100字范文 > 大中小学 secondary and primary schools in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

大中小学 secondary and primary schools in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 15:57:43


大中小学 secondary and primary schools in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

大中小学,secondary and primary schools in Xinjiang

1)secondary and primary schools in Xinjiang大中小学


1."Package" Program of the English Teaching from the Primary School to the Tertiary Level;大中小学英语教学“一条龙”体系的构建

2.Study on Linking-up of Football Teaching Contents in University,Primary and Middle School;大中小学足球教学内容衔接问题研究

3.Study on the Joint of P.E. Teaching in Primary Schools, High Schools and Colleges;对大中小学体育教学衔接问题的研究

4.Teachers from primary and middle schools and universities may purchase houses on liBeral terms.大、中、小学教师,购楼优惠。

5.On Principle of"Conducting a Systematic Research on Basic and Practical Work"in Fundamental Education;论中小学教育科研中的“小题大作”原则

6.It is necessary to establish key primary schools, key secondary schools and key colleges and universities.要办重点小学、重点中学、重点大学。

7.A beginning might be made by going to the key colleges, universities and secondary and primary schools.可以首先跑重点大学,跑重点中学、小学。

8.Group Work in College English Teaching;关于大学英语教学中的学生小组活动

9.The government maintains a public university and also public high schools and elementary schools.公立大学、中和小学由政府出资管理。

10.On Classroom Teaching of"Chinese Ancient Literature";小教大专《中国古代文学》课堂教学摭谈

11.Taking as Adults--the Misconception in Composition Teaching;“成人化”——中小学作文教学的最大误区

12.Thoughts on a Streamline Education of Teachers fromUniversity to Middle School to Primary School;教师教育“大学-中小学”一体化探讨

13.On implementing a correlated English teaching syllabus from elementary school to university;谈大、中、小学英语教学“一条龙”的实施

14.English Short Story Teaching in Extensive Reading Course大学英语泛读中的英语短篇小说教学

15.The Application and Reflection of Group Dynamics Theory In the Growth Group of University Students;小组动力学在大学生成长小组中的应用及反思

16.Stimulate the Construction of the "Streamline" English Curriculum by Exploring the English Teaching Connection between College and High School从大学与中学英语教学衔接看大、中、小学英语教学“一条龙”

17.In order to study Chinese, Xiaoding and Xueyou came to Beijing University to study.) 为了学习中文,小丁和学友来北京大学学习。

18.People there are from factories, institutes, colleges, middle schools or even primary schools.英语角里的人来自工厂、学院、大学、中学,甚至小学,


university-school collaboration大学中小学合作

3)universities and schools大学与中小学

1.Canada has continued to strengthen the teacher education reform of the partnership betweenuniversities and schools since 1990s.20世纪90年代以来,加拿大不断强化大学与中小学基于合作伙伴的教师教育改革。

4)local universities and primary & middle schools地方大学与中小学

5)partnership between universities and primary and secondary schools大学与中小学伙伴协作

6)the university and school collaboration大学和中小学合作

1.The Cause and Model of the University and School Collaboration in Curriculum Reform;课程改革背景下大学和中小学合作的动因与模式


