100字范文 > 补燃 supplemental combustion英语短句 例句大全

补燃 supplemental combustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 01:53:09


补燃 supplemental combustion英语短句 例句大全

补燃,supplemental combustion

1)supplemental combustion补燃

1.Performance analysis for irreversible combined heat engine cycle withsupplemental combustion;补燃型不可逆联合循环热机的性能分析

2.Base on the combined power cycle model provided by literature,this paper established a model of combined carnot and rankin cycle model with heat resistance,heat leakage andsupplemental combustion.在原有的联合循环模型的基础上,建立了一个存在热阻、热漏和补燃的卡诺和朗肯联合循环热机模型。


1.exhaust-fired-boiler combined cycle排气补燃锅炉联合循环

2.reheat jet aircraft补燃加力式喷气飞机

3.The Research on Characteristic Performance of Combustion Flow Field in Secondary Combustion Chamber for Extended Range Solid Rocket Ramjet增程固体火箭冲压发动机补燃室燃烧特性研究

4.Numerical analysis on two types of afterburning chamber for solid fuel ramjet固体燃料冲压发动机两种补燃室构型数值分析

5.Design and experiment research for oxygen-rich preburner of FFSC全流量补燃循环发动机富氧预燃室设计与试验

6.Effects of Jet Rotational Angle on the Second Combustor of Boron-based Propellant Solid Rocket Ramjets含硼固体火箭冲压发动机中燃气旋流角对补燃室的影响

7.Research on Characteristic of Heat Transfer and Ablation of Insulation in the Solid Rocket Ramjet Chamber冲压发动机补燃室内绝热层传热烧蚀特性研究

8.Low frequency characteristics analysis of LOX / kerosene staged combustion cycle rocket engine液氧/煤油补燃火箭发动机氧路低频动特性分析

9.Heat Transfer and Ablation of Insulation in Second Combustion Chamber with Different Configuration in SRR不同构型固冲发动机补燃室绝热层传热烧蚀

10.Research on the low frequency characteristics of LOX/kerosene staged combustion cycle engine液氧/煤油补燃发动机低频频率特性研究

11.Study on start-up of the staged combustion LOX/kerosene rocket engine液氧/煤油补燃循环发动机起动过程研究

12.AFARV (Armored Forward Area Rearm/Refuel Vehicle)前方地区装甲弹药及燃油补给车

13.crane fueling rig起重机吊起燃油补给用索具

14.FARRP (Forward Area Rearming,Refueling Points)前沿地区弹药及燃油补给站

15.In this plant oil is supplementary to coal as fuel.在这个工厂,原油是煤的补充燃料。

16.Research on the Coal-Fired Power Plant Desulfurization (Denitrogenation)Compensation Price Mechanism燃煤电厂脱硫脱硝电价补偿机制研究

17.Bunkering is readily available at commercial wharves and oil terminals, or from a large fleet of private bunkering barges.船舶可于商营码头和燃油码头,或众多私营燃料补给船,随时补给燃料。

18.Such rockets will solve the problem of frequent refueling,这种火箭可以解决频繁补给燃料这一问题,


supplementary firing补燃

1.A model on calculation of thermal efficiency during flue gas condensation of natural gas is built, the relationship of gas thermal efficiency with flue gas temperature, air factor, and air humidity ratio is discussed, and influence of air preheating andsupplementary firing on gas thermal efficiency is analyzed.建立了天然气烟气带冷凝过程热效率计算的数学模型,讨论了排烟温度、空气系数和空气含湿量与热效率的关系,分析了空气预热和补燃对热效率的影响。

2.Two kinds ofsupplementary firing equipments used for HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) are introduced, and it gives a detailed description of the structureal design and performance features of supplementary fired HRSG.介绍了燃-蒸联合循环余热锅炉补燃装置的分类及布置形式,重点介绍了带内补燃装置的余热锅炉的设计特点,对余热锅炉设计及选型具有参考作用。


1.Anafterburning method in supersonic combustor was employed to solve the main problem of supersonic combustion of kerosene.试验采用亚燃燃烧室产生的高温富油燃气在超燃燃烧室的超声速主气流中补燃的方案实现了煤油超燃过程 ,研究了在不同超声速主气流总温状态下高温富油燃气的当量比对超声速燃烧效率的影响 ;分析了超燃燃烧室中的总压恢复特

4)afterburning chamber补燃室

1.Effects of fuel-gas jetting modes on mixing effectiveness in theafterburning chamber of solid rocket ramjets;燃气喷射方式对冲压发动机补燃室掺混效果的影响

2.Numerical simulation of mixing and combustion inafterburning chamber for ringed-propellant solid rocket ramjet engine was done by standard κ-ε two equation turbulent models.文中采用标准κ-ε双方程湍流模型数值模拟一种环向进气的固体火箭冲压发动机补燃室的掺混燃烧过程,考虑了补燃室的出口反压、空燃比和燃气喷射角度等设计参数对燃烧流场的影响,结果表明:增大出口反压和空燃比,有利于补燃室内掺混和燃烧的进行;增大燃气喷射角度,补燃室头部温度升高,燃料停留时间增大,对燃烧流场特性影响不大。

5)supplemental firing system补燃系统

1.A detailed description of unique subsystem in the HRSG,for instance,VHP & LP section circulating system,supplemental firing system and SCR.系统介绍了新型余热锅炉的几个特点:双压力等级的汽水系统,管式燃烧器的补燃系统和选择性催化还原脱硝装置,并针对新特点的调试方法和调试过程进行了充分说明,最后对进一步研究和调试运行类似的余热锅炉提出建议。

6)staged combustion cycle engine补燃循环

1.Turbine power control ofstaged combustion cycle engine during start-up;补燃循环发动机起动过程涡轮功率控制


