100字范文 > 工业遗产 Industrial Heritage英语短句 例句大全

工业遗产 Industrial Heritage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-20 22:54:15


工业遗产 Industrial Heritage英语短句 例句大全

工业遗产,Industrial Heritage

1)Industrial Heritage工业遗产

1.Preservation Hierarchy ofIndustrial Heritage Corridor along the Great Canal;大运河工业遗产廊道的保护层次

2.Discussion on the protection and renewal of industrial heritage;工业遗产保护与更新初探

3.Three Proposals for Preventing the Potential Damage by Building the New Countryside and Protecting the Local Cultural Landscape and theIndustrial Heritage;关于防止新农村建设可能带来的破坏、乡土文化景观保护和工业遗产保护的三个建议


1.From the Modem Industrial Heritage on the UNESCO World Heritage List to Consider Which Direction Will be the Future Study on Industrial Hedtage;工业遗产研究走向何方——从世界遗产中心收录之近代工业遗产谈起

2.Industrial Heritage Corridor Construction of the Jiangnan Part of the Great Canal;京杭大运河江南段工业遗产廊道构建

3.The Significance and Methords for Preserving and Re-Using the Industrial Heritage;维护再利用工业遗产的重要性与方法

4.Initial Exploration of the Basic Methods for the Landscape Transformation of Industrial Heritage;工业遗产地景观改造的基本方法初探

5.Some Problems of Industrial Heritage Research and its Conservation;关于工业遗产研究与保护的若干问题

6.On the Mechanism of Protection and Utilization of Industrial Heritage in Guangzhou广州市工业遗产保护与利用机制研究


8.On the protection and reuse of the industrial heritage from vicissitudes of "798" factory从798工厂的变迁谈工业遗产的保护与再利用

9.Architectural Study on the Lanzhou Iron Bridge of the Yellow River as Industrial Heritage;作为工业遗产的兰州黄河铁桥建筑研究

10.Analysis on Protection & Usage of Modern Outstanding Industrial Heritage in Tianjin;天津近代优秀工业遗产改造与利用浅析

11.Research on Regeneration of the City Block with Industrial Heritage in Berlin;柏林工业遗产所在城市街区的再生研究

12.The Research on Conservation and Regeneration of Industrial Heritage in Bridge Architecture;工业遗产中桥梁建筑的保护与更新研究

13.Study on Conservation and Reuse of Urban Industrial Heritages Based on Integral Hoisting;基于整体观的城市工业遗产保护与再利用研究

14.A Brief Talk on Principles to Redesign Landscape for Industrial Heritages;浅谈当代工业遗产景观改造设计的原则

15.Regards on Some Contradictories in the Process of Industrial Heritage Reconstruction;对工业遗产改造过程中一些矛盾的思考

16.Research on the restriction factors and countermeasures of the industrial heritage tourism development in Dalian;大连市工业遗产旅游开发条件与对策探究

17.A Study on Hanyeping Industrial Heritages as Viewed from Cultural Route文化线路视野下的汉冶萍工业遗产研究

18.A Study on the Leisure Pattern of Industrial Heritage in the Light of Hedonism快乐主义理念下工业遗产的休闲利用模式探究


industrial heritage工业遗产地

1.The paper make theindustrial heritage region in the urban renewal as the research target,describes the meaning of the city cultural situation and discusses the cultural situation of the industry heritage site,make them be unique culture heritage resources,blend them into urban public space and public life and continue urban historical culture in the urban renewal.主要以在城市更新中的工业遗产地为研究对象,阐述了城市文化情境的含义,并探析了工业遗产地的文化情境,指出应充分尊重工业遗产地中独特的文化遗产资源,融入城市的公共空间和公共生活中,同时使城市的历史文化得到延续。

2.Because of the change, the problem that how to deal withindustrial heritages becomes more and more significant gradually.随着世界范围内的社会经济变革,城市和产业都发生着巨大的变化,在这样的背景下,工业遗产地问题日渐突出。

