100字范文 > 灰靶理论 grey target theory英语短句 例句大全

灰靶理论 grey target theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-22 16:56:08


灰靶理论 grey target theory英语短句 例句大全

灰靶理论,grey target theory

1)grey target theory灰靶理论

1.Agrey target theory based method for state assessment of power transformer;基于灰靶理论的电力变压器状态评估新方法

2.Thegrey target theory is used to set up the model for mathematical evaluation;the tactical and technical performance indices,which reflect the effectiveness of weapon systems best,is used to form the index series of weapon systems to be evaluated(namely,the modes),and the standard mode of these index series is derived according to the .即:首先用灰靶理论建立评定方法的数学模型,以能反映武器系统效能的战技性能指标构造各比较方案或模式的指标序列,进而求得各指标序列的标准模式。

3.And thengrey target theory was introduced and the bull s-eye was decided.然后引入灰靶理论,在得到的序列中构造标准模式,通过靶心度计算进行设备磨损模式的分级,最后得到设备在给定模式的运行状态判定结果和设备中存在的按照从重到轻的磨损模式顺序,和专家分析结果完全一致。


1.Diesel Engine State Assessment Based on Grey Target Theory and Emission Analysis基于灰靶理论和排放分析的柴油机状态评估

2.Research on Target and Mechanism of Death of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Induced with Nano-Hydroxyapatite;纳米羟基磷灰石诱导肝癌细胞死亡的作用靶点及机理研究

3.FMEA Method Based upon Fuzzy Set Theory and Grey Relational Theory;模糊集理论与灰色关联理论的FMEA方法

4.The Rational Design and Theoretical Study Based on FBPase and SBPase Inhibitors以FBPase和SBPase为靶标的抑制剂设计和理论研究

5.On Application of Standard Costing Method in Range Test Cost Management论标准成本法在靶场试验成本管理中的应用

6.Neutron sensitivity calculation of a slot-collimated PIN fission chamber裂变靶探测系统中子灵敏度的理论计算

7.Grey relativity analysis is a theoretical method of grey system theory.灰色关联度分析是灰色系统理论的一种理论方法。

8.Grey Model Analysis on Performance of Banking & Securities Interflow“银证通”业务效率的灰靶模型分析

9.Grey prediction is one of the main ideas of grey theory. The sequence grey prediction is one of major type of grey prediction.灰色预测是灰色理论的主要内容之一,其中数列灰预测是灰色预测的主要类型之一.

10.The theoretical content of CaO in limestone accounts for 56%.石灰石中氧化钙的理论含量占56%。

11.Application of Grey System Theory in the Prediction of Soil Acidification.应用灰色系统理论预测土壤酸化趋势

12.Research on Application of Grey Theory to the Products Design Analysis;应用灰色理论于产品设计分析之研究

13.Transformer Forecasting Based on the Theory of Grey System;基于灰色理论模型的变压器故障预测

14.Application of Grey Theory in Mid-Long Term Load Forecasting;灰色理论在中长期负荷预测中的应用

15.The Application of Grey Theory on Geoid Refining;灰色理论在精化大地水准面中的应用

16.The Research of Prediction Model Based on Grey System Theory;基于灰色系统理论的预测模型的研究

17.Grain Production Forecast of Henan Province Based on Gray System Theory;基于灰色理论的河南省粮食生产预测

18.World Gas Demand Forecast Based on the Gray Theory;基于灰色理论的世界天然气需求预测


weight coefficient grey target theory加权灰靶理论

3)variety central grey target patterns theory品种中心灰靶布局理论

1.Application ofvariety central grey target patterns theory on crop patterns;品种中心灰靶布局理论在作物布局上的应用

4)target theory靶理论

5)target-cell theory靶-细胞理论

6)grey target灰靶

1.Although thegrey target decision is an important part of grey decision theory, yet no theoretical support for its study has so far been reported.讨论了灰靶决策的灰效用理论,以期为灰信息下的决策——灰靶决策提供理论基

2.Allowing for uncertainty and the non-typical distribution data of the firms financial information, this paper introduces thegrey target model to appraise the firms credit rating by relaxing the assumption that all indexes are equally weighted in the classicalgrey target model and using the so-called Altman coefficients in the classical Z score model as the weights.考虑到企业财务信息不确定和样本的非典型分布特征,将灰靶模型引人对企业信用等级的评价;放松经典灰靶模型的各指标变量对靶心影响的等权假设,将Z值模型中的Altman系数赋予灰靶指标权重;提出将待评模式与参照模式一起构建灰靶的思路,并在灰靶模型中运用显示分辨域确定分辨系数;为企业信用等级以及其他类似系统的评价提供一个一般化的方法。

3.By introducing thegrey target theory,the standard mode was constructed.论述了利用废气排放分析进行柴油机状态评估的方法,运用灰靶理论靶心构造原理从多组模式中确定出标准模式,对不同的模式进行靶心接近度计算,实现了对柴油机状态的评估。


