100字范文 > 创作实践活动 Practical activities of Creation英语短句 例句大全

创作实践活动 Practical activities of Creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-11 18:50:00


创作实践活动 Practical activities of Creation英语短句 例句大全

创作实践活动,Practical activities of Creation

1)Practical activities of Creation创作实践活动

1.The study found that:most of teachers of University A had clarity of purpose for the Research-based learning;Practical activities of Creation is the main Learning content:Research-based learning of the profess本文围绕高等美术院校研究性学习的开展,采用质的研究中的个案研究,以重庆A校为个案,综合采用文献法、访谈法、观查法、实物收集等多种方法,对其研究性学习的开展进行深入考察与分析,研究发现:A校大部分教师研究性学习的目的明确;研究性学习的内容以学科专业领域的创作实践活动为主;研究性学习的途径以学科专业领域内的研究性学习为主要形式;研究性学习的过程包括艺术构思和美术表达两个阶段;开展研究性学习促进了学生创作水平和创新能力的提高。

2)pioneering work practice activity创业实践活动


1.The Starting Undertaking Practical Activities of American Undergraduates and Its Inspiration;美国大学生的创业实践活动及其启示

2.Cultivate Student s Ability to Start a Business Through Extra Curricnlam Activity in School;巧借校内实践活动 培养学生创业能力

3.Probe into the Practice of Extracurricular Comprehensive Creation in the Major of Automation;自动化专业课外综合创新实践活动的探索

4.Thinking on the practice of establishing 4 having farmer s speciality cooperative organization in Jiangsu;江苏开展“四有”农民专业合作经济组织创建活动的实践与思考

5.An Experiment to Train Teachers of "Comprehensive Practical Activities"-Setting up "Scientific-Technological Education" course in teachers college;培养“综合实践活动课”师资的探索——在师范院校创办“科技教育专业”

6.Creating and arranging dances are a practice process.编导创作过程是实践性的活动过程。

7.Study on the Innovation of College Students Social Practice Activity Mode;试论大学生社会实践活动的模式创新

8.Thoughts and Practice on Case Study Activities;创设“案例学习”活动的思考与实践

9.The development of modern civilization can"t deviate from innovative activity and practice.现代文明离不开人的创新活动和创新实践。

10.The Reform and Practice of Innovative and Enterprising Education in Automation Specialty自动化专业创新创业人才培养的改革与实践

11.On the Theory and Practice of Moral Education in Vocational School;职业学校德育活动的理论和实践探索

12.To Develop The Student s Creative Ability in Chemical Practice;在化学实践活动中发展学生的创造才能

13.The Study and Practice of Student Scientific Innovation Activities;我校大学生科技创新活动的探索与实践

14.The Exploration and Practice of Establishing University Students Extracurricular Science and Technology Innovation Activity System;构建大学生科技创新活动体系的探索与实践

15.Some Thoughts on "San Xiaxiang" Social Practice Program for University Students in a New Era;创新大学生“三下乡”社会实践活动的思考

16.The Study of Undergraduates Extracurricular Scientific and Technological Practice Activities and Cultivating of Creative Ability;大学生课外科技实践活动与创新能力培养研究

17.Creation & Instruction of Science- Education Zone in Kindergarten;幼儿园科学教育活动区的创设与实践指导



pioneering work practice activity创业实践活动

3)Biological Science & Technology Creative and Practical Activity (BSTCPA)创新与实践活动

4)creative practice创作实践

1.Li Bais literature affirmation andcreative practice on reformation by returning to the ancient came down directly from Chen Ziang,whose poem styles Li Bai actually imitated and whose language skills and design of poem structure Li Bai learned more.李白以复古为革新的文学主张和创作实践与陈子昂一脉相承。

2.Obviously,Lin Su s owncreative practice has been affected by his novel translation practice, both in contents and in forms.林纾的小说创作实践显然受到自身小说翻译实践的影响,表现在内容与形式两个层面。

5)writing practice创作实践

1.Instead,he has his own theoretical interpretation combinedwriting practice.朱自清"表现自我"的文艺思想,虽然接受了古代和外国的影响,但却不是盲目照搬,而是结合创作实践做出了自己的理论阐释。

6)creation practice创作实践

1.Lu Xun had realized the advanced thought of going forward with the history by his richcreation practice and social activities.但他的文学作品中还有大量的有关头发的描写,给人留下了深刻的印象,表现了他的创作理论与创作实践的演进。


创作1.亦作"剏作"。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。