3)Potential industrial heritage潜工业遗产

4)industrial heritage tourism工业遗产旅游

1.De-industrialization and development ofindustrial heritage tourism:the actual process and development model of Ruhr in Germany;逆工业化与工业遗产旅游开发:德国鲁尔区的实践过程与开发模式

2.The significance and development of post-industrial landscape are studied by the interpretation of such concepts as post-industrial era,derelict industrial land,industrial heritage,industrial heritage tourism and post-industrial landscape.通过对后工业时代、工业废弃地、工业遗产、工业遗产旅游和后工业景观几个概念、关系的解析比较,揭示了后工业景观的内涵和发展。

3.As the importance of the industrial heritage has been recognized nowadays and with the development of the tourism,industrial heritage tourism becomes a new kind of the special tourism, which can let to know the industrial civilization, satisfies the tourism need for knowledge, curiosity and novelty.随着工业遗产自身价值日益受重视的程度、中国旅游业的深入发展,工业遗产旅游作为一种从工业考古、工业遗产保护而发展起来的新的专题旅游形式,能够吸引现代人去了解工业文明,同时具有独特的观光、休闲娱乐等功能,满足了旅游者“求知、求新、求奇”的高层次旅游需求。

5)historic industrial sites工业遗产地段

1.Discussing on the compilation method of conservation and reuse plan inhistoric industrial sites;工业遗产地段保护性再利用规划编制方法初探

6)Industrial heritage工业建筑遗产

1.It has been analyzed the creative clusters of Shanghai which are reformed by industrial heritage from rent,trade composition and opening mode.从租金、业态结构、开发模式等方面对旧厂房改造成的创意产业集聚区进行分析,指出上海工业建筑遗产保护更新面临的一些问题,并与西方国家工业建筑遗产保护更新作比较,以期得到借鉴。

2.Research on Regeneration of the City Block with Industrial Heritage in Berlin;工业建筑遗产是工业时代留给每一座城市的宝贵财富。


工业炉:工业炉排烟系统利用烟囱或机械装置将工业炉炉膛内的烟气排出炉外的系统。保证排烟通畅是工业炉正常使用的重要条件﹐排烟不通畅时﹐炉膛压力昇高﹐从炉膛四周的缝隙会逸出大量烟气而增加炉子的热损失﹐影响炉内气流的均匀分布﹐降低炉温均匀性﹐恶化操作环境。 排烟系统是由產生抽力的排烟装置和排送烟气的烟道所组成。常用的排烟装置有烟囱(图1烟囱排烟装置 )﹑引风机或喷射管(图2机械排烟装置 )等。 烟囱排烟是靠流入烟囱内热烟气密度小於烟囱外空气密度所產生的浮力﹐以克服烟道的阻力。利用引风机也可将烟气排出﹐或在排烟系统中某一部位装设一个喷射管﹐用高速喷射气体所產生的负压排出烟气。烟囱排烟不消耗动力﹐排烟温度不受限制。当排烟阻力很大而工业炉又间断运行时﹐可用引风机或喷射管排烟。喷射管适用於排除高温烟气﹔引风机适用於排除低温烟气。 烟囱分为砖砌烟囱﹑混凝土烟囱和钢板烟囱。烟道有地下烟道和架空烟道两种。地下烟道多用砖砌﹐架空烟道宜採用衬有耐火材料的钢板製成。 为了减少烟气对环境的污染﹐或因节能需要而在烟道内设置预热器时﹐都需要儘量提高烟囱高度并增加烟囱出口处的烟气流速﹐使之大於当地最大风速或至少不低於3米/秒﹐以避免烟气中的有害气体和烟尘向地面扩散。当烟囱高度达50米以上时﹐烟囱顶部的风速为地面处风速的数倍。烟气到达地面时已在离烟囱很远的地方﹐这时烟气已在逐步扩散中稀释到无害的程度。对燃烧固体燃料的工业炉﹐在排烟系统中还要设置各种形式的除尘器﹐使烟气排出时的含尘浓度降低到200微克/米3以下。
