100字范文 > 河流恶臭 odors of rivers英语短句 例句大全

河流恶臭 odors of rivers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-06 01:09:41


河流恶臭 odors of rivers英语短句 例句大全

河流恶臭,odors of rivers

1)odors of rivers河流恶臭

2)black and odorous river黑臭河流

1.The operational results during about 1-year period demonstrate that the system can achieve high purification efficiency forblack and odorous river and convert sewage to useful resources.近一年来的运行结果表明,该系统对黑臭河流的净化效果好,同时还可实现污水的资源化,适合于城市景观河道的治理。

3)black and stink of river河流黑臭

1.This paper chooses the representative Fen River in TaiYuan city zone as the research background, and applies systems method to research theblack and stink of river.以具有代表性的汾河太原城区段为研究背景,应用系统方法进行了河流黑臭问题研究。


1.Investigation ofodor pollution in a municipal wastewater treatment plant;城市污水处理厂恶臭污染源调查与研究

2.Questions Discussion about the Determination of Odor-Triangle Odor Bag Method;恶臭(三点比较式臭袋法)测定中若干问题探讨

3.Research on Performance of Full-Scale Biological Deodorization Equipment in Field;生物法去除H_2S恶臭设备的现场工业化试验研究


1.Of, relating to, or resembling mephitis; poisonous or foul-smelling.恶臭的恶臭的、与恶臭有关的或似恶臭的;有毒的或恶臭的

2.A poisonous or foul-smelling gas emitted from the earth.臭气从地里冒出的有毒或恶臭气体

3.the malodor of diesel fumes;内燃机油烟的恶臭;

4.(British informal) malodorous.(英国非正式用法)恶臭。

5.a stench that disgusted us;令我们作呕的恶臭;

6.a sickening stench.一股令人讨厌的恶臭

7.Air quality--Determination of odor--Triangle odor bag methodGB/T14675-1993空气质量恶臭的测定三点比较式臭袋法

8.Chronic Fatique, sore throats, rashes, putrid Discharge mouth慢性疲劳 喉咙痛 皮疹 散发恶臭的嘴

9.A fetid odor that sickened the hospital workers.恶臭的气味令医院工作人员作呕

10.about on this crowded, foul-smelling ship.在这拥挤而且散发着恶臭的船上。

11.To cause to decay and have a foul odor.使…腐烂导致腐败并发生恶臭

12.To become decayed and have a foul odor.变腐烂逐渐腐烂并发生恶臭

13.in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor.在分解的后期阶段而且具有恶臭。

14.His mouth was sticky and evil-tasting.他的嘴巴干燥难受,还有一股恶臭。

15.Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Fetor第五章防治废气、尘和恶臭污染

16."His Bowel movements are pale, greasy and foul smelling. "他大便呈灰白色,含油脂的恶臭。

17.Those old socks are really smelling the room out.那些脏袜子把房间搞得恶臭。

18.Having a strong, offensive, unwashed odor.有恶臭的强烈刺鼻的、不洁的气味


black and odorous river黑臭河流

1.The operational results during about 1-year period demonstrate that the system can achieve high purification efficiency forblack and odorous river and convert sewage to useful resources.近一年来的运行结果表明,该系统对黑臭河流的净化效果好,同时还可实现污水的资源化,适合于城市景观河道的治理。

3)black and stink of river河流黑臭

1.This paper chooses the representative Fen River in TaiYuan city zone as the research background, and applies systems method to research theblack and stink of river.以具有代表性的汾河太原城区段为研究背景,应用系统方法进行了河流黑臭问题研究。


1.Investigation ofodor pollution in a municipal wastewater treatment plant;城市污水处理厂恶臭污染源调查与研究

2.Questions Discussion about the Determination of Odor-Triangle Odor Bag Method;恶臭(三点比较式臭袋法)测定中若干问题探讨

3.Research on Performance of Full-Scale Biological Deodorization Equipment in Field;生物法去除H_2S恶臭设备的现场工业化试验研究


1.Changes of the contamination ofmalodor caused by H_2S from municipal landfill;垃圾填埋场硫化氢恶臭污染变化的成因研究

2.Traditionalmalodor control methods are limitative technically and economically.为控制某污水处理厂恶臭的污染,介绍了采用低温等离子体技术处理恶臭气体的技术原理和电源电压、电源频率和停留时间与降解效率的关系,用低温等离子体进行了分解特征恶臭气体氨气的试验,并从工程应用和试验研究方面说明了除臭设备的电参数、工艺流程。

3.With the development of production scale and intension of animal husbandry industry,more and more people are concerning the damage ofmalodor contamination from livestock and poultry farms.随着畜牧业生产规模的扩大和集约化程度的提高,畜禽养殖场产生的恶臭所造成的危害已经引起人们的普遍关注。


1.Investigation of Odour Pollution in SINOPEC Luoyang Branch and Its Prevention and Treatment;洛阳分公司恶臭污染调查及防治

2.Study on Analysis and Control of Odour Pollution in Petrolchemical Enterprise;石化企业“恶臭”污染分析和控制措施研究

3.Study on application of a high-efficient iron-based deodorant for removingodour from wastewater sludge bandfilter workshop in pharmaceutical factory高效铁系除臭剂净化制药污泥带滤间恶臭的工程应用研究


