100字范文 > 十大关系 ten relations英语短句 例句大全

十大关系 ten relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-23 06:52:06


十大关系 ten relations英语短句 例句大全

十大关系,ten relations

1)ten relations十大关系

1.How to Deal with Ten Relations in Quality of Civil Engineering and Construction Correctly;正确处理工程质量面临的十大关系

2.From "Ten Relations" to "Ten Combinations"从“十大关系”到“十个结合”

3.An analysis is made on theten relations in finance and economics of our university such as management system and running system, production and finance,accumulation and consumption,macro-control and micro-flexibility and so on.分析了管理体制与运营机制、生产与财务、存量与增量、重点与一般、积累与消费、内涵扩大生产与外延扩大生产、宏观调控与微观搞活等学院财会工作的十大关系,讲清了我院财务工作中的一些重要矛盾,提出了理顺的建议,是我院财务管理改革的有力论证。


parative Study "on the Ten Fundamental Issues" with "on the Twelve Fundamental Issues";《论十大关系》与“论十二大关系”比较研究

2."On the Ten Major Relationships" is a fine speech.《论十大关系》是好的。

3.From MaoZedong s"On Ten Relations" to Jiang Zemin s"On the Outline of Twelve Relations;从毛泽东《论十大关系》到江泽民《十二大关系论纲》

4.Examining the Ten Issues And Tackling the Ten Major Relationships;认真研究十个问题 正确处理十大关系

5.Analysis of"New Relations"in New Tax Reforms under the Guidance of the 17th NPC;论十七大精神指导下新税制改革的“新十大关系”

6.In all, they boil down to ten problems, or ten major relationships.综合起来,一共有十个问题,也就是十大关系。

7.Relationships Between Discussion on Ten Great Relations and Scientific Views of Development;论《论十大关系》与科学发展观的理论渊源关系

8.On "on the 10 Major Relations" and How to Construct a Harmonious Society;浅谈《论十大关系》与构建和谐社会

9.On Correct Relations in the Balanced Development of Basic Education;基础教育均衡发展要处理好十大关系

10.Ten Relations in Undergraduate Teaching Level Evaluation in Higher Education;本科教学工作水平评估中的十大关系

11.Educational Group Melts to Develop the 10 Big Relations That Will be Handled;教育集团化发展要处理好的十大关系

12.On the Idea of Development from MAO Ze-dong’s On Ten Relationships;从《论十大关系》看毛泽东的发展观

13.On the Proper Handling of the Ten Relationships in "Control by Severe Punishment;正确处理“重典治乱”中的十大关系

rade Jiang Ze-min s Speech:Inheritanceand Development of Chairman Mao Ze-dong sWork "On Ten Relations;《讲话》对《论十大关系》的继承和发展

15.Proper Handle of Ten Primary Relations within the College Chinese Communist Youth League正确处理好高校共青团工作十大关系

16.Ten Major Issues to be Solved in Western Development西部大开发中应解决好的十大关系问题

17.Western Development and Ten Relations of Ecological Construction in Khorchin Sand;西部大开发与科尔沁沙地生态建设的十大关系

18."Talk about Ten Major Relations": Build the Initial Idea of the Socialist Harmonious Society;《论十大关系》:建设社会主义和谐社会的最初构想


ten relationships十大关系

1.This article discusses how to handle theten relationships in the implementation of the policy of "Control by Severe Punishment".“重典治乱”中必须正确处理的稳定与改革、发展,讲政治与讲法治,战略与战术,部分与整体,数量与效益,重点与一般,惩办与宽大,上级与下级、同级之间,专门力量与群众力量,政法建设与制度建设等十大关系,目的是在总结历史经验的基础上,深化认识,把握规律。

3)Ten relation十大关系

1.The ten relation in analytical instrument of china were discussed.再次论述了我国分析仪器振兴、发展和赶超国际先进水平所必须注重的十大关系。

4)Ten New Relations新十大关系

5)On Ten Relationships《论十大关系》

1.On the Idea of Development from MAO Ze-dong’sOn Ten Relationships;从《论十大关系》看毛泽东的发展观

2.WT5”BZ]A series of new ideas and new policies of which we ourselves build our socialist road were put forward firstly in the article——On Ten Relationships.《论十大关系》第一次提出了走我国自己建设社会主义道路的一系列新思想、新方针。


1.The Ideas of Harmony in Mao Zedong s On the Ten Major Relationships;《论十大关系》中的和谐思想


