100字范文 > 节庆品牌 festival brand英语短句 例句大全

节庆品牌 festival brand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-05 04:13:32


节庆品牌 festival brand英语短句 例句大全

节庆品牌,festival brand

1)festival brand节庆品牌

1.In recent years,all kinds of marine festivals which Ningbo has held up to more than ten, but it has not formed a marinefestival brand that can represent Ningbo as a famous coastal city so far.近年来,宁波充分发挥优势,举办了十多个海洋类旅游节庆,但至今尚未形成一个能代表宁波作为海洋大市的海洋旅节庆品牌。


1.The Research on Branding and Internationalization of Tourism Festival中国旅游节庆品牌建设与国际化研究

2.Enlightenment of Successful Festival Activities to Creating of Festival Brand in Hubei Province;国内成功节庆活动对湖北省节庆品牌打造的启示

3.Analysis of Brand Shaping Model and Its Related Factors on Festival Tourism;节庆活动的品牌塑造及其影响因素研究

4.Making Use of the Situation to Create Well-known Brands;Developing Chongqing with Famous Brands --Opinion on the "Borrowed-brand Economy" in Chongqing;借势创牌 品牌兴渝——对重庆“贴牌经济”现象的看法

5.Application of Corporate Identity Engineering to Chongqing Famous Brand Strategy;CI工程在重庆名牌产品战略中的运用

6.Research into developing countermeasures for tourism brand in Chongqing Qianjiang District重庆市黔江区旅游品牌开发对策研究

7.Property Management Brand Building-a Estate Brand Building Link That can not be Ignored in the Real Estate Brand Building Process;物业品牌建设——房地产品牌建设不能忽视的环节

8.The Relation between the Brand Identity of Sports Shoes and Brand Loyalty on Campus in ChongQing;重庆市大学生对运动鞋品牌形象的认知与品牌忠诚度的关系研究

9.Research on CQTV Brand Column on the View of Contemporary Media;现代传媒视野下的重庆卫视品牌栏目研究

10.A Study on the Brand Identity of "M-zone" in Chongqing Campus;“动感地带”在重庆市校园中的品牌形象研究

11.The Successful Experience of Tourism Branding in Shangri-la of Yunnan Province;云南省迪庆香格里拉旅游品牌成功营销经验

12.Grave Re-thinking --Analysis on Misunderstanding in the Brand Construction of Enterprises in Chongqing;沉重的反思——重庆企业品牌建设误区分析

13.The Influence of Brand Image on Brand Extension:the Moderating Role of Consumer Product Involvement;品牌形象对品牌延伸评价的影响:消费者产品涉入的调节

14.Study on Festival Tourism Produtct Development under the Guidance of Market-Orientation;市场导向下的节庆旅游产品开发研究

15.Analysis on Management of Brand TV News Brand Host;电视新闻类节目品牌主持人管理探析

16.Brand Characteristics of TV Programme in the View of Industry Management;产业经营视域下的电视节目品牌个性

17.A study on trademark festivals:Based on the Tujia people"s Hand-moving Festival发掘打造中国著名节日经济品牌——土家族“摆手节”

18.Differentiation Brand Marketing Strategy of Conventional Aquatic Product;常规水产品差异化品牌营销策略——以重庆水产市场为例


the brand of traveling festival旅游节庆品牌

1.The festival activity of tourism have the major function to the traveling development,and buildingthe brand of traveling festival is more meaningful.旅游节庆活动对旅游的发展有很大的作用,打造旅游节庆品牌更加有意义。

3)brand program品牌节目

4)brand programme节目品牌

5)festival tourism product节庆旅游产品

1.Zhejiang festival tourism has a strong regional representation,so the author analyzes the status and issues of Zhejiang festive events,and puts forth festive tourism development ideas,constructs three majorfestival tourism product systems of Zhejiang Province which include landmark festivals,large festivals and day-to-day series and plan various festive themes.节庆旅游产品能够为举办地带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

2.In this article,the author summarizes the concept offestival tourism products,re-recognizes the concept of market-orientation.在定义节庆旅游产品、重新认识市场导向的基础上,以市场导向为指导方针,对节庆旅游产品开发主体实力、产品消费者-旅游者和产品竞争者进行分析。

6)Festival Products Development节庆产品开发


