100字范文 > 挤出模 extrusion die英语短句 例句大全

挤出模 extrusion die英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-23 05:10:45


挤出模 extrusion die英语短句 例句大全

挤出模,extrusion die

1)extrusion die挤出模

1.Design ofextrusion die for PA66 hollow profile shapes part;PA66中空异型材挤出模设计

2.Optimization design method ofextrusion die for complex profile;复杂型材挤出模结构优化设计方法


1.a full range of extrusion dies应有尽有的挤出模头

2.Experienced with mechanical drawing and extrusion die design.具备机械制图和挤出模具设计经验。

3.Research on the CAPP Technology for Plastic Profile Extrusion Die;塑料异型材挤出模具CAPP技术研究

4.The Research on CAD/CAE Technology of Plastic Profile Extrude Die;塑料异型材挤出模具CAD/CAE技术研究

5.Application of Solidworks Software in Extruding DieSolidworks在挤出模设计中的应用

6.Research on the Temperature Field of Plastic Profile of Extrusion Die;塑料异型材挤出模具定型模温度场研究

puter-aided design of sprue in extrusion die head for plastic profiled bar inner rib塑料异型材挤出模头内筋流道的辅助设计

8.To shape(a plastic, for instance) by forcing it through a die.挤压出用一模子把(如塑料等)挤压成形

9.polyphenylene oxide molding and extrusion materials聚苯氧模塑和挤出材料

10.A Global Model for Polymer Flows in Co-rotating Twin Screw Extruder;啮合同向双螺杆挤出机挤出过程模拟研究

11.The Design of Twin-Screw Extruder Die for Special-shaped Profile挤出异型材用双螺杆挤塑机机头模具的设计

12.Slip Length of Gas-Assisted Extrusion Die Influence on Die Swell Ratio气辅挤出口模中滑移段长度对挤出胀大比的影响研究

13.polytetrafluoroethylene powder for molding and extrusion materials聚四氟乙烯模塑和挤出材料

14.The Stochastic Model of Endogenous Growth with Congestion;拥挤性政府支出的随机内生增长模型

15.Research of Environmental Protection Filler"s Mold Design and Extrusion Technics环保填料的模具设计及挤出工艺研究

16.Research on the Polishing Mechanism and Process for Extrusion Dies挤出平模头抛光加工机理与工艺研究

17.Simulation of Flow Instability of Polymer in Extrusion Die在挤出机口模中聚合物不稳定流动的模拟

puter Simulation System for 3D Flow of Profile Extrusion Die异型材口模挤出三维流动计算机模拟系统


extruding die挤出模

1.A special kind ofextruding die was designed for the interventional catheter.针对介入导管的特点设计了其专用挤出模,并选择UGNX2。

2.By the integrated information platform of network technology, intelligentized Local Area Network (LAN) system of ERP and paralleled engineering CAD/CAE/CAM, as well as the application of CAD/CAE/CAM/ERP onextruding die design and manufacture are analyzed.通过构建基于网络技术的综合信息平台、基于ERP和基于并行工程的CAD/CAE/CAM系统的智能化局域网络系统,分析CAD/CAE/CAM/ERP在挤出模设计及制造中的应用。

3.Simultaneously unifiedextruding die structure characteristics,proposed a new design mentality, mainly elaborated the new mentality realizes feasibility and possibility.同时结合挤出模具自身特点,由此提出新的设计思路,主要阐述了新思路实现的可行性和可能性。

3)extrusion tooling挤出模

1.In view of the characteristics of the plastics profileextrusion tooling that there existing a lot of standard parts,a 3D standard-part database for plastic profileextrusion tooling was built on the platform of UG by using the VC++6.针对塑料异型材挤出模中存在大量标准件这一特点,以UG软件为开发平台,利用VC++6 0面向对象的编程技术,在UG/OpenAPI开发平台上,创建参数化图库、设计用户界面、实现参数化尺寸驱动,总结了系统的主要功能和特点,建立了三维塑料异型材挤出模的标准件库。

2.A model for describing the flowing uniformity of melt plastics in the head runner ofextrusion tooling was built.建立了塑料熔体在异型材挤出机头流道中的流动均匀性模型 ,阐明了模具结构参数与流动均匀性间的关系,确定了塑料挤出模优化设计的目标函数和设计变量 ,并将一种改进的模拟退火算法用于流线型塑料异型材挤出机头的优化设计。

3.A primary research in the computer-aided design of the functional blocks of theextrusion tooling for plastic profiles used for construction was made through the development of the software.通过软件的开发 ,对建筑用塑料异型材挤出模中功能块的计算机辅助设计进行了初步的探索。

4)extrusion die挤出口模

1.Numerical simulation of three dimensional viscoelastic polymer melt flow through theextrusion die with an L-shaped cross section;聚合物熔体在L型异型材挤出口模内三维粘弹流动数值模拟~*

2.Determination of entry region length forextrusion dies;粘弹性流体在挤出口模中入口区长度的确定

3.Optimization Design of Extrusion Die Channels for Plastic Profile based on the CAD/CAE/ERP基于CAD/CAE/ERP塑料异型材挤出口模流道优化设计

5)Extrusion Mould挤出模具

1.It was pointed out that the function of profile and the tractability of the extrusion mould must be considered when we designed the profile section.指出塑料异型材截面设计时要从保证制品的功能性及挤出模具的易加工性等方面加以考虑。

2.On the basis of analyzing the section shape of heat insulating strip profile and the extrusion property of primary materials, the shape of die, streamline form of flow passage and structure of extrusion mould are designed.通过对隔热条异型材截面形状及原材料挤出成型性能的分析 ,设计了异型材挤出口模形状、流线形流道及挤出模具结构。

3.Application of modular design in extrusion mould design of plastic profiles was discussed, and a practical method was put forward in order to improve the quality and efficiency of design.探讨了模块化设计在塑料异型材挤出模具设计中的应用。

6)Extrusion Die挤出模头

1.Study on Stability ofExtrusion Dies with Incoordinate Depth of Plastic Profiles;不等壁厚塑料异型材挤出模头稳定性的研究


