100字范文 > 史学近代化 modernization of Chinese Historiography英语短句 例句大全

史学近代化 modernization of Chinese Historiography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-03 07:04:34


史学近代化 modernization of Chinese Historiography英语短句 例句大全

史学近代化,modernization of Chinese Historiography

1)modernization of Chinese Historiography史学近代化


1.The Rise and Fall of “Evidential Learning” and Its Impacts on Chinese and Japanese Modern Historiography;考据学的兴衰与中日史学近代化的异同

2.The Scientification of History: A New Thread of Thought for Investigating the History of History in Modern China史学科学化:考察中国近代史学史的新思路

3.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”

4.The Influence of the Study of Confucian Classics on Modern Evolutional Historical Phylosophy of China;经学对中国近代进化历史哲学的影响

5.Scientification and the Rise of New Historiography in Modern China;“科学化”与中国近代“新史学”的兴起

6.The Literary Significance of Professionalization of Modern Writers;近现代作家职业化转变的文学史意义

7.Historical Trend of Studying Abroad in Recent China and the Returned Students for Chemistry;中国近代留学活动的历史走向与化学留学生

8.A Study on Thought of Ancient History Research and National Spirit;古代史学思想研究与民族精神——兼谈20世纪中国史学的近代化

9.I"m a student of modern history.我是学近代史的学生。

10.“Modern Time” and “Late Modern time”: Historical Periods and Historical Ideas;“近代”、“近世”,历史分期与史学观念

11.The History of Battle between Chinese and Western Cultures in Modern China近现代中西文化论战史

12.Connection, Deepening & Innovation:Comparative Study on Outline of Chinese Modern History in Middle School Teaching;衔接·深化·创新——高校“中国近现代史纲要”与中学历史教学之比较

13.A Brief Review on the Institutionalization Issue of the Research on the History of Science in Modern China;中国近现代科学史研究中的体制化问题刍议

14.Several Characteristics of Chinese Histo-geography Evolving from Traditional to Contemporary Version;中国历史地理学由传统向近代转化的若干特点

15.The enormous impact of the Theory of Evolution on China"s modern history and philosophy进化论对中国近现代历史哲学的巨大影响

16.Teaching Demand and the Change in the Style of Study--The Tendency to Treat Historical Education as a Branch of Social Science in Colleges in Modern Times;教学需求与学风转变——近代大学史学教育的社会科学化

17.Speaking Matching Writing": A Probe Into the Origin of the Form of Modern Japanese Literature With Perspectives From Historicalism and Historicism;言文一致":日本近代文学的形式起源——从历史主义到"历史化

18.Summary of Recent Studies in Social and Cultural History of Contemporary China;近年来中国近代社会文化史研究述评


history of modern Chemistry近代化学史

1.From the perspective ofhistory of modern Chemistry, J.在近代化学史上曾经产生过“半个原子”的矛盾,它的形成与解决构成了近代化学发展的一条主线。

3)history of modern chemistry in China中国近代化学史

4)Modernizing of Chinese history中国史学近代化

5)modern history近代史学

1.LIANG Qi-chao, one of the greatest pioneers of Chinesemodern history, imbibes the western scientific studying way of history with a critical idea of Chinese traditional history.梁启超是中国近代史学的奠基人之一。

6)History of modern medicine近代医学史


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
