100字范文 > 喷油提前角 injection timing英语短句 例句大全

喷油提前角 injection timing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 15:32:51


喷油提前角 injection timing英语短句 例句大全

喷油提前角,injection timing

advanced injection angle喷油提前角

1.By using 3-D CFD method,the spray and combustion of a model 490 turbocharged DI diesel engine with differentadvanced injection angle were simulated.在考虑进气涡流比的情况下,对某490增压直喷柴油机不同喷油提前角下的缸内喷雾及燃烧过程进行了三维CFD模拟,给出了4种不同喷油提前角时的缸内火焰、NOx和Soot的时空分布。

2.CFD method was applied to simulate one high-speed turbo-charged DI diesel engine s combustion process,and the mixed gas,the temperature and the soot distribution in-cylinder in differentadvanced injection angles were obtained.应用计算流体动力学对某小型高速增压直喷式柴油机缸内燃烧过程进行了数值计算,得出了不同喷油提前角下增压直喷式柴油机缸内混合气、温度和碳烟的分布情况,分析了不同喷油提前角下,上止点前后的喷油量的比例对碳烟排放的影响,并通过实际工况下的碳烟排放试验进行了验证。

3)injection advance angle喷油提前角

1.Then the parameters such as injection pressure, fuelinjection advance angleand pre-injection is analyzed and optimized and some conclusions have been found as follows:(1) Compared with burning diesel oil, the combustion noise, mechanical load, NO and soot emission of engine which is burning DME improve better.本文基于这种新型喷油系统,应用AVL公司开发的三维数值模拟FIRE软件对一台新昌NB485B型直喷式柴油机的二甲醚燃烧过程进行了详尽的模拟计算与分析,与其燃用柴油时的燃烧过程做了对比分析,并对二甲醚的喷油压力、喷油提前角、预喷射等喷射参数进行了分析优化。

4)advance angle of fuel提前喷油角

5)injection advance喷油提前

1.After the pump pressure,nozzle pressure,injection pat- tern,phase of injection staring point,the amount of injected fuel for one cycle are tested and analyzed,theinjection advance characteristics of top clearance pump dement and its effects on the comprehensive performance of fuel pump are investigated in current of high press.对喷油泵顶隙式柱塞偶件、非顶隙式柱塞偶件以及等压出油阀、阻尼阀做交叉试验,通过喷油泵泵端压力、嘴端压 力、喷油速率、喷油始点、单喷射油量的检测分析,研究当前直列高喷射压力条件下,顶隙式柱塞偶件的喷油提前特性及 其对喷油泵综合性能的影响。

6)injection advance lever喷油提前角调整杆


