100字范文 > 水分利用效率(WUE) water use efficiency(WUE)英语短句 例句大全

水分利用效率(WUE) water use efficiency(WUE)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 04:23:07


水分利用效率(WUE) water use efficiency(WUE)英语短句 例句大全

水分利用效率(WUE),water use efficiency(WUE)

1)water use efficiency(WUE)水分利用效率(WUE)

1.In the past decades,with the development of molecular marker technology and quantitative statistical methods,a large number of papers had reported much about mapping and location of complex quantitative traits,such as water use efficiency(WUE).综述了鉴定小麦高水分利用效率(WUE)的常用指标以及相关性状的QTL定位研究进展,并对目前在QTL定位研究中存在的问题及发展前景进行了探讨。

2)water use efficiency (WUE)水分利用效率(WUE)

3)water use efficiency水分利用效率(WUE)

4)water use efficiency水分利用效率

1.Water saving mechanism for promotingwater use efficiency byusing alternate furrow irrigation techniques;交替隔沟灌溉提高农田水分利用效率的节水机理

2.Effects of alternative partial rootzone irrigation on peach growth,productivity,andwater use efficiency;分根交替灌溉对桃树生长发育及水分利用效率的影响

3.Changes of leaf photosynthetic characteristics andwater use efficiency along tree height of 4 tree species;4种乔木叶片光合特性和水分利用效率随树高的变化


1.Water use efficiency of winter wheat under limited irrigation:A simulation study.限量灌溉下冬小麦水分利用效率模拟

2.Reaearch of Water Adaptive Plant with Maizes and Water Use Efficiency;春玉米水分适宜性评价和水分利用效率研究

3.Analysis of irrigation efficiency and water use efficiency of border irrigation畦田灌水质量评价及水分利用效率分析

4.Study on Diurnal Variation of Water Indices and Water Use Efficiency of Apple Trees苹果树水分指标日变化及水分利用效率的研究

5.Leaf Water Use Efficiency of Campsis radicans L.Seen under Water Stress水分胁迫对美国凌霄单叶水分利用效率的影响

6.Leaf transpiration rate, above ground dry weight and water use efficiency were all decreased under the conditions of low water level.水分低水位管理蒸腾速率、上部干物重和叶片水分利用效率下降。

7.Effects of Irrigation on Rules of Field Water Consumption and WUE of Winter Wheat;灌溉对冬小麦耗水规律和水分利用效率的影响

8.Techniques in Applying Water to Farmland and DevelopingCounterproposals for Increasing Water Use Efficiency;提高水分利用效率的田间施水技术与发展对策

9.Effect of crop rotation and irrigation on wheat yield and water-use efficiency茬口和灌水对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响

10.Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Rate and Water Use Efficiency of Maize水分胁迫对玉米光合速率和水分利用效率的影响

11.Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Net Primary Productivity and Water Use Efficiency in Yellow River Source Region;黄河源区NPP及植被水分利用效率时空特征分析

12.Research on the Relation of Winter Wheat Population Distribution Patterns and Water Use Efficiency;冬小麦种群分布与水分利用效率的研究

13.Effect of population distribution on yield and water use efficiency in summer soybean群体分布对夏大豆产量和水分利用效率的影响

14.Water Requirement Rules and Water Use Efficiency of Rice under Different Water Treatments;不同水分条件水稻需水规律及水分利用效率试验研究

15.Quantitative Trait Loci for Water Use Efficiency in Wheat;小麦水分利用效率及相关性状的QTLs研究

16.Studies on Water Use Efficiency and Adaptability of Black Locust Clones;刺槐无性系水分利用效率和适应性研究

17.Effect of Root Cutting on the Wheat Growth and Water Use Efficiency;伤根对小麦生长和水分利用效率的影响

18.Study on Water Use Efficiency of Major Halophytes in Ebinur Lake Wetland艾比湖湿地主要盐生植物水分利用效率研究


water use efficiency (WUE)水分利用效率(WUE)

3)water use efficiency水分利用效率(WUE)

4)water use efficiency水分利用效率

1.Water saving mechanism for promotingwater use efficiency byusing alternate furrow irrigation techniques;交替隔沟灌溉提高农田水分利用效率的节水机理

2.Effects of alternative partial rootzone irrigation on peach growth,productivity,andwater use efficiency;分根交替灌溉对桃树生长发育及水分利用效率的影响

3.Changes of leaf photosynthetic characteristics andwater use efficiency along tree height of 4 tree species;4种乔木叶片光合特性和水分利用效率随树高的变化


1.Effects of Covering Film on Physiological Indexes and Water Use Efficiency (WUE) of Soybean in Dryland;不同覆膜方式对旱作大豆生理特性及水分利用效率的影响

2.Prospect of Studies onWUE Differences Among Crop Species and Cultivars;作物种间和品种间水分利用效率差异研究进展

parison on Transpiration Rate,Photosynthetic Rate andWUE of Different Winter Wheat Genotypes under Two Planting System;不同基因型冬小麦在两种栽培模式下蒸腾速率、光合速率和水分利用效率的比较研究

6)Water utilization efficiency水分利用效率

1.Impacts of different water supplied conditions on root distribution,yield and water utilization efficiency of winter wheat;不同供水条件对冬小麦根系分布、产量及水分利用效率的影响

2.Effect of water utilization efficiency under no tillage and straw mulching to wheat field and rape seeds field;免耕和秸秆覆盖对小麦、油菜水分利用效率的影响

3.Effect of variation of soil moisture of root zone on root distribution,fruit yield and water utilization efficiency(WUE) were studied in processing tomato in Agricultural Experiment Station of Shihhotze University.研究了根区水分变化对加工番茄根系分布及产量、水分利用效率的影响。


