100字范文 > 渗流场 seepage field英语短句 例句大全

渗流场 seepage field英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-15 04:50:46


渗流场 seepage field英语短句 例句大全

渗流场,seepage field

1)seepage field渗流场

1.RCC damseepage field of finite element analysis;碾压混凝土重力坝体渗流场有限元分析

2.Characteristic study onseepage field in foundation pit under different cut-off wall;不同防渗墙条件下基坑渗流场特性研究

3.The influences of the diameter,spacing and depth of drain holes on the effect of draining in theseepage field;渗流场中排水孔直径、间距及深度对排水效果的影响


1.Effect of Seepage in Layered RCCD on Seepage Field of Dam碾压混凝土坝层面渗流对坝体渗流场的影响

2.Study on Correlation between Seepage Field and Temperature Field of Concrete Dams;混凝土坝渗流场与温度场相关性研究

3.Coupled Analysis of Stress Field and Seepage Field in Deep Foundation Pit;基坑开挖中渗流场与应力场耦合分析

4.Numerical Analysis for Influence of Anti-seepage Measure of Deep Overburden Foundation on Seepage Field深覆盖层地基防渗措施对渗流场影响数值分析

5.Effects Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration on the Landslide Seepage Field and Stability降雨入渗对滑坡渗流场和稳定性的影响分析

6.The Evolvement Rule and Variation Feature Feature of Complicated Seepage Flow Field;复杂渗流场演变规律及转异特征研究

7.Underground Seepage Field and Displacement Control in the City of Qin Huang Dao;秦皇岛市地下渗流场及地面变形控制

8.Simulating Analysis on Seepage Field of Fengman Concrete Gravity Dam;丰满混凝土重力坝的渗流场仿真分析

9.Study on Development of Fracture and Numerical Simulation of Seepage;裂隙发育规律研究及渗流场数值模拟

10.FEM Seepage Analysis of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam under the Cases of Vertical Joint Inactivation;面板坝垂直缝失效渗流场有限元模拟


12.Finite Element Analysis for Seepage Field in Tailing Dam by ANSYS尾矿坝渗流场的ANSYS有限元分析

13.Finite difference analysis of cover rock seepage in coalmine煤矿开采覆岩渗流场的有限差分分析

14.Analysis of seepage field for underground power house of Nuozhadu Hydropower Station糯扎渡水电站地下厂房区渗流场分析

15.Seepage space features of roadway surrounding rock affected by dynamical pressure动压巷道围岩渗流场的空间分布特征

16.Research on Seepage Flow Field and Numerical Simulation of On-site Experiment of Infiltration Diversion;渗滤取水现场试验的渗流场特征及数值模拟研究

17.Research on Calculation Method of Seepage Discharge for Complicated 3-D Seepage Flow Field Based on FEM;基于有限元法的复杂三维渗流场渗流量计算方法研究

18.Study on Numerical Computation of Unsteady Seepage Field and "Seepage Abnormality" of Sluice Base;非稳定渗流场数值计算和闸基渗流“异常现象”研究


seepage flow field渗流场

1.Simulation model and calculation ofseepage flow field for high pressure waterjet perforated wells;高压水射流射孔渗流场模型及计算

2.Boundary element analysis of theseepage flow field at interior points close to the dam foundation;近坝基面渗流场的边界元法分析

3.From analyses of the consolidation condition, consolidation state and stress state (stress field) of tailing dam, and in consideration of the influence of different consolidation states and different stress fields onseepage flow field, the corresponding analysis model and calculation method for seepage flow with consolidation of tailing dam were put forward.从分析尾矿坝堆积尾矿固结条件、固结状态和应力状态 (应力场 )入手 ,考虑固结状态不同和应力场的不同对渗流场的影响 ,提出了尾矿坝固结渗流分析模型和相应的计算方法。


1.Study on Three-dimension Seepage and Abutment Stability of Jinping High Arch Dam;锦屏一级高拱坝三维渗流场及坝肩稳定性研究

2.This paper deals with the application of finite element method in the study ofseepage field of sluice foundation.应用有限元法对闸基渗流场进行计算,在计算过程中考虑排水效果和泥沙淤积的影响,得出渗流场的数值解,进而计算静水池的浮托稳定性,最后可确定静水池浮托稳定条件下的安全运用水头。

3.Their predecessors do a lot of theoretical research and engineering example statistics show that the impact of the tailings dam safety and stability of various factors, the location of the damseepage infiltration is extremely important factor.因些有必要在尾矿坝稳定性评价中对坝体渗流场进行研究,以确定浸润面的位置及分析其影响因素,并提出应对方案。

4)vadose field渗流场

1.The research method and principle forvadose field of confined deep water are also discussed, and the waterhead contour and hydrodynamic zoning maps are outlined for the study interval, by which flow regimes and rules of deep water are revealed in the depression.在阐述区域地质构造和含水系统划分的基础上 ,论证了川西坳陷上三叠统含水系统隶属于沉积水压系统类型 ,提出了研究深层水渗流场的原则和方法 ,并根据计算勾画了研究层水头等值线图和水动力分带图 ,揭示了深层水的流动特点和规律

2.In the paper, the significance and the present states of the research on the coupled relationship between thevadose field and the deformation field in fractured rock mass is analysed.分析了渗流场与裂隙岩体形变场耦合关系的研究意义和现状,建立了裂隙岩体固液两相介质的应力耦合模型,模型中裂隙面的产状可直接采用野外实测数据。

5)Seeping field渗流流场

6)seepage field of gas瓦斯渗流场


