100字范文 > 军事油画新语境 the new context of military canvas英语短句 例句大全

军事油画新语境 the new context of military canvas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-24 13:11:33


军事油画新语境 the new context of military canvas英语短句 例句大全

军事油画新语境,the new context of military canvas

1)the new context of military canvas军事油画新语境

2)New military medicine environment新军事医学环境

3)military environment军事环境


1.Analysis on the Information Literacy Training of U.S.Military under the Knowledge Military Environment;析知识军事环境下美军信息素养培养

2.On Establishment of a Legal System on Military Environmental Protection Macroscopic;我国军事环境保护法制建设宏观分析

3.Direction and Tactic about Military Logistic Development under New Military Revolution;新军事变革环境下军事物流的发展方向及策略

4.Discussionon Public Participation in EIA of Military Engineering军事工程环境影响评价公众参与探讨

5.Design & Evaluation of Military Logistics Network in Dynamic Environment;动态环境的军事物流网络设计及评价

6.A Thought about the Technology and Equipment of Military Space Circumstance Detection军事空间环境探测技术及其设备研究

7.Research on the Military Geography Teaching and Training System in e-Learning Environment;e-Learning环境下军事地理教学训练系统研究

8.On Cultivation of the Military Talents’Information Quality by Constructing the Information Environment;构建信息环境 加强军事人才信息素质培养

9.Changes in Ecological Environment on Jin-Ji Border Area Under the Influence of Military Policy in Ming Dynasty;明朝军事政策与晋冀沿边地区生态环境变迁

10.Research on Special Ethics Problems in New Military Medical Environment新的军事医学环境下的特殊伦理问题研究

11.Research on Simulation and Assessment Environment for System of Warfighting Military Logistics战场军事物流系统仿真及评估环境研究

12.Analysis on the Operation Environment & Uncertain Factors of Military Logistics System at Wartime军事物流系统战时运行环境与不确定因素分析

13.Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques禁止为军事目的或任何其他敌对目的使用改变环境的技术的公约

14.revised guidelines for military manuals and instructions on the protection of the environment in times of armed conflict关于武装冲突中环境保护的军事手册和指令订正准则

15.Epidemiological Research on Effects of High Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation Among a Military Task Population;军事作业环境高强度电磁辐射暴露人群流行病学研究

16.Researched on Communication Security of the Military Information System Based on the Complex Electromagnetic Environment基于复杂电磁环境的军事信息系统通信安全问题研究

17.Research on Influence & Countermeasures of the Complicated Electromagnetic Environment in Military Logistics at Wartime浅析复杂电磁环境对战时军事物流的影响及对策

18.Study of Visualization Project of Military Logistics MIS Based on RFID in WLAN and GPS CircumstancesWLAN及GPS环境下基于RFID军事物流MIS可视化方案研究


New military medicine environment新军事医学环境

3)military environment军事环境

4)military news军事新闻

5)military word军事词语

1.Study on the generalization ofmilitary words used in the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”语言中军事词语的泛化现象

6)military terms军事用语

1.An analysis of the causes of semantic extension formilitary terms;军事用语语义泛化缘由探析

2.C, large amounts ofmilitary terms have broken through their original semantic and pragmatic scope spreading to other fields.建国以来,大量军事用语突破了原有的语义语用范围泛化到其他的领域中来。

3.But we should try to study itsmilitary terms.本文以传世本《尉缭子》(简称“传本”)和银雀山汉墓竹简《尉缭子》(简称“简本”)为基本材料,对“传本”、“简本”中所见的军事用语进行了穷尽性研究。


