100字范文 > 水稻精密播种装置 rice precision metering device英语短句 例句大全

水稻精密播种装置 rice precision metering device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-27 15:16:12


水稻精密播种装置 rice precision metering device英语短句 例句大全

水稻精密播种装置,rice precision metering device

1)rice precision metering device水稻精密播种装置

2)rice precision seeder device水稻精量播种装置


1.The Theory and Experimental Study of Suction Drum-type Rice Precision Seeder;气吸滚筒式水稻精量播种装置的理论与试验研究

2.Research on vacuum of a level-sucker precision metering device for rice seedlings水平吸盘式水稻育秧精密播种装置吸种真空度的研究

3.Design and Test of the Equipment for Pneumatic Vibration Tray Nursing Seedling of Super Rice气力振动式超级稻穴盘精量播种装置的设计与试验

4.Theoretical Study and Experimental Analysis of The Rice Precision Suction Suction Seeder;针状气吸式水稻精量播种机的理论与试验研究

5.Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Rice Precision Suction Suction Seeder;气吸式水稻钵盘精量播种机的理论和试验研究

6.A Design of Aspirating Precision Seeder for Sowing Rice in Cupulate Compartment Tray;气吸式水稻钵育秧盘精量播种机的设计

7.The Experimental Study on the Seed Dropping Law of the Plastic Film Mulch Pneumatic Precision Planter气吸式精量播种装置种子落点规律的试验研究

8.An Experimental Study of the Seeding Rate Measuring Apparatus for the Pneumatic Accurate Drum and the Relevant Parameters;气吸式膜上精量播种装置的排种量测试系统及实验研究

9.Experiment Study on the Key Parameters of the Air-suction Accurate Seeder for Sowing Rice in Bowl-seedling Tray Which Made of Straw;气动式水稻钵育联合精量真空播种机关键参数的试验研究

10.The Determination and Analysis of Seed Dropping Law of the Plastic Film Mulch Pneumatic Precision Planter;气吸式膜上精量播种装置中种子落点规律的测试与分析

11.The Computerized Simulation of Working Process of Seed Metering device for 2B QM-2 Plastic Mulch Pneumatic Precision Planter;2BQM-2气吸式精量铺膜播种机排种装置工作过程的计算机仿真

12.Effect of Water-saving Irrigation on the Yield Formation of Precision Hill-direct-seeding Rice节水灌溉对精量穴直播水稻产量形成的影响

13.A Study on the Seeding Times and Fertilizing Rate of Direct Seeding Rice under Zero Tillage Condition;免耕直播水稻播种时期和施肥量的研究

14.Research on Rice Bud-Sowing Precision Seed Metering Device Based on High Speed Video Technology;基于高速摄像技术的水稻芽播精密排种器研究

15.Three-dimensional Design of Pusher Paddy Bowl-seedling Precision Planter推杆式水稻钵育精密播种机的三维设计

16.Design of Control System for a Pneumatic Rice Precision Seeder for Single Seeding气力式水稻单粒精密播种机控制系统的设计

17.Design and Experimental Study on a Pneumatic Rice Precision Seeder for Single Seeding气力式水稻单粒精密播种机的设计与试验

18.Research of the Cylindrical Tube Air-Suction Seed Metering Device for Corn Precision Seeder;玉米精播机圆管式气吸排种装置试验研究


rice precision seeder device水稻精量播种装置

3)rice precision seeding水稻精密播种器

4)preision seeding device精密播种装置

5)cotton precision seeding device棉花精密播种装置

6)super rice seedling planting device超级稻育秧精密播种器


