourism Major涉外旅游

1.A Study on the Application of LA in English Writing Teaching forForeign Tourism Majors“写长法”在涉外旅游专业英语写作教学中的应用研究

3)tourism talents旅游人才

1.Facing the Market, the Student, and the Practice——The analysis of practicaltourism talents cultivation in Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College;面向市场 面向学生 面向实践——义乌工商职业技术学院培养旅游人才思路解析

2.And this reduced the attraction totourism talents of the Northern Jiangsu Province on the other hand.但整个苏北地区在旅游人才供给方面还存在总量不足、流失严重等问题,制约了地区旅游业的发展,这又从另一方面降低了苏北地区旅游行业对人才的吸引力,从而造成旅游人才的供需失衡,形成恶性循环。

3.This paper expounds the background oftourism talents planning and analyzes the actualities oftourism talents in China.本文介绍了旅游人才规划编写的背景,分析了中国旅游人才的现状,提出了在编制规划中所把握的方向。

4)tourism professionals旅游人才

1.China s accession to the WTO with the development of the tourism industry background and the demand for travel on the changes,the paper on the quality oftourism professionals demand an analysis of the current combination,higher vocational education tourism personnel training the existing problems,and to adapt to the needs of tourism enterprises Ways of cultivating qualified personnel.结合中国加入WTO后的旅游业发展背景和对旅游人才的需求发生的变化,对旅游人才需求的素质进行了分析,针对当前高职旅游教育人才培养存在的问题,提出了适应旅游企业需要的人才培养途径。

2.During the period of "10th Five-Year Plan",the tourism in Shandong has experienced great progress,in which the positive development and cultivation oftourism professionals play an important part,together with the abundant natural ecology and historical humanities resources.建设高素质的旅游人才队伍,是旅游业实现快速发展的有力保障。

5)tourism talent旅游人才

1.A study on the shortage problem oftourism talent In underdeveloping ethnic areas;欠发达民族地区旅游人才短缺问题与对策分析——以贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州为例

2.Using Servqual method, this article analyzes the current status and the demand oftourism talents comprehensive quality, and proposes that importance should be attached to market orientation, faculty development, teaching practice arrangement, etc.通过运用Servqual方法,分析了现有旅游人才综合素质现状与旅游人才综合素质需求间的差异,提出旅游院校应重视旅游教育的市场定位、师资队伍建设、实习安排等方面的工作,以提高旅游人才的综合素质,满足当今旅游市场对专业人才的需求。

6)talents of tourism旅游人才

1.A large number of outstandingtalents of tourism with overall qualities are needed to develop coastal and marine tourism industry, and English quality is an important aspect among them.发展旅游经济,需要大量具有综合素质的优秀旅游人才,而英语素质便是其中一个重要的方面。


