100字范文 > 变形类型 deformation type英语短句 例句大全

变形类型 deformation type英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-03 08:37:18


变形类型 deformation type英语短句 例句大全

变形类型,deformation type

1)deformation type变形类型

1.A three-dimensional figure of normal stress and shear stress of one stress state was given, and the corresponding relationship of the figure withdeformation type was analyzed.给出了一点不同斜面上正应力和剪应力分布的三维图形,分析了图形形状与变形类型的对应关系。

2.At the same time, the corresponding relationships between the shear stress figure and thedeformation type are given.通过剪应力数值的数学描述,给出了一点剪应力分布图在三维空间中的变化规律,指出剪应力图在空间的分布与金属变形类型之间存在着对应关系,从深层次上揭示了剪应力对塑性变形的影响实质。

3.Aiming at all kinds of common situations of the slope deformation on Yunnan mountainous expressway,the author gets classification,analyzes its deformation mechanism and causes,combines with concrete project practical situation and aiming atdeformation type provides corresponding treatment measures,so as to realize the safety and suitableness of expressway construction and operation period.针对云南山区高速公路上边坡变形的各种常见情况进行了归类,分析了其变形的机理及成因,结合具体的工程实际情况,针对变形类型提出了相应的处治措施,以实现公路建设与运营期的安全性、舒适性。


1.Deformation type and treatment measure of mountainous expressway slope山区高速公路边坡的变形类型及治理措施

2.Cannot change autoshape type of this shape.无法改变此形状的自选图形类型。

3.capable of being put into another form or style or language.可以被变为另一种形式、类型或语言。

4.not capable of being put into another form or style or language.不可以被变为另一种形式、类型或语言。

5.Types for Young People to Communicate and the Change of Their Communicative Forms;当代青年交往类型与交往形式的变化

parison of leaflet characters between variant and type of Zanthoxylum nitidum两面针变种及类型间的小叶形态比较

7.A deformed-status distinguish method for in-plane buckling of symmetrical press-bending arches对称弯压拱面内失稳类型的变形判断

8.Deformation and Failure of Slope above Goaf and Its Moving Mechanism采空区地表斜坡变形破坏类型及其运动机制

9.On the Type and Evolution of Chivalrous Swordsman s Image in Chinese Classical Novels;中国古典小说中侠士形象的类型及演变

10.Types and Evolutions of Chinese Zodiac in Archaeological Materials;考古材料中十二生肖形象的类型及演变

11.Preliminary Study on Variance Type of Capsule Morphological Characters in Platycodon grandiflorum Population桔梗群体内蒴果形态变异类型的初步探讨

12.Variance Type of Capsule Morphological Characters in Platycodon grandiflorum Population桔梗群体内蒴果形态变异类型的探讨(摘要)(英文)

13.Types、functions and effects of the fegure-changing in animation动画变形的类型、功能及在动画发展史上的作用

14.Tibetan Monosyllabic Verbs" Form Changes and the Statistics of Types藏文单音节动词的形态变化及类型统计

15.The Evolution of Component Forms of Inscriptions on Bronzes--A Pattern Study Based on the Property Database of Character Forms;金文构件形体的演变——基于字形属性库的类型学研究

16.One could consider invariant properties of figures under each of the above types of transformation.可以在上述的每一类型变换下考虑图形的不变性质。

17.Alteration and the Forming Dynamic Process of the Qiyugou Breccia Gold Deposit;祁雨沟角砾岩型金矿蚀变类型及其形成的动力学过程

18.In a variant on this model, matter thins out on large scales in a fractal pattern.这类模型的另一种变形是,物质在大尺度时变得稀薄,形成碎形的图样。


Deformation kinds形变类型

3)classified types of great distortion大变形类型

4)Coal deformation metamorphic types变形-变质类型

5)deformation and failure type变形破坏类型

1.This paper has studieddeformation and failure types of the underground excavation surrounding rockmass in low ground stress state, based on a hydraulic engineering nearby a city in Northwest China.本文以西北地区某市水利工程为例,对低地应力状态下洞室围岩变形破坏类型及其特征进行了研究,提出了低地应力区洞室围岩变形破坏的三种基本类型,即洞顶自重掉落石块型、拱顶横向拉张塌落型和侧壁切向挤压滑落型。

6)type of structural formation构造形变类型


大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)daba neibubianxing guanCe大坝内部变形观测见水工建筑物变形观测。
