100字范文 > 汉篆 Hanzhuan (xiaozhuan in Han Dynasty)英语短句 例句大全

汉篆 Hanzhuan (xiaozhuan in Han Dynasty)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 04:35:48


汉篆 Hanzhuan (xiaozhuan in Han Dynasty)英语短句 例句大全

汉篆,Hanzhuan (xiaozhuan in Han Dynasty)

1)Hanzhuan (xiaozhuan in Han Dynasty)汉篆

2)the Miuzhuan Seal汉缪篆印


1.The Historical Glory Transmitted from the Fragmentary Remains of Valued Artworks--the Miuzhuan seal of the Han Dynasty:The rediscovery and multiplicity of history;吉光片羽透射的历史清晖——汉缪篆印:历史的去蔽与历史的多样性

2.A golden seal with Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan, issued by the Qing government to Dalai Lama.清政府发给达赖喇嘛的金印,篆刻有汉、、三种文字。

3.while the transition of the Manchu characters i n the seals from regular scrip style to seal character style manifested the pro found impact of the Chinese culture upon the Manchu culture.而印中满文由楷书向篆书的转变,则充分说明汉文化予满文化影响之深广。

4.Analyze the Formation Pattern of Xiaozhuan by the Theory of Chinese Characters Formation;利用汉字构形理论分析小篆构形模式

5.The Artistic Style of the Stone Portrait of Nanyang and Seal Cutting;浅论南阳汉画像石与篆刻的艺术风格

6.Subject’s norm and scholars between the Western and the Eastern Han Dynasties;两汉之际的臣节与文学——以崔篆、冯衍为中心

7.Square Sear Works by Zhao Mu,Cutter of the late Qing Dynasty浑朴其质 虚灵生韵 介绍晚清篆刻家赵穆的四方印作

8.Nowadays, seal are still widely used, and the art of seal-engraving has become more,not less, popular than ever before.如今印章仍被广泛地使用,而篆刻艺术比以往更加受人欢迎。

9.During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms,such as the seal character,offical script,regular script and running script.汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书.

10.What are these patterns on this bronze pot of Western Han Dynasty(206 B. C.? C25 A. D.)? A kind of descriptive writing named“ Niaozhuanwen”( bird seal letter).这件西汉(206-25)壶上的图案不是普通的花纹,而是中国古代的一种美术字:鸟篆文。

11.What are these patterns on this bronze pot of Western Han Dynasty? A kind of de scriptive writing named“ Niaozhuanwen”( bird seal letter).这件西汉铜壶身上的图案不是普通的花纹,而是中国古代的一种美术字:鸟篆文。

12.The Influence of the Emperor"s Ode of Shengjing with 32 kinds of Seal Characters in Manchu and Han Languages and Its Revelation to Reconstructing History of Chinese Calligraphy汉满三十二体篆书《御制盛京赋》的影响及其对中国书法史重构的启示

13.He was versed in Zhen Script, Xing script, Li script, Seal Character and Seal Cutting, especially expert at Seal Character.他于真、行、隶、篆、篆刻等无所不工,尤擅于篆书。

14.Chinese typesetting & laser printing tool汉字排版激光打印工具

15.Table of Han Character Forms for General Use in Printed Materials印刷通用汉字字型表

16.printed Chinese character recognition input印刷体汉字识别输入

17.The engravings on Mount Yi represent the typical style of qinzhuan calligraphy.《峄山刻石》是秦篆(即小篆)的代表之作。

18.Taking the Examples of Loopholes and Faults with Seal Characters and Seal Characters Correspond to Regular Scripts in Ancient Documents;古文献中篆文及其篆楷对应错漏举例


the Miuzhuan Seal汉缪篆印

3)Yi Bingshou Lin Hanli Tangzhuan Zhou伊秉绶《临汉隶唐篆》轴

4)seal characters;seal script篆字; 篆书


1.Sun Yirangs Verification of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells andXiaozhuan in Shuowen(说文);孙诒让的甲骨文考释与《说文》小篆

2.The Qin state unified six countries,in the original characters tradition of the Western Zhou Dynasty,on the basis of national characters of the reform,waste and eliminating the six countries allograft setXiaozhuan,advocateXiaozhuan so that the Chinese characters has changed dramatically,laying the text of the unique system of Chinese characters.秦始皇统一六国后,在继承原西周文字传统的基础上,对各国文字进行了改革,废汰六国异体,正订小篆,提倡隶书,使中国文字的面貌发生了巨大的变化,奠定了汉字独特的文字体系。

3.Later with the development of society, the form of Chinese characters kept changing, from Jiaguwen(inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells) to Jinwen(inscriptions on ancient bronze objects), and then toXiaozhuan(an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing!the Chinese script), and their pictographic feature was disappearing gradually; when they ev.汉字初创时的象形特征非常明显,后随着社会的发展变化,汉字字体不断改变,由甲骨文至金文至小篆,其象形特征日渐消失;汉字字体演变为隶书、楷书后,其象形特征基本消失。


1.He proposed "learning Zhuanli should start from Qin and Han Dynasty,leaning XingShu should start from Jin and Tang Dynasty" in accordance with the malpractice at the time.针对当时书坛的种种流弊,他提出“书本篆隶,书本晋唐”的书学思想。


